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India's $35 Tablet is No Vaporware

CeBiT footage uploaded on March 01, 2010. Unless Google decides to be involved in some anti-Indian conspiracy, I think upload date on youtube is trustworthy in this case.
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India's $35 tablet is apparently the Hivision Speedpad

India's $35 tablet has certainly managed to grab plenty of headlines, but it looks like the tablet itself isn't quite the one-of-a-kind device that it's been made out to be. As the folks at Androidos.in have discovered, the tablet is apparently just the Speedpad / PWS700HA from Chinese manufacturer Hivision, which was on display at CeBIT earlier this year and, at that point, was said to run about $100. What's more, Androidos.in says that the Indian government's recently announced deal with HCL is not actually a deal for the company to manufacture the tablet, but simply to provide an "infrastructure for testing the tablet." Unfortunately, the one mystery that still hasn't been solved is whether the $35 tablet will actually be a $35 tablet.

$35 Android Tablet Not Really From India
Share5by Dave Freeman on September 10, 2010

Oh boy.. turns out that the much advertised $35 “Indian Tablet” isn’t actually from India. The reality is that the tablet is made by a Chinese manufacturer named Hivision, and sold as the Speedpad. It was originally seen at CeBIT this year, and Hivision said it would sell for around $100.

The truth was uncovered by the Indian website Android OS, where the author was able to find evidence showing the design to actually made in China. This completely disproves the press releases from the Indian government claiming that the tablet was developed by some of India’s top engineering colleges. In the above picture, that’s the Indian Android Tablet on the left, and the Hivision Speedpad on the right.

$35 Android Tablet Not Really From India



If proven true then that means we are the new copy-cats on the block.

Chapal marenge Kapil Sibal ko.
Not for the international embarrassment but rather for ruining the reputation IISC and IITs

Shouldn't the government use the money and subsidize say food instead? This sounds like a publicity stunt. I don't get why non-Indians get so excited about this product, you're not getting it for $35 dollars because it's unlikely that the GOI will subsidize it for you. You'll get it probably initially at around $75 just like the cheap tablets from China and elsewhere.

Subsidizing food isn't going to help,we don't of lower denominations of 1 rupee in use for the setting a lower price.

Only option is agricultural reforms ,to improve efficiency by reducing wastage and making it a lucrative and profitable profession,if achieved 60% of our population will be out of poverty.
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