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Indian navy chief rejects Pakistan's assertion of preventing submarines from entering its waters

This is shameless behaviour

You are not new so what happened to the last ID....

However, anyone has any issue with -tive, can go to GHQ section so no need of such advocacy on others behalf, in these threads.
Probably I think that is not the case Pakistan still needs more better sonars and systems most of pn helo ASW are old
so you dont give a damn abiut how generously PN let yiur sub and crew come home? Did you want them dead??
Nope, youll never believe even if someone showed you pics or video or any evidence. Admit it.
They don't believe in anything except disbelief...

Of course he won't admit it. That would be tacit admission that a nation that is more than 7× smaller than india and doesn't have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems like india does is able to repel them time and time again. There is NO OTHER nation in ALL recorded human history that has been able to accomplish that :azn:
300 Spartans against Xerxes and that so in only one expedition - and it's a magnificent piece in history. The Paks are doing it for a living...
as they say in urdu "laraee ke baad jo mukka yaad aaye usko apne hi mu pe maarna chiyee" got my point sir :sarcastic:
They don't believe in anything except disbelief...

300 Spartans against Xerxes and that so in only one expedition - and it's a magnificent piece in history. The Paks are doing it for a living...

What they did for a few moments, Pakistan has been doing for 24-7 for nearly 70 years nonstop.


Indian Bullshit Navy:

‘Jet does not meet requirements of the Indian Navy’

The indigenously developed Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas does not meet requirements, Navy Chief Admiral Sunil Lanba said here on Friday. This effectively means the end of the road for the fighter’s Naval variant as the service is looking at the global market for its needs.

The Naval LCA made its maiden flight in April 2012 and two prototypes are currently undergoing flying as part of the development.

“The present LCA Navy does not meet the carrier capability which is required by the Navy. We will continue to support the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) in their efforts to develop a carrier-based fighter aircraft. At the same time we will seek aircraft elsewhere which can operate on the aircraft carrier,” Admiral Lanba told the media.


The Navy currently operates Russian MiG-29K fighters from the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya and which will also fly from the first Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC) Vikrant once it enters service.

A second IAC weighing 65,000 tonnes is currently in the design phase and the Navy Chief said that they would soon approach the government for approval. The Navy is looking for an alternative to the Mig-29.

Observing that the current weight of the Naval LCA with the underpowered engine does not allow it to fly from a carrier, Admiral Lanba said, “The Navy needs a carrier-based aircraft in the timeline of the induction of the aircraft carrier.” Navy officials said the twin-engine Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft which the DRDO is planning to build could be considered if it developed a naval variant.

Responding to the increasing Chinese Navy presence in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) and engagement in Pakistan, Admiral Lanba said the Navy has a “fairly good idea on the deployment and movement” of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy forces in the region.

He said that China has deployed a nuclear attack submarine (SSN) in the IOR which recently did a port call at Karachi harbour. “As far as deployment of PLA Navy ships and submarines are concerned, we keep a close eye and monitor their movements,” the Admiral said.

‘Leak not critical’

Commenting on the data leak pertaining to Scorpene submarines, Admiral Lanba said that India and France will set up a joint committee once the Navy gets access to the initial French investigation report. “There is no critical leak. We will sit down and work with the DCNS [French naval contractor] as what needs to be done,” he said.
Why is this idiot contradicting himself?
If there was no Indian submarines in the area, then how can he say Pakistan's claim is bogus?

..........Admiral Lanba said "there was no submarine deployed in the area of Pakistani claims".

“As far as repelling of submarine of any nation goes, it is not an easy task. The claim made by Pakistan navy was totally bogus," Lanba said talking at the annual media conference in New Delhi held in celebration of India's Navy Day.

PN made a blunder and lost a life time opportunity to sink it with all the scums inside. Once sunk, we would have found out who's sub that was.

Lesson to PN for the next time, no mercy. Sink who ever crosses in to our sovereign waters unannounced and submerged.
i wonder what stopped PN in capturing or using a torpedo against so called Indian Navy sub snooping in its waters its nothing but yet another fabricated "truck ki batti" for the hyper nationalist and gullible Pakistani nation but then did it made any diffrence .... :azn: :sarcastic:
I wonder what stopped indian navy from firing on a small PN ship when it rammed into them:rofl:
Can you prove it's a fabricated story? or are you just mad? Atleast the Pakistanis debunked and even ridiculed your so called surgical strikes :lol:
i wonder what stopped PN in capturing or using a torpedo against so called Indian Navy sub snooping in its waters its nothing but yet another fabricated "truck ki batti" for the hyper nationalist and gullible Pakistani nation but then did it made any diffrence .... :azn: :sarcastic:

Because the sub was not in the territorial waters of Pakistan, but in the EEZ zone…....20 km from the main land are considered sovereign territory of the costal state or territorial waters and beyond that EEZ starts……..EEZ zone is in fact an area where costal state has “rights” to be benefited from the sea resources and passing by ships need a permission hence there is no point of firing a “torpedo”especially when Pakistan and India are not at war with each other…….just a peaceful “Hey buddy, you are in a wrong house” is enough
Well, one doesn't expect him to admit that while busy in their misadventures of wife swapping parties, in real adventure, they also got caught with their pants down.
making a fake viedo or a computer genrated or a videogame kind of stimulation is not such a big deal

but if PN had indian sub in its sights what stopped in shooting it when indians dint hesitate in shooting its intelegence Atlantique aircraft a few years back


What did you not understand that the Indian sub was NOT, I repeat NOT, in Pakistani waters but lurking outside? Pakistan is not in a state of war, where it will hunt down Indian military assests outside its Jurisdiction.

Rest assured we have made the mince meat out of Indian air force jets who tried to test our air defence during Kargil. You want me to post the debris pics of IAF jets? I am sure you can search it on the google.
Indian Navy chief Admiral Sunil Lanba on Friday rejected Pakistan's assertion that it had tracked down Indian submarines in its waters near Karachi last month, The Indian Express reported.


Registering his view on the event weeks later, Admiral Lanba said "there was no submarine deployed in the area of Pakistani claims".

“As far as repelling of submarine of any nation goes, it is not an easy task. The claim made by Pakistan navy was totally bogus," Lanba said talking at the annual media conference in New Delhi held in celebration of India's Navy Day.

He further said India will continue to deploy submarines as per “operational necessity”.

The Pakistan Navy in November said it had prevented Indian Navy submarines from entering Pakistani territorial waters.

"The Indian Navy, in order to fulfil its nefarious designs, was deploying submarines. The Pakistan Navy, alert and using its extreme skill, prevented Indian submarines from entering Pakistani waters," a statement issued by Pakistan Navy at the time said.

The Pakistan Navy prevented the Indian submarines from being successful in their attempts to keep their presence a secret, the statement said, adding that the navy pursued the submarines and pushed them back.

Please present this this video to your Mr. Lanba as our gift.

making a fake viedo or a computer genrated or a videogame kind of stimulation is not such a big deal

but if PN had indian sub in its sights what stopped in shooting it when indians dint hesitate in shooting its intelligence Atlantique aircraft a few years back


It shows your capacity and we already shows ours. You guys hit a simple Atlantique aircraft




So my question is who is easy to shot?
This thread is just asking to be deleted , it is just a statement no reality or factual corelation with Pakistan Navy , should be discarded in the dust bin.

We can't open a thread on a mere "statement" or opinion of a person not even related to Pakistan Navy

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