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India will overtake China in 2021


Dec 29, 2009
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The population of India will overtake China in 2021
What's your opinion?How do you feel? Happy, worry, welcome??.....


Here’s a comparison of some key numbers from the world’s two most populous nations:

IN 2011
China: 1,339,724,852 India: 1,210,193,422

The difference: Almost 130 million. But because India is growing so much faster than China (see below), it is expected to become the world’s most populous nation in another two decades.


China: 73.9 million (5.84%) India: 181 million (17.64%)
year growth:
China: 0.57% India: 1.64%


China: 105 India: 106


China (0-14): 222,459,737 India (0-6): 158,789,287

The youth population numbers aren’t directly comparable yet but it’s clear even from this data that India’s 0-14 population is higher than China’s. Indian projections from 2006 suggested that population would be around 346,942,000. The actual numbers may be a little higher than that since the project put India’s 2011 population at 1,192,507,000, lower than it turned out to be. Some experts are saying that it’s now time for China to reverse its one-child policy.


China: 95.92 India: 74.04

In 2021,the population of India will overtake China:
China: 1.4179billion 1.4237billion

For me, welcome Indian overtake China in population, breathe a sigh of relief;

what's your opinion??
Both India and China need to produce more women and stop female foeticide. Or else men will remain virgins and population of gay populations would increase and the countries would be renames as gay countries and take the title away from argentina :cheesy:
here is my opinion
We certainly need to do a lot more on the Literacy part and female foeticide is criminal - time to bring in very strong punishable laws for the killers of the female child. Population is definitely a problem - but cannot right away see a solution for that.
wow 2021? ii thought it would have been sooner..If we don get our literacy programs up in time well be in a nice mess.

we need to go for 80%+ levels ,at least this way the Educated will be capable of keeping the unruly in check.

The good community habits usually rub off on others less privileged education wise..
The population of India will overtake China in 2021
What's your opinion?How do you feel? Happy, worry, welcome??.....
What more we can expect from India??? but the uncontrollable Population Bomb........:lol:
Now that I am going to get married very soon, I dont think India will have to wait till 2021 to overtake China.
yea, depend on your working hard to make more babies

sounds Chinese and Indian ate all happy on the thing

this is the first time China loose the population No.1 in human history

population of China

Solid line for population of China
Dotted line for the population of entire European
Hehe i was just wondering if somehow Indians around the world would come back and settle in India then i bet we will touch that 1.4237 billion people mark today itself :lol:
Hell why have we reproduced so much ?? :P
Same goes with China

as if there are + 200 million Indians outside of India

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