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India Wants the World to Buy Its Weapons. But...

As ler report China is exporting almost 25 percent of its defence export to Pakistan
hahaha, this summarises Indian coldrum: ""One of the bigger problems is the lack of overarching political direction in terms of how to prepare and what to prepare for," said Anit Mukherjee, a former Indian army major now at Singapore’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. "The army is saying, ‘Hey we need to prepare for a ground war,’ and the Navy is saying, ‘No, no, no. It’s the Indian Ocean.’ "
hahaha, this summarises Indian coldrum: ""One of the bigger problems is the lack of overarching political direction in terms of how to prepare and what to prepare for," said Anit Mukherjee, a former Indian army major now at Singapore’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. "The army is saying, ‘Hey we need to prepare for a ground war,’ and the Navy is saying, ‘No, no, no. It’s the Indian Ocean.’ "

This paragraph made my day.
"Last year, the Indian Army rejected an Indian-made rifle for the second year in a row after it reportedly failed quality tests. Locally made products like Arjun tanks, light combat aircraft and even bullet-proof jackets often can’t be used on the sensitive China or Pakistan borders because of performance issues." :sarcastic:
"The structures that are dysfunctional, that have stopped the military from making smart choices, are still there," said Ashley Tellis, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace who has advised U.S. ambassadors to India. "It’s not the way to run a military of a major power. It has to be among the worst procurement processes of any major power."

According to this article, India basically doesn't know how to buy weapons, let alone making them.
How does Pakistan compare to India in its weapons exports?
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