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IMF's denial of China into SDR will lead to Yuan ending dollar domination sooner


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
IMF's denial of China into SDR will lead to Yuan ending dollar domination sooner
August 9, 20158:15 PM MS


On Aug. 8, China began a new pilot program where a town on the border of Russia will begin to administer trade between the two countries using the Yuan currency. In fact, this program appears to be the next step, and an extension of prior agreements reached between the two economies where less than a year ago the Eurasian and Far Eastern governments shook hands to begin the selling of oil and natural gas in the RMB currency as a means of bypassing thedollar, and ending petro-dollar hegemony.

Yet this test program with Russia is not the only new agenda for China to help expand the global use of the Yuan in international trade. According to statistician Dr. Jim Willie in his most recent Hat Trick Newsletter, the analyst is forecasting an accelerated increase of the Yuan in global commerce due to the sudden delay by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) last week in accepting the RMB into the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket of currencies.

The big landmark event last week was the Intl Monetary Fund decided to delay entry of the Chinese RMB currency into their Special Drawing Rights basket of currencies. The reasons proffered were likely all insincere and misdirected, as the corrupt Western stink agency IMF cited the RMB as not ready for inclusion. More truthfully, the big banks did not want the competition to the major FOREX currencies and diversification out of USTreasurys. It was a clear betrayal of China.

In response, expect China to hasten its efforts to dislocate the USDollar from its perch in trade and banking. Expect extreme pressures to accelerate the increasing required usage of Chinese RMB in trade settlement. In the last two years, there has been a fast rise in US-based corporations being forced to settle in RMB to Asian suppliers for shipments of finished products. This comes after years of more widespread usage of Yuan Swap Facilities for bilateral trade between nations with China. Expect a sharp step toward coercing the Saudis to accept RMB currency in oil shipments, a movement sure to spread to all Gulf Emirate nations, then to all OPEC nations. The oil card is the flash point. - Silver Doctors

A few weeks ago it was discovered that the Chinese were dumping their dollar reserves in an attempt to both protect their equity markets, and to use the Treasury Bonds as letters of credit in their open trade agreements. In fact, the Chinese have dumped over $500 billion in just the last six months, moving them out of their former position as the world's largest holder of U.S. debt. Yet just as important as their dumping of dollars is to the security of the U.S. currency, China's move to divest their dollar reserves is being matched by Russia and other BRICS nations as the world now appears in a race to get out from under dollar hegemony more each day.

It was confusing to many as to why China had wanted to be a part of the IMF's SDR program in the first place, especially when they had just opened their Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB) which happens to mirror exactly the long-standing functions of the IMF. But with the West obviously putting pressure on the global bank to delay or perhaps outright reject China's bid to become part of the alternative global monetary system, it appears now likely that the largest economy in the Far East will simply accelerate their plans for Yuan hegemony, and continue in earnest to conduct trade settlement in the RMB... both bi-laterally, and across the globe.
Internationalization of RMB speeds up in Africa

The usage of RMB in South Africa increased by 33 percent in the past year, and 191 percent in the past two years, according to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT).

In June 2015, one third of the payment between South Africa and Chinese Mainland, South Africa and Hong Kong were made using RMB. In addition, the National Bank of Kenya just opened a new branch that will host a clearing house for Chinese RMB in Nairobi on July 23, 2015. In the same month, People's Bank of China appointed Bank of China’s branch in Johannesburg as the first RMB clearing bank in Africa.

Munir Ahmed, CEO of Kenya National Bank, noted that RMB is now one of the most stable currencies in the world, some governments and national banks in Africa have purchased RMB bonds as their foreign exchange reserve. Of the 24 countries that have publically announced to have RMB holdings, six of them are from Africa: Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, Angola, and Tanzania.

Internationalization of RMB speeds up in Africa - People's Daily Online

@Economic superpower
Chile to become a financial hub of Latin America for RMB
By Olga Sorokina
CRI, August 11, 2015

Chile forges closer economic relations with China. Chile's ambassador to China, Jorge Heine, expects Santiago to become the regional platform for the RMB in Latin America, following the Prime Minister Li Keqiang's visit and the currency swap agreement, signed on May 24-25.

"What PM Li brought was the proposal that Chile becomes effectively the regional platform for the RMB in Latin America. That is obviously very significant for us, we for a long time wanted to make Santiago a financial hub of Latin America," he said.

The agreement was signed between the Ministry of Public Works of Chile and the China Development Bank. China Development Bank will be informed of all projects initiated from the Ministry, so that it can provide information to prospective bidders in China.

"Chile has a highly sophisticated PPP system of concessions, whereby infrastructure projects like roads, tunnels, bridges, ports and airports are built this way. The government is keen to have Chinese companies participate in it," added Heine.

China Construction Bank Corp (CCB), the country's second biggest lender, is set to start operations in Chile to facilitate the use of RMB in Chile. A memorandum of understanding has been signed. Chile is expecting CCB to start operations in few months and become the clearing bank for all RMB transactions in Latin America.

"CCB will be able to provide loans and credits to Chilean companies and Chinese companies that want to invest in Chile, so the second step is to increase the financial inflows to Chile and to the rest of Latin America," said Ambassador Heine.

The investment will be restricted to qualified institutional investors, such as banks, hedge funds, and insurance companies. "Chile is the first country to begin this access to the Chinese mainland financial market. This package allows a very significant step forward in financial cooperation between Chile and China," said Ambassador Heine.

Transferring Chinese copper refined capacity to Chile

Chile is looking forward to transferring Chinese copper refining capacity to Chile.

"Until now we largely exported copper concentrate which is the most basic form. We would like to add more value to our copper exports to China and to expand in the mining sector," said Ambassador Heine.

Chile has 28% of the world's total copper reserves and is the main producer and exporter of copper in the world. At the same time, China accounts for about 40% of total world copper consumption in any given year. Chile's exports to China amounted to18.8 bn USD, of those about 78%, 14.6 bn, are copper related.

"Copper is very much at the heart of our relationship", said Ambassador Heine, adding that China is looking now in so called "new norm", emphasizing light industries and services and moving away from heavy industries. "I think we can work together in joint ventures, and transferring its refined capacity that is now in China to Chile."

"But we can work together with our Chinese friends in bringing some of this technology to Chile and perhaps some joint ventures. We have a big desert; we don't have same constraints that this industry faces in some parts of China. I think it's pretty much a win-win proposition." Ambassador Heine adds that the technology transfer would bring Chinese professionals and engineers to Chile.

Chile - a "gateway country"

During Prime Minister Li Keqiang's visit to Santiago in May, Chilean President, Michelle Bachelet, called Chile "a gateway country... a constructive bridge with our neighbours," highlighting the country's membership in the Pacific Alliance and an associate member of Mercosur.

"Chile has been in forefront of the regional relations with China from the very beginning, from the establishing of diplomatic relations to the signing of the Free Trade agreement (FTA) in 2005," said Ambassador Heine.

"One concern we have, that it is a very high quality of trade and it has been accompanied with a high quality of investment, relatively little Chinese investment in Chile. I would like to change that," stresses Ambassador Heine. "This very thriving trade relationship that we have, worth 34 bn USD last year, needs to be strengthened by other areas."

The new and "old" areas of cooperation

The Ambassador Heine sees the Chilean and Chinese economy as complementary. "The two areas where we are keen to have more of Chinese present are construction and energy, where the Chinese have comparative advantages," said Ambassador Heine. "China now plays the leading role in the development of solar energy in the world. Much of it was developed in the Gobi desert. We have Atacama Desert which has more solar intensity than Gobi, also a lot of space to put all these panels."

Speaking of trade, trade between Chile and China was more than 34 billion U.S. dollars in 2014, or 23 percent of Chile's total foreign trade. "We understand the Chinese consumers have new demands and we would like to understand those demands, we want to respond to those demands," said Ambassador Heine.

Chile is the second largest exporter of vine to China, the second largest exporter of fresh fruit to China, the country exports salmon, sea products and meat. Chile is now looking into diversifying its food basket to China, including bringing live cattle to China. According to J.Heine during this year Chile has already exported 14 thousand heads of cows to China with another 5 thousand are on the way. He added that Chile is now the world's 16th largest food exporters and plans to be among the top ten in the next five years.

Following Prime Minister Li's visit to Santiago in May, 18 agreements have been signed between the Chilean and Chinese government, the most important being a double taxation avoidance agreement (DTA), updated Free Trade Agreement, agreement on setting up an RMB clearing centre in Chile and the extradition treaty. The others cover fields such as trade, finance, public infrastructure facilities construction, energy, industrial capacity cooperation, astronomy and cultural exchanges.

Chile will host the next China-Community of Latin American and Caribbean States Forum in 2018.
The chance of Yuan becoming the international currency is rather slim.
It is already an international currency,sorry bro.IMF can't stop that.

All currencies can be used to trade. So, Yuan is not any different from other currencies. However, Dollar and only the Dollar is officially recognized as international currency. All other currencies are measured against dollar

Yuan is steadily advancing to have greater global presence. :partay:

Modi should help Rupee to earn a higher statistical place through magic Vedic math, otherwise...

Having greater global presence doesn't mean it is international currency.
Whatever you think.My point is our currency doesn't need IMF's support to become more international.We don't even need IMF itself.Nobody really cares this SDR crap.
All currencies can be used to trade. So, Yuan is not any different from other currencies. However, Dollar and only the Dollar is officially recognized as international currency. All other currencies are measured against dollar

Having greater global presence doesn't mean it is international currency.
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Yuan is steadily advancing to have greater global presence. :partay:

Modi should help Rupee to earn a higher statistical place through magic Vedic math, otherwise...

Had it been a friendly attitudetowards your neighbours they would have been fully supporty RMB.But that is not the case.
Major nations will follow US $.Entire West and a big chunk of major Asian nations.
Had it been a friendly attitudetowards your neighbours they would have been fully supporty RMB.But that is not the case.
Major nations will follow US $.Entire West and a big chunk of major Asian nations.
If US is more friendly to Iraq,Iran,Syria,Russia,US dollar would have been more popular too.But what ever,You have serious IQ problem.
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