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IMF Won't Stop China From Turning Pakistan Into The Next Sri Lanka

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No free lunches pur infrastructure will pay for itself when it will help us decrease oil imports
Along with infrastructure Pakistan needs job creation. China should be forced to employ only locals for these projects then it will help your economy.
You should also compel China to re-locate its labour intensive industry into Pakistan.
Only by renegotiating the corrupt deals signed under Sharif government of various CPEC project, you can escape the dire fallouts of this economic corridor.
You should also compel China to re-locate its labour intensive industry into Pakistan.
Its already happening
Only by renegotiating the corrupt deals signed under Sharif government of various CPEC project, you can escape the dire fallouts of this economic corridor.
China is cool with the renegotiation of certain problematic deals just like Qatar and Saudis were No one likes the sharifs
Gwadar will ultimately turn into another naval extension port for China...Because In the same region...Gwadar and Gulf ports can not be rich and prosperous together....If Gwadar succeeds the nearest Gulf port will go down.

If gawadar is successful, then the nearest port(s) trading with it will also be successful.

The only people who will NOT be making money, will be European / USA companies.
Iraqis themselves and their neighbours are too be blamed.

So the Iraqis themselves invaded their own country, destroyed it and killed over a million of their own. Must be true because the Americans are angels.......:lol:

Pakistan should not expect free lunches either from U.S or from China.

It should re-negotiate CPEC which are detrimental to it's economic interest.

America has always looked after its own interest so do not expect China to be any different.

Yeah, sure. A bit like how you guys also claimed to have killed over 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16..........:lol:
So the Iraqis themselves invaded their own country, destroyed it and killed over a million of their own. Must be true because the Americans are angels.......:lol:
Their neighbours wanted end of Sunni govt+their key men betrayed them.
I wonder why India is so worried about CPEC and pakistan becoming next srilanka?
Yeah, sure. A bit like how you guys also claimed to have killed over 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16..........:lol:

Someone American is claiming that CPEC will not benefit your country and you don't believe that.

You previous government was claiming that dollars will flow like rivers into Pakistan once this project is completed. Did you believe that ?

Your present government is not happy with many CPEC agreements and claims that many deals give unfair advantage to Chinese (which according to Sharif's, were supposed to flood Pakistan with dollars). Do you believe in such claims of IK government.

Most of the countries find China a very shrewd character and perceive that it has killed the local industry of many nations to further its economic interests. Do you believe this ?

As far as Balakot and F-16 we believe what our forces claim. You are free to believe whatever you want to .....:lol:
No thanks to the concerns of our rivals or the hurt being itching them to write as much as they can to appease a master. In fact, IMF is turning into yet another East India Company. Pakistan will not go to IMF again if everything went as planned.

Thread closed having no substance but a malicious way to put-up propaganda through manipulation.

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