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Ghost Recon: Advanced Fighter


Feb 11, 2006
Reaction score
ive played the first and i liked...you are the CO and everything is at your finguretips..you order the airstrike. you order the helicpoters..all the men you tell them where to go what to do..you can even become the other soldiers...switch from one to another...best game i have played...

We are the elite U.S. military Special Forces unit made up of the best of the best. First into any conflict and last to retreat, we handle the missions that no one else can. Inserted deep behind enemy lines, we strike swiftly and suddenly, and then...vanish.
Soldier of the Future: Equipment List
In 2013, the U.S. Army implements the Integrated Warfighter System (IWS), which combines advanced weapon systems, satellite communication devices and enhanced protection into one fully integrated combat system.

Researchs for this new holistic soldier system has been ongoing at the Natick Soldier Center for the past ten years. The IWS takes advantage of all new equipments and technologies to develop a revolutionary soldier-centric force.

Our visibility is reduced in daylight and through night vision goggles. Our body armour is more lightweight, flexible and therefore more effective. It is also inter-connected with all allied forces on the battlefield meaning not only the Ghost core team, but also all our support such as helicopters, base camp and drones.

Now, it's finally ready and we will use it on the battlefield!

The Skull is our unique emblem designed for the special rank of our Ghosts elite unit. It represents our main attributes as a group: adaptability, effectiveness, suddenness, quietness and professionalism. We wear it in combat as an Arm Patch, it's our pride, our life!

Plat form PC (the best)..X box360..xbox..PS2

PC screen shots
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Xbox 360 screen shots

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Xbox screen shots

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I am totally getting this with XBox 360&#33; The graphics look amazing and it seems a little more easier than the previous Ghost Recons.
Originally posted by Pyongyang@Nov 24 2005, 03:15 PM
I am totally getting this with XBox 360&#33; The graphics look amazing and it seems a little more easier than the previous Ghost Recons.
[post=3598]Quoted post[/post]​
you sure:S:S:S

i think PC ones look better lol
Originally posted by Pyongyang@Nov 24 2005, 03:15 PM
I am totally getting this with XBox 360&#33; The graphics look amazing and it seems a little more easier than the previous Ghost Recons.
[post=3598]Quoted post[/post]​

Im going for the PS3 its going to be way better than anything XBOX360 can throw out accept HALO 3.
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