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German Chancellor Angela Merkel's historical China map flap


Mar 21, 2013
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April 2, 2014


German Chancellor Angela Merkel presents Chinese President Xi Jinping with a map of China from the 18th century in Berlin, Germany. Photo: Getty

Hong Kong: Last week German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping at a dinner where they exchanged gifts. Merkel presented to Xi a 1735 map of China made by prolific French cartographer Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville and printed by a German publishing house.

According to an antique-maps website, d'Anville's map was based on earlier geographical surveys done by Jesuit missionaries in China and represented the "summation of European knowledge on China in the 18th-century."

The map showed, according to its original Latin caption, the so-called "China Proper" -- that is, the Chinese heartland mostly populated by ethnic Han people, without Tibet, Xinjiang, Mongolia, or Manchuria. The islands of Taiwan and Hainan -- the latter clearly part of modern China, the former very much disputed -- are shown with a different colour border.


A detail of the 1735 d'Anville map showing ''China Proper''.

Historical maps are sensitive business in China. Every schoolchild in China learns that Tibet, Xinjiang, Taiwan, and the Diaoyu Islands (known as Senkaku in Japanese) have been "inalienable parts of China since ancient times."

The d'Anville map, at least visually, is a rejection of that narrative. Unsurprisingly, China's official media outlets don't seem to have appreciated Merkel's gift. The People's Daily, which has given meticulous accounts of Xi's European tour, elided any coverage of the offending map.

More curiously, when news of the map's presentation reached the Chinese heartland, it had somehow morphed into a completely different one. A map published in many Chinese-language media reports about Merkel's gift-giving shows the Chinese empire at its territorial zenith, including Tibet, Xinjiang, Mongolia and large swaths of Siberia. This larger map was the handiwork of British mapmaker John Dower, published in 1844 by Henry Teesdale & Co. in London, and was certainly not the gift from Merkel to Xi. But this mistake was not noted or explained in Chinese reports.

Both versions of the Merkel map have made appearances on Chinese social media, eliciting vastly different interpretations. Those who saw the d'Anville map seemed shocked by its limited territories.

Hao Qian, a finance reporter, remarked that the map is "quite an awkward gift." Writer Xiao Zheng blasted Merkel for trying to "legitimise the Tibet and Xinjiang independence movements." Architect Liu Kun wrote, "The Germans definitely have ulterior motives." One Internet user asked, "How is this possible? Where is Tibet, Xinjiang, the Northeast? How did Xi react?"

The Dower map, on the other hand, seemed to stoke nostalgia for large territories and imperial power. An advertising executive enthused, "Our ancestors are [awesome]." Another Internet user hoped Xi would feel "encouraged" by the map to "realise what a true [re-emergence] of China means."

Some suspected that Merkel tried to send Xi a subtle reminder that Russia had helped Mongolia declare independence from China in the mid-20th century, somewhat like what Russia did in Crimea in March 2014.

To be sure, the d'Anville map does not constitute a total contradiction of the Chinese government's version of history. In 1735, the year when the Qianlong Emperor began his six-decade reign, his Qing empire's military prowess was on the ascent. Qianlong quelled a rebellion by Muslims in the western region of Xinjiang, brought the Mongol tribes under closer rule, and appointed officials to oversee affairs in Tibet such as the selection of the Dalai Lama.

In other words, Qianlong established the trappings of imperial control over these peripheral territories, which allowed later governments -- the Republic of China, then the current People's Republic of China -- to claim sovereignty. Maps published by Western countries in the 19th and early 20th centuries vary in their presentations of Tibet and Xinjiang, but the Dower map is certainly not alone in showing Xinjiang and Tibet as parts of the Chinese empire.

All the cartographic brouhaha may be overblown. One Internet user refused to "overinterpret" the d'Anville map as a message about Tibet or Xinjiang. After all, "You can't use a map of the 13 colonies of the United States made in 1776 to tell Americans that Texas or California is not US territory."

Foreign Policy

Lu is the co-founder of Tea Leaf Nation, Foreign Policy's blog about news and major trends in China.

Angela Merkel's historical China map flap
who cares you? ccp giving daily bred to you guys.. am so happy. .

You certainly care what Merkel gave to Xi. Do i care what the PLA gave India? Ofcourse i care now we have one more great history to share with our future generations, how a lying aggressive back stabber stabbed its good neighbor and brainwashed the population.
Germany show their protest strongly to the China ambition of expansion ... by a gentle way.
They want China know what is proper !!!

Look at their faces ... That tells everything
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What a non-incident. Is the writer implying that the borders of countries in 2014 should be decided by those in 1735? If so, Germany should not be a unified country, and the USA should still be a British colony, with its westerns lands returned to Mexico or detached as independent Native American states. I don't think that was Merkel's intention at all, she was just presenting a historical snapshot of time.
It's interesting that Western show their opinion directly to China president !!!
With recent meeting of Dalai Lama in the White House ...

They mean, Western still monitor whatever China doing and would respond ..
not like some Chinese optimistic ideas here !!!

Do you know how Chinese media handle this ?
They posted another map ( China and Japan map ) and call that is Merkel's gift

This is really what Merkel gave ... pls compare to what your media posted, Chinese pals
We did not see Senkaku or any SCS islands in this map ...

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Historical map won't change the current situation on the ground. Last month map Crimea belong to Ukraine but in today map Crimea is part of Russia territory because Russia have the military power to take over Crimea and Ukraine powerless to do anything about the lost of territory.

You want to use the map to enforce the territory claim, you better have the military mean to back it up.
Historical map won't change the current situation on the ground. Last month map Crimea belong to Ukraine but in today map Crimea is part of Russia territory because Russia have the military power to take over Crimea and Ukraine powerless to do anything about the lost of territory.

You want to use the map to enforce the territory claim, you better have the military mean to back it up.

Dont go too far ... This is just the act tell us Western still show their attention to Eastern issues !!!
If we talk about a historical map of GREAT CHINA, Chinese has more bigger maps of Ancient China like Tang dynasty(唐), Qin dynasty(秦), Han dynasty(汉), even Qing Empire(清). All bigger than Ming dynasty map which Merkel presented to Xi.

It's unfair for the West to talk about CHINA history, coz when Chinese setup a strong Central Kingdom hundreds years ago most of them still living in forest. Early western explorers they sailed & walked to the East, coz they wanna find a way and search for wealth from GREAT CHINA.

A detail of the 1735 d'Anville map showing ''China Proper''.
BTW in 1735, if i not mistake there's no nation called German Confederation(1815), also no nation called United State of America(1776). It's just a Ming dynasty map of China, indeed.

@BoQ77 If we talk about the map of China Han dynasty, North Vietnam belong to Han China, right ?
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You certainly care what Merkel gave to Xi. Do i care what the PLA gave India? Ofcourse i care now we have one more great history to share with our future generations, how a lying aggressive back stabber stabbed its good neighbor and brainwashed the population.
where is so called 9 dooshed lines... hahaha threatening small countries is china habbit.. trying to steal others territories by some stupid maps...
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