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From Authoritarian Culture to Democratic Culture


Oct 15, 2014
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Pakistanis have mostly grown up taking for granted an authoritarian mindset in their society.
They see "people in charge", and they believe it is of the utmost importance to respect them. They see virtue in being patient in the face of the unfairness of the "people in charge".
This respect for "people in charge" gets abused when corrupt politicans, judges, and policemen embed themselves in the system. For years, such people have had a free and easy ride in Pakistan, looting and murdering the docile people while getting good at manipulating the system to avoid anything like the kind of accountability you see in the West.

The real contribution of these dharnas and protests is that Pakistanis are losing their kneejerk respect for "people in charge". That's why the debate over "VIP culture" has been so emotionally charged.

I think it is good to have respect for people in charge. But we have to add to it an equally strong emphasis on responsibility and accountability on the part of the people in charge.

Respect and responsibility should be balanced and seen as equally important in the society. I am hoping these protests, and the awareness they generate, lead to this balance. Let's wait and see.
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