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Constantine - movie vs series


Jan 18, 2009
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The Magician

Early in the movie 2 boys appear in the ruins of an old church in Mexico. One, called Manoel is dressed in a red blouse and a white sweatpants. It is he who is in the old floor of the Spear of Destiny wrapped in a Nazi flag. While his possess it, the spear, also possess him...


His figure resembles the Magician of the Major Arcana of the Mythology Tarot


The Magician's card, Hermes or Mercury appears wearing the same colors and even raises an arm to the sky and the other to earth. In front there are 4 objects between them a blade. Hermes is the son of the spiritual light with darkness and its primary colors red and white reflect the mixture of earthly passions with spiritual clarity.

The name Manoel means "God is with us", variation of the name Immanuel.

This proves the junction of evil and God to achieve a higher purpose.



It's a very ancient symbol. The swastika or the gamada cross is a mystical symbol found in many cultures at different times, the Hopi Indians to the Aztecs, the Celts to the Buddhists, the Greeks to the Hindus. Some authors believe that the swastika has a special value to be found in many cultures without contact with each other. The swastika used as a symbol of Buddhism and meaning "good wind" was used by Adolf Hitler because of his appearance as a gear, supposedly to symbolize their intention to an industrial revolution in Germany. Another meaning attributed to the Sanskrit swastika is "good luck", or "Su" - "Good" and "Asti" - "being". Represents the dynamism and creative energy cosmic.


Tha Nazi swastika and the Buddhist Swastika, are precisely the opposite!

The Spears of Destiny


"One soldier took a spear and pierced his side, and came out blood and water. Again Jesus cried with a loud voice and gave his breath. And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom, and the land shook and the rocks were rent "- (Matthew - Chapter 27, vs. 49/51)

Mercilessly, the Roman centurion whose name was Gaius Cassius Longinus, captain of the guard of the temple plunged his spear into the chest of Jesus. The blood and water that poured from the wound splashed in your eyes - who were virtually blind due to cataracts that almost took his vision completely. Like a miracle, Longinus wiped his eyes and immediately fully recovered the faculty of sight! It is known that, later, the captain, deeply sorry for his act insane and cruel, converted to Christianity.

Jonh Constatine


The name "John": English form of John, which in turn comes from the Hebrew and means: God is merciful and has compassion. And 'Constantine': way to Constantine, which in turn comes from Latin and means "constant, firm and steadfast."

The numerology of Constantine

According to the numerology, applied to its name, we get the number "1". Note:

J+O+H+N+C+O+N+S+T+A+N+T+I+N+E = 1+6+8+5+3+6+5+1+2+1+5+2+9+5+5 = 64 = 10 = 1

The personality of the person whose name gives the sum of 1, is:

It is "the beginning" what goes in front and opens paths.
He does not get orders is the authority and may even be selfish.
It is extremely sensible, wishes to command, and is a hard worker who thinks and acts fast, but is impatient and tends to be stubborn.
He is extremely difficult to forget and forgive.
He likes to innovate, loves to start projects, and is not afraid to take risks.
He's challenge is to be independent. For this, it is necessary to believe in yourself, to your potential in your ability. Early look for ways to "work alone."
It is a person of action who likes challenges and prefers to follow their own convictions, than those of others. But it is important to take care of the negative aspects of their number as they may hinder its path.
Being ambitious and often individualistic may have difficulty in sharing their ideas, personal feelings, with others, giving the impression of being selfish, proud and insensitive.
Can be overly critical.
The impatience and anxiety are things to take care of.
The lack of understanding and unwillingness to listen to depart friends and family members.

POSITIVE ASPECTS: leadership, pioneering spirit, independence, creativity, confidence, loyalty, honesty, sincerity, decision, courage, perseverance, willpower, self-control.

NEGATIVE ASPECTS: Selfishness, individuality, intolerance, authoritarianism, self-centeredness, laziness, pride, dishonesty, inertia, dominating spirit.

On the SEVEN RAYS: the first one is BLUE, Archangel Miguel: protection, determination, faith in God's will, word of wisdom, justice, strength, ability to receive and transmit the will of God.
The radius represents the will of God. People who belong to this radius are leadership and have unlimited powers and the ability to "accomplish something".

Recalling that Archangel Michael, who is fighting and cast out demons - it is an EXORCIST! In the book of Revelation.

The tattoo of John Constantine


The famous tattoo on the arms of Constantine are alchemical symbols of the seventeenth century created by Eugenius Philalethe - which means "THE SULFUR OF PERFECTION. When he joins the arms forming the design completely - the smell of sulfur attracts the demonic. This is how Gabriel was forced to materialize - revealing himself.

Mirrors and Demons


The demons are very fond of mirrors and many occultists believe that mirrors are a way of seeing the world of spirits.


"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other, or hold to one and despise the other. You can not serve God and mammon" (Luke Chapter16: 12)

At the time Jesus was among us, there was a people called the Syrian people, because they lived in a country called Syria.
The Syrian people worshiped the God Mammon, made of gold and silver. The God Mammon was the god of wealth, luxury and lower pleasures.
That is why Jesus used the God Mammon, which was invented by ignorant people, to show us that attachment to money and material things is detrimental to our spiritual progress.

The Symbol of Mammon


Being the circle associated with the Spirit, and cross linked to the matter. The circle is the Father Creator, the all-embracing. The focus becomes the diameter, but always contained within the infinite. When does the vertical diameter, formed a cross within a circle that represents the Divine Man, the Creative Word, the Firstborn of the Father who creates and sustains the universe with His Word. Or in this case - the first born of the devil.


A circle with a cross inside, also the astrological symbol of planet Earth. The symbol can also be a circle with a vertical and two horizontal cuts, one above the other. Sometimes the Earth is also represented with a circle dominated by a cross. Here the matter is over and limits the action of the spirit.

The Trinity's Amulet


This ancient amulet of protection represents the trinity. Or as was best known: the Goddess cult in its 3 aspects: the Maiden, which corresponds to crescent moon, the Mother represented in the full moon and old woman, symbolized by the descending Moon and dark moon.


The Medal of St. Benedict

In his lighter, Constantine uses another amulet - the legendary medal of St. Benedict:


St. Benedict

Patriarch of the Monks of the West and Patron of Exorcists
(V ° century) Party March 21

Invoked against poison, the criminals, erysipelas, inflammation, fever, kidney, calculations. Their intersection is powerful in favor of the dying and for the combatants. Having started his studies in Rome, Benedict withdrew to Subiaco, a cave where a monk named Romanus the nursed for three years, bringing down a basket a piece of bread he was the sole food. Many students accepted his teachings. Built twelve monasteries, then retired to live in Monte Cassino which soon became a nursery of saints. The miracles achieved by invoking the God with their intersection are innumerable. Attributed to the medal that bears his name, obviously duly blessed by a priest, can be used in the neck, placed on the affected part, take the water where she was immersed, prodigious effects against the snares of the devil, help the dangers and diseases of domestic animals.
Each letter of the inscription on this coin is part of a powerful exorcism.
Then we give the description and explanation.

Holy Cross of the Holy Father Benedict
The Holy Cross be my Light
Do not be the Dragon my guide
Get thee Satan
Never advised me with vain things
It's bad that you offer me
Drink yourself of your poison

In Latin

Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti
Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux
Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux
Vade Retro Satana
Numquam Suade Mihi Vana
Sunt Mala Quae Libas
Ipse Venena Bibas


Explanations of the initial present on the Medal of St. Benedict:

C. S. P. B.
Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti
Cross of the Holy Father Benedict

C. S. S. M. L.
Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux
The Holy Cross be my Light

N. D. S. M. D.
Non draco sit mihi dux
Do not be the Dragon my guide

V. R. S.
Vadre Retro satana
Get thee, Satan!

N. S. M. V.
Non Suade Mihi Vana
Never advised me with vain things

S. M. Q. L.
Sunt Mala Quae Libas
It's bad that you offer me

I.V. B.
Ipsa Venena Bibas
Drink yourself of your poison

The Exorcism

(In the + sign, to make the sign of the cross)
+ In nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritui Sancto

Holy Cross of the Holy Father Benedict. The Holy Cross be my Light. Do not be the Dragon my guide. Get thee Satan. Never advised me with vain things. It's bad that you offer me. Drink yourself of your poison. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit +. Amen

Remember: The exorcism can be done ONLY IF YOU ARE IN GOD'S GRACE, and then confessed and did not fall into mortal sin.

Remember: The exorcism can be performed by a layperson, because it is done only as private prayer and not solemn.

NB: The plenary indulgence at the point of death will be granted to all those who used devoutly a medal of St. Benedict and also the Crucifix of Good Death (which has at its center a Medal of St. Benedict), both due blessed under the following conditions:

Share your soul to God,
Confession and communion, or if it is impossible to be at least the sincere repentance of sins and plead with contrition the SS. Name of Jesus, if it was not possible with the voice, which was at least with the heart.
Accept resignation with his own death at the hands of God, to repentance of sins.
The Blessed Virgin Immaculate, St. Michael and St. Benedict is our refuge and our defense of the attacks of the evil! Amen.


The Half-breeds of the film are fallen angels who were cast into the earth after being expelled from Heaven In Catholic theology, the Fallen Angel or Fallen Angel is an angel who covet a higher power, ends up delivering "the darkness and sin." The term "fallen angel" indicates that it is an angel who fell from heaven. Fallen Angel The most famous is Lucifer himself, also known as Satan or the Devil. The idea of fallen angels provides the explanation for the existence of hell and the devil in the Catholic religion.


The actual, Nephilim - that the Hebrew means "overturned". It brings a sense of divided, fail, fall, lost, liar. Literally "those who make others fall." Nephila in Aramaic means the constellation of Orion, that among the Hebrews was the angel Shemhazai.


[The plaque above the head of the angel-boy, we see the indirect sign of his name: RAPHAEL]

But there are also the angels who came to Earth, not to be defiled with sin, but to serve as an aid and balance the weight on Earth. They are the "spotters" or "vigilantes" described in the Bible in Daniel as "Ayr.



Isabel's twin sister Angela - the detective, was a powerful psychic who committed suicide and thus triggered the search for truth about the spiritual facts that were happening.

Isabel: meaning "pure."
And Angela "angel."

At room number of Isabel we can obtain the following sum:


4+2+7 = 13

13 is the number of the Death card in Tarot. So her death was somewhat predictable.



Why some animals are considered to be magical? Often the animals manifest faces of God that we humans can not express, for example the cat, an animal "divided between two worlds", cats have a very strong connection with the spiritual plan, can literally see what we cannot see, live a reality that mixes the matter plan with the spiritual, and some practices are true portals (if alive and willing to help).



The Egyptian magicians used scorpion amulets to protect themselves from danger posed by the hostile and forces of chaos.



Insects are general attracted by negative energy. They are also synonymous of death, as the decaying corpse attracts flies that leave larvae to hatch, and in doing so, create worms - synonymous with rot.



The word cancer comes from the Latin, meaning crab. Has this name because the diseased cells infiltrate and attack the healthy cells as if they were the tentacles of a crab.


Lung Cancer

At the level unconscious - body language, the lungs symbolize anxiety or the lust for life and a spirit of criticism, aggression and repulsion. The person who is suffering with lung problems shows that their main reason for living is locked and that your fight is in vain. She sees the castle crumble and how she's tired of supporting the weight of bitterness your breathing becomes breathless. Cancer is the result of "unforgiveness", Constantine does not forgive neither God nor himself the life he has. He finds himself trapped because he knows that no matter how many demons are exorcize in the name of God, he is condemned to hell ...

Catholic Colors


There are scenes where you can see Angela through a green Vitrea ... The scene seems to be on purpose. brates its own youth or spring, this is the germination of mustard seed of the kingdom of God.

Even the Angels, their eyes were colored green in the movie. And for the red devils.
)))))))) ARC Mandalas - o princípio ((((((((

I hope the series would be as great as the movie
i want to know what the thread is about?-
The back stories? References?-
I have not watched the pilot tv series ep as of yet-- i hope its also has indepth / hidden references to the occult stuff
Constantine NBC Official Trailer [HD] | CONSTANTINE
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I have not watched the pilot tv series ep as of yet-- i hope its also has indepth / hidden references to the occult stuff
Constantine NBC Official Trailer [HD] | CONSTANTINE
looks good :pop:
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