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Complete information and Analysis on "Sindhu" class Submarine

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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Most diesel-electric submarine (type "B").Development of the project started on the tactical and technical assignment approved by the Soviet Navy in 1974. Design was conducted CDB "Ruby" (CDB-18) together with the Research Institute.Academician Krylov, the chief designer of the project - Yu.N.Kormilitsyn.Technical project approved by boat commander in chief of the Navy of the USSR December 20, 1976 Pre-production project at the head of the boat Shipyard №199 "They. Lenin Komsomol" (Komsomolsk-on-Amur) started in 1979. Bookmark the head of the boat B-248 held March 16, 1980 The boat launched on September 12, 1980 and commissioned to the Navy of the USSR December 31, 1980

n 1981, after the discovery of a new type of submarines in the NATO boat he was given the nickname KILO. According to unconfirmed reports headache pr.877 boat B-248 went into service in September 1982 is possible at this time to achieve a complete test head naval submarine. Serial production of boats pr.877 lasted from 1979 to 1994.Total built at different factories:

- Factory №199 "They. Lenin Komsomol" (Komsomolsk-on-Amur) - from 1979 to 1994built 15 boats;
- the plant "Red Sormovo" (g.Gorky - Nizhny Novgorod) - from 1982 to 1995built 17 boats including and for export;
- Plant Leningrad Admiralty Association (Leningrad) - 1983 and 19917 boats built for export;
- FSUE "Admiralty Shipyards" (St. Petersburg) - 1992 to 20004 boats built for export and from 1997 to 1998 2 pr.636 boats, and from 2002 to 2006- 5 boats pr.636M.One boat pr.877 completed in 2005 pr.636M (B-340 = Yuan Zhend 73 Hao, China).Some time ago (1997) in the Western media of specialized boats KILO class as referred GRANAY, probably referring to the boats upgrade projects 636. By default, these boats are pr.877.In 2010 FSUE "Admiralty Shipyards" (Mr. .Sankt Petersburg) resumed the construction of submarines for the Russian Navy pr.06363 (sm.Reestr below) - in the construction of a series of six submarines for the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy.

Design PL- double-hulled. Widely used damping platform and other sound-absorbing technology (eg protivogidroakusticheskoe cover housing).The shape of the body is adapted to the PL maximum resistance and noise reduction.Nasal hydroplanes retracted into the housing. Submarine pr.877M differ in appearance from pr.877 chopped off at the stern superstructure instead of blending smoothly into the body. Material hull - Steel AK-25.At least for PL pr.06363 steel cabinet designed "Prometey" and performed at "Izhora Works".


Split layout model submarines pr.877 studio "Corvette" (http://www.corvette-shipmodels.ru)






From top to bottom - the first three shots - in the stack shop №12 Leningrad Admiralty Association unit №1, block №1 mask torpedo unit №3.In the fourth picture in the transportation department №12 element submarine pressure hull.The fifth photo - block hull boats in the workshop №9.Expected in photo design elements submarine B-477 ("Sindhushastra" S65) zav.№01618 pr.877EKM / 08773, the Leningrad Admiralty Association, St. Petersburg, 1999 (Admiralty Shipyards Russian submarine fleet. S.-Pb. "Gangut", 2003).The architecture of submarine hull or pr.06363 pr.06361.The shop №9 Admiralty Shipyards.2012 (source).


Propulsion: the underwater and surface course of submarine propulsion motors is provided
2 x diesel generators 4DL-42MH capacity of 1500 kW (at dr.dannym and the first two submarines pr.877 - 4DL-42M power of 1000 kW) with a system of RDP (pr.877).On pr.877M - 30DG capacity of 1500 kW, as well works with RDP.
1 x main propulsion motor power of 5500 hp PG141(Including pr.877V / 877EKM at dr.dannym on pr.877EKM engine produces 4050 horsepower), since the submarine B-800 (1989) set a new low speed engine capacity of 5500 hp PG165 .(6800 hp by Western sources).
1 x motor of economic progress PG142 power 130-150 hp(The first version), since the submarine B-800 (1989) / pr.877V set a new low speed engine output of 190 hp PG166 ..
2 x redundant motor PG168 (apparently, since the B-800?) With a capacity of 102 hp

Mechanics- one shaft, one screw:
- 6-bladed fixed pitch propeller low noise (B-470? and B-800)
- 7-blade scimitar-shaped blades with alloy "Aurora" (B-470 - 1986 B-800 - 1989).
- 7-blade propeller-type B-800 (Improved KILO Submarine).
- water-jet nozzle turbine type (pr.877V previously was shorter tip - perhaps the difference early on pr.877V pr.877VD - is supposedly).
The speed of rotation of the screw top - 250 rev / min ..On submarines all projects in the stern of the hull on the sides thrusters water cannon.Processes diving and surfacing submarine automated.

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India's Defence Goal by Nayeem Sheikh

6-bladed fixed pitch propeller low noise boats pr.877 and 877EKM KILO.Pictured rolled out of the shop submarine B-477 ("Sindhushastra" S65) zav.№01618 pr.877EKM / 08773, the Leningrad Admiralty Association, St. Petersburg, 1999 (Admiralty Shipyards Russian submarine fleet. S.-Pb. "Gangut", 2003).

PL pr.636 / 636M with 7-blade propeller ("Military Parade", archive photo Gogs,http://forums.airbase.ru).




Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" pr.877V KILO and water jets exploded.Sevastopol, floating dock PD-30, regular upkeep, January 12, 2006 (photo - Dmitry Stogniy,http://forums.airbase.ru)

Energy- lead-acid batteries.Number - 2 groups of 120 pieces.During the operation in the Iranian Navy noted problems with failure of the batteries, which is probably caused by either high temperatures and humidity or errors in service (or both).Batteries for submarines pr.877 / 636 on the world market are offered as such by the manufacturer asBritish Chloride Industrial Batteries Ltdwith a guarantee of 5 years (data for 1997).

Rescue System- from the submarine B-800 series are equipped with a rescue boat hatch allowed to leave the submerged submarine at a depth of up to 250 m (located in the rear of the submarine).

TTX submarine:
crew - 57 people (52 people - pr.877EKM / 877V) - including12 officers
- 72.6 m
- 73.8 m (pr.877M)
The length of the hull - 51.8 m
Width - 9.9 m
Draught - 6.2 m
Displacement above water - 2,300 tons
Displacement underwater - 3040 tons (3076 tons dr.dannym)
Buoyancy - 32%
The weight of diesel fuel - 172 tons
Speed surfaced - 10 kt
Speed underwater:
- 3 bonds (on ancillary jet thrusters)
- 8-10 kt (Periscope, limit the excitement - 5 points)
- 17 kt (including pr.877V)
- 19 kt (pr.877M)
- 21-25 kt (pr.877M western data)

Range underwater course (under the RDP, the rate of 7 bonds) - 6,500 miles
Range submerged speed (speed 3 kt) - 400 miles (including pr.636 / 636M)
Range submerged speed (speed of 21 kt) - 12.7 miles (according to Western sources)
Immersion depth Periscope - 17.5 m (restriction on Waves 5 points)
Immersion depth Working - 240 m (250 m possible pr.877M)
Immersion depth limit - 350 m (300 m pr.877EKM)
Autonomy - 45 days

Noise submarine pr.877 when driving on an auxiliary propulsion ustanovlke (water cannon) at the rate of progress of low noise (MSHH) 5-6 bonds is estimated by experts below or equal to the noise class submarines Improved Los-Angeles.When using the progress under the main propulsion motor noise performance is particularly limited regardless of the speed.Based on reviews of Indian sailors on submarines pr.877EKM total noise is considered quieter German submarine pr.209.In the natural background in the 40-45 dB noise submarines calm pr.877 was 52-56 dB (SP series and measuring conditions are not known).The Chinese media reported on submarines pr.636 noise level 117 dB.

Hardware(data requires clarification):
pr.877 / 877E / 877V pr.877EKM pr.877M / 08773
CICS (combat information management system) "Lama" / "node" (some sourcesx), development and production - NGO "Aurora", "Okeanpribor" and "Granit-Elektron".Made in the computer-based IDP-110 "unit".CICS allows you to simultaneously track five goals, including2 + 3 goals automatically manually automatically generating data for torpedoes.Just CICS decides navigation tasks.

"Lama-EKM" / "node", development and production - NGO "Aurora", "Okeanpribor" and "Granit-Elektron".Made in the computer-based IDP-100EM (?) "Node".CICS allows you to simultaneously track five goals, including2 + 3 goals automatically manually automatically generating data for torpedoes.Just CICS decides navigation tasks.

"Lama-EKM"/"node", development and production - NGO "Aurora", "Okeanpribor" and "Granit-Elektron".Made on the basis of a computer-IDP IDP-110EM or 119EM
Management of general ship systems Control "Palladium" (pr.877E) Control "Palladium"
Control "Palladium-M" (perhaps after modernization of Indian submarines pr.877EKM)
Complex "Pyrite-M"
(perhaps after modernization of Indian submarines pr.877EKM)
Control "Palladium-EM" (?)
CIM-400 "Rubicon", developed by NII-3 (later - Central Research Institute "Morphyspribor", St. Petersburg), modernized, starting with the B-800, 1989, apparently to "Rubicon-M."The complex includes: a block of digital processors acoustic signal processing using the library noise ("Ajax" since the submarine B-470 serial №467 pr.877 in the Navy in 1986, he held a separate cabin), remote control devices interface, power systems, communication devices and systems work, passive and active CEO:
- The main sonar (the forward part of the submarine) to separate the radiating antenna and the antenna radiating sound conductivity connection is made in titanium.Provides job paths shumopelengatsii (SHP), sonar (GL), the detection sonar signals (JLG) and sonar communication (LPP).

The number of elements of the receiving antenna - 1008 pcs
The number of rays emitter (in active mode) - 540 pieces
The area of the working sector antenna - 7.5 m
Detection range in passive mode - 16-20 km (PL) and 60-80 km (ships)
Range target tracking in active mode - 16-20 km
Range of underwater communication and data transmission - 20-25 km and 60-80 km (depending on mode)

- SAS mine-detector MG-519 "Harp" (detection range of 1500 m min) CIM-400E "Rubicon-M" - SHARK TEETH CIM-400M "Rubicon-M" SHARK TEETH, developed CRI "Morphyspribor" (St. Petersburg).The functions implemented in the first models using the library SJC noise "Ajax" (used since the submarine B-470 serial №467 pr.877 in the Navy since 1986) are implemented by means of the SJC.As part of the SAC include: remote control.interface devices, power supply systems, communication devices and systems work, passive and active CEO:

- The main sonar (the forward part of the submarine) to separate the radiating antenna and the antenna radiating sound conductivity connection is made in titanium.
The number of elements of the receiving antenna - 1008 pcs
The number of rays emitter (in active mode) - 540 pieces?
The area of the working sector antenna - 7.5 m
Detection range in passive mode - not less than 16-20 km (PL) and 60-80 km (ships)
Range tracking of targets in an active mode - no less than 16-20 km
Range of underwater communication and data - not less than 20-25 km 60-80 km (depending on the mode)
- SAS mine-detector MG-519 "Harp" (detection range min at least 1500 m).The equipment is made on the basis of a new element.Equipment composition different from the composition of the upgraded equipment pr.877 (sometimes in the media - 877K)on the submarine "Sindhuvijay" the modernization of pr.08773 (SRH conducted "Star", completed in 2007) is set SJC Indian USNUS

The complex radar
"Tobol" in the composition of the radar Omnidirection MRK-50, "Cascade" BRICK PULP
- detection range at an altitude of 500 m - 70-100 km
- target detection range type frigate - 12-20 km? "Tobol" in the composition of circular radar survey RTOs-50E "Cascade" BRICK PULP "Tobol" in the composition of the radar Omnidirection MRK-50, "Cascade" BRICK PULP

Radio-technical equipment
radio station technical radar detection MCI-25 BRICK GROUP radiopelenatora and "Frame" SNOOP TRAY-2 or "Veil" (doubtful), radio-technical station (probably radio satellite) "Cypress", the respondent state identification system "Chrome."Since the submarine B-800 (1989 YG) modernized equipment serial submarines (done on new element base). radio station technical radar detection MCI-25E BRICK GROUP radiopelenatora and "Frame" SNOOP TRAY-2 or "Veil" (doubtful), radio-technical station (probably radio satellite) "Cypress", the respondent state identification system "Chrome."Since the submarine B-800 (1989 YG) modernized equipment serial submarines (done on new element base).

radio station technical radar detection MCI-25 BRICK GROUP radiopelenatora and "Frame" SNOOP TRAY-2 or "veil", radio station "Cypress"
Stations Radio stations R-654MR (1.5-24 MHz band), P-680 (1.5-60 MHz range) and P 625 (100-150 MHz, 220-400 MHz bands). Radio stations R-654MR (1.5-24 MHz band), P-680 (1.5-60 MHz range) and P 625 (100-150 MHz, 220-400 MHz bands). on the submarine "Sindhuvijay" the modernization of pr.08773 (SRH conducted "Star", completed in 2007) established the Indian radio system CSS-MKTowed antenna HF and SV ranges

Navigation system "Andoga" "Appassionata -EKM" "Andoga."On the upgraded submarine pr.877EKM (at least by 2011 - Sindhurakshak) - navigation system "Appassionata -EKM.1" (modernizitsiya navigation system "Appassionata-CME").
Periscopes commander's periscope PC 8.5 and anti-aircraft navigation periscope PZNG-8M (both have a periscope optical zoom 1.5x and 6x, vertical viewing angles of -10 to +90 deg., and all-round visibility Horizontal) commander's periscope PC 8.5 and anti-aircraft navigation periscope PZNG-8M (both have a periscope optical zoom 1.5x and 6x, vertical viewing angles of -10 to +90 deg., and all-round visibility Horizontal) commander's periscope PC 8.5 and anti-aircraft navigation periscope PZNG-8M

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India's Defence Goal by Nayeem Sheikh

Integrated remote control AIUS "Lama-EKM" manufactured by NPO "Aurora" (http://www.avrorasystems.com).


Sliding device in the fence cutting the submarine B-871 "Alrosa" pr.877V (in the retracted position, the view aft,http://forums.airbase.ru).


PL pr.877 (probably pryu877EKM B-806) is running under the RDP diesel generator, the Baltic Sea, of 10.09.2007 (author photo - Alex Suetin,http://fotki.yandex.ru).

pr.877 / 08770, pr.877E, pr.877EKM (except submarines 2) pryu877LPMB (B-800) pr.877V (B-871) pr.877M / 08772 (?) / 636 / 636M pr.877EKM / 08,773 (repair with modernizaiey) pr.06363
Housing a smooth transition to the superstructure "fin" a smooth transition to the superstructure "fin" the transition from the superstructure "threshold" no "fin"

the transition from the superstructure "threshold" no "fin" a smooth transition to the superstructure "fin" the transition from the superstructure "threshold" no "fin"
Screw 6-bladed classic FPP 7-bladed saber water jets 7-bladed saber 6-bladed classic FPP 7-bladed saber
pr.877 "Halibut" / sub-series 08 770 (?) - KILO(1980) - a basic production version of the submarine, the submarine Head - B-248 and B-401.It has been suggested that in addition to the series was a series of 08 770 or 08 771 08 772 - may differ between manufacturing plants (respectively, the head of the boat B-248 and B-401 and B-401, in this case, the head Boat Series 08770).

pr.877E "Warszawianka" - KILO(1985) - export version of the submarine pr.877 first series for the countries of the Warsaw Pact, delivered to Poland (B-351 = Orzel, June 29, 1986 transferred to the Polish Navy) and Romania (B -801 = Delfinul, September 19, 1986 transferred to the Navy of Romania).
pr.877EK- submarines were not built, "export sales", adapted to tropical conditions.

pr.877EKM - KILO(1985) - "export sales modernized" version of the submarine pr.877 supplied in Algeria, India, China and Iran.CIM GAS-400E.Adapted to tropical conditions.The last 2 submarine project identified in the West as Improved KILO (presumably it is "Yunes" Navy Iran and "Sindhurakshak" Indian Navy - last pr.08773).The cost of one submarine according to the media from 150 to 200 million. USD (1990).

B-806 submarine pr.877EKM (second boat in the series) Russian Navy Pier №3, Merchant harbor Kronstadt (photo - Ilya mounds,

PL pr.877EKM to acceptance tests (Admiralty Shipyards Russian submarine fleet. S.-Pb. "Gangut", 2003).

B-806 submarine pr.877EKM (second boat in the series aboard №487) Russian Navy, St. Petersburg,
22.07.2008 (Photo - Dmitry Shipulo,http://military.tomsk.ru/forum).
pr.877LPMB(1989) - Serial submarines (B-800, 1 copy.) equipped with 7-blade propeller of an alloy of "Aurora" with saber blades.The boat set partially modernized equipment similar pr.877M.
pr.877V - "KILO-III"(1990) - Serial submarine B-871, equipped with water-jet propulsion, renamed "Alrosa" January 5, 2001 On the basic performance characteristics similar pr.877V pr.877.B-871 submarine lies at the factory "Red Sormovo" (g.Gorky) May 17, 1988 In November 1989, the submarine moved inland waterway to the Black Sea, and December 1, 1990 became a part of the Black Sea Fleet.Also in the name of the project meets the media "877VD" (in our opinion either erroneous or after modernization - "D" - "modified").The submarine has a Western name KILO-III in 2010-2011, some sources(Weyers) - formerly the name of KILO-III did not meet us.



Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" in the South Bay of Sevastopol, June 2009 Due to the low rainfall seen water jets.(

pr.877M "Halibut-M" (?) / sub-series 08 773 (?), or 08772 (?) - Improved KILO(1990) - the last 8 PL Series pr.877 for the Russian Navy (the time of entry into service - B- 464, B-459, B-471, B-494, B-177, B-187, B-190, B-345).Makes factory in Komsomolsk-on-Amur (5 pieces) and "Red Sormovo" (g.Gorky, 3 pcs).Finish with a change in the body (udlinnёn 1.2 m), some sources called the number of "877M", the submarine belongs to the class of Improved KILO notation NATO.

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Submarine B-464 "Ust-Kamchatsky" pr.877 (modernized) in floating dock (http://forums.airbase.ru)
pr.877B -pr.877 submarine modernization project.R & D were probably based on the type of project 877M in 1980.It can be assumed that the project 877B factory "Red Sormovo" in 1989 laid the towing submarine B-90 "Gar", later unfinished atpr.20120.Either of these two projects (877B and 20120) have something in common in the history of the development.Other information is not available.


Model submarine pr.877B (http://forums.airbase.ru)
pr.877K/pr.877MK- according to Western data is PL pr.877 pr.877M and after modernization of the equipment (eg CICS).
pr.636 - Improved KILO(1997) - CDB "Ruby" export version pr.877M, modernized equipment pr.877M by type, extensive use of sound-absorbing technology.


Cut submarine pr.636 Improved KILO (http://www.ckb-rubin.ru/).

Parent submarine B-466 - "Yuan Zhend 66 Hao" zav.№01616 - pr.636 on the stocks "Admiralty Shipyards", April 1997 (photo - "Admiralty Shipyards",http://forums.airbase.ru).

PL "Yuan Zhend 66 Hao" board №366 pr.636 Improved KILO Chinese Navy (http://cnair.top81.cn).

pr.636 with ECG(draft, 1990) - Project PL pr.636 engines with an electrochemical generator.Not implemented.

PL pr.636 with ECG generator is arranged vertically in the center of the boat (YI Alexandrov, AN Gusev, warships of the world at the turn of XX-XXI centuries. Part I. Submarines. CRP, "Galea Print" 2000)

pr.877EKM / pr.08773 - Improved KILO
(1999) - modification pr.877EKM submarines for the Indian Navy to the level Improved KILO of equipment and weapons systems (submarines equipped with TA-launchers of cruise missiles Series Club-S).The control system Lama-ER, the new SJC CIM-400EM / MGK-EM, CICS "Palladium-M."The estimated cost of repairs to the advertising upgrade to pr.08773 of pr.877EKM (on the price) 1 billion 700 million rubles (in 2005 prices).On the rudder modification submarine design team and the boat kept similar pr.877EKM.


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Construction, the output from the workshop and launching of the submarine B-477 ("Sindhushastra" S65) zav.№01618 pr.877EKM / 08773, the Leningrad Admiralty Association, St. Petersburg, 1999 (Admiralty Shipyards Russian submarine fleet. With . Saint-Petersburg. "Gangut", 2003).
pr.636M / 06,361?- Improved KILO(2004) - a modernized version of export pr.636 modification.It changes the composition of the equipment, installed new inertial navigation system, a periscope with night vision channel, TV channel and laser rangefinder.Towed antenna connection ADD and HF bands.Can use cruise missiles Club-S with the launch from a submerged position by TA.B-340 submarine pr.877 was completed for the Chinese Navy in 2005 pr.636M (PL founded in 1992 and removed from the building in 1994, the factory "Red Sormovo", Nizhny Novgorod, factory №01611 ).


Submarine construction pr.636M ON "Sevmash".Or, "Yuan Zhend 74 Hao" (374) or "Yuan Zhend 75 Hao" (375), and 702 factory №№701.

The project is based on a special submarine pr.877- in 2002 on the advertising leaflet CDB "Ruby" is a side cutting projections on the basis of a special submarine pr.877 probably designed to work on laying pipelines on the seabed.Perhaps after such equipment can be used for submarine wide range of activities on the seabed.There is also a likelihood that these technologies and components have already been tested on other types of submarines.No other data.pr.06361-Improved KILO- modification of the submarine pr.636M or another name for the project pr.636M submarines.According to media reports the summer of 2012 it was on this project built a series of submarines for the Navy in the Vietnam GCC "Admiralty Shipyards".Construction series is conducted simultaneously with the construction of a series of submarines for the Russian Navy pr.06363 (see below).


The first submarine for the Navy Vietnam pr.06361 factory №01339 from outfitting wall Admiralty Shipyards, St. Petersburg.20.09.2012 (photo - havron,http://forums.airbase.ru).

pr.06363-Improved KILO-II- PL pr.636M modification or variant pr.636M with updated equipment and missile system "Caliber".Chief Designer - Igor Molchanov.20.08.2010 at "Admiralty Shipyards" for this project lies a large diesel-electric submarine torpedo-missile "B-261" Novorossiysk ". PL laid for the Black Sea Navy of Russia. It is planned to build a minimum of six boats of the project. The name" Improved KILO-II "is not officially recognized.


Image submarine pr.06363 with mortgage board the submarine B-261 "Novorossiysk" (file photo Curious,http://forums.airbase.ru)


Projections modifications submarine pr.877 KILO (c) DIMMI, 2009, 2010

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Status- the Soviet Union / Russia
Combat-ready submarines family pr.877 KILO in the Navy of the USSR and Russia (data analysis = military.tomsk.ru, 2009):


1992 August - 1993 June - trip submarine B-402 pr.877 Northern Fleet to Iran.

1995 March 19 - fire on the boat B-401 pr.877 (Northern Fleet).There was a fire in rags tidy in the database through the fault of the men (improper handling of the plates in the regeneration-64).

2004 - all in the battle of the Navy's 15 diesel submarines (mainly pr.877).

2004 November - according to media reports (http://lenta.ru/) by 2010 the Navy will Rosii 10 submarines pr.877.

July 22, 2008 - pr.877EKM submarine B-806 (aircraft №487) participated in the naval parade on the Neva River in St. Petersburg.


B-806 submarine pr.877EKM (second boat in the series aboard №487) Russian Navy, St. Petersburg, 22.07.2008 (Photo - Dmitry Shipulo,http://military.tomsk.ru/forum).
2008 - according to the plan should have been written off the submarine B-401 pr.877 (Northern Fleet).

2009 September 24 - after a long repair at the shipyard 35 (p.Rosta, Murmansk) launched the submarine B-808 "Yaroslavl" pr.877.PL got to be repaired in 1995, before the submarine was based in the 161st Brigade submarines (g.Polyarny) Northern Fleet.2009 November 21 - on the submarine B-871 "Alrosa" Black Sea Fleet 150 kilometers from Sukhumi motor accident occurred Position.November 22 submarines under its own power, arrived at the base in Sevastopol.Submarine "Alrosa" has a tail number 554, is part of the 247th Division of submarines based point - I-458 coastal base (Sevastopol).According to statements by representatives of the Russian Defense Ministry and the victims of flooding in the accident was not.Later stated that a minor repair - presumably in a water jet propulsion submarine was a foreign object (eg, fishing nets).2010 31 July - At 7-00 submarine B-871 "Alrosa" I returned to the place of permanent basing in Sevastopol SRH from Novorossiisk, where the repairs after the accident autumn 2009


Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" is moored in Sevastopol 31.07.2010 (photo - Doctor,http://tsushima.su/forums).Admission torpedo submarine B-871 "Alrosa" in the South Bay of Sevastopol, 05.08.2010 (photo from the archives of Capt (N),http://forums.airbase.ru)


- August 20, 2010 - at "Admiralty Shipyards" ceremony was held submarinespr.06363B-261 "Novorossiysk" under the name "large diesel-electric submarine torpedo missile."PL laid for the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy.


Mortgage pr.06363 board the submarine B-261 "Novorossiysk", 20.08.2010 (file photo Curious,http://forums.airbase.ru)

- 2010 - the year of the Taganrog plant "Surf" delivered to the shipyard and the GCC sets SJC CIM-400V.1 (product IKLM36511.011-03) Boat factory №473 (probably to repair "Dalzavod" delivery under the contract of 12.10.2009) and CIM-HOOK 400V.1 (product IKLM36511.011-04) for export orders №№01340, 01341, 01342, 01343, 01344 (delivery under the contract from 20.05.2010, the).


Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" pr.877V KILO enters the raid g.Kartahena (Spain) to participate in joint maneuvers with NATO navies "Bold Monarch 2011".May 25, 2011 (file photo Vladimir,http://ejercitos.org).

- 2011 December - in the shop №10 shipyard "Zvezdochka" (Severodvinsk) are average repair submarines pr.877 "Vladikavkaz" and "Kaluga" the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy.Completion is planned to repair boats, respectively for 2014 and for May 2012


Submarine B-459 "Vladikavkaz" in the shop №10 SRH "Star", December 2011 (photo - V.Kovpak, Labour Watch. 22.12.2011, the).

- 6 February 2012 - in a media interview Russian Black Sea Fleet Commander Alexander Fedotenkov said that the Navy planned to complete the formation of teams of non-nuclear submarines.In 2014, the Navy received 3 pr.06363 submarine, in 2015 - one such submarine and in 2016 - two more.Also by 2016, in order of return repair submarine B-871 "Alrosa".Basing submarine crews planned in Sevastopol and Novorossiysk.- 2012 May 26 - from the boathouse CA "Zvezdochka" (Severodvinsk) renovated derived PL "Kaluga" pr.877.After mooring and sea trials the submarine will be handed over to the Navy at the end of 2012


Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" passes the Straits, Turkey.19.09.2012 (photo - Hawk99,http://forums.airbase.ru).

- 2012 September 21 - the submarine B-871 "Alrosa" pr.877V arrived to the place of permanent basing in Sevastopol after the planned repair in Kronstadt.

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2012 September 21 - the submarine B-871 "Alrosa" pr.877V arrived to the place of permanent basing in Sevastopol after the planned repair in Kronstadt.
Submarine B-871 "Alrosa" in the South Bay of Sevastopol, 21.09.2012, the (http://sevastopol.info/).
- 9 July 2013 - after the repair transferred Russian Navy submarine B-800 "Kaluga".Repairs carried out on CA "Zvezdochka" in Severodvinsk (the source).


Submarine B-800 "Kaluga" pr.877 KILO leaves CA "Star" and Severodvinsk renovated, 09.07.2013, the (http://zvezdochka-ru.livejournal.com).SP B-459 "Vladikavkaz", the output from Dock camera SRH "Star", December 2014 (http://zvezdochka-ru.livejournal.com/).


PLA Navy pr.877 KILO in the USSR and Russia:Northern Fleet

- 1986 - Navy pr.877EKM 1 piece (first)

- 1987 - Navy 3 pieces pr.877EKM

- 1988 - Navy 4 pcs pr.877EKM

- 1989 - Navy 6 pcs pr.877EKM

- 1990 - Navy 7 pcs pr.877EKM

- 1991-1996 GG- Navy 8 items pr.877EKM

- 29 December 1996 - signed a contract for the modernization of the submarine Sindhuvir pr.877EKM pr.08773 to the shipyard "Zvezdochka" (Severodvinsk).

- 1997 - 7 pcs pr.877EKM

- 1997 June 25 - PL Sindhuvir pr.877EKM arrived to upgrade to Improved KILO at the shipyard "Zvezdochka" (Severodvinsk) in the transport floating dock "Superservant-3" Belgian company Dockwise.

PL Sindhuvir pr.877EKM to transport the floating dock "Superservant-3" Belgian firm Dockwise in Nikolsky mouth of Severodvinsk.View from the Seaside Boulevard.25.06.1997 Photo by Yu.V.Okuneva (Shipbuilders "star": Local History Collection. Issue №2. Severodvinsk, FSUE "Zvezdochka", 2004)
- 1998 - 7 pcs pr.877EKM + 1 piece to improved Improved KILO pr.877EKM

- 1999 - 5 pcs pr.877EKM + 1 pcs + 1 pcs pr.08773 Upgrade to Improved KILO pr.877EKM (Sindhuvir, modernization completed in 1999).

- 1999 April 25 - PL Sindhuvir pr.877EKM upgraded to Improved KILO derived from the boathouse SRH "Star" and launched.

- 1999 July 26 - PL Sindhuvir pr.877EKM Improved KILO adopted by the Indian Navy.

- 2000 - 5 pieces + 1 piece pr.877EKM pr.08773 + 2 pcs Upgrade to Improved KILO pr.877EKM


The only submarine built (not upgraded) in pr.08773 Improved KILO "Sindhushastra" / B-477 of the Indian Navy in outfitting wall "Admiralty Shipyards", St. Petersburg, May 16, 2000 (http: //www.ckb-rubin. RU)

- 2001 - 4 pcs pr.877EKM + 3 + 2 pcs pr.08773 items improved to pr.08773 Improved KILO pr.877EKM - "Sindhuraj" S57 (zav.№08405) and "Sindhukesari" S60 (zav.№08313 ), repairs to the modernization were at LAO.


The repair with the modernization of pr.08773 Improved KILO Lao submarine "Sindhuraj" S57 (zav.№08405) and "Sindhukesari" S60 (zav.№08313), probably 2001 (Admiralty Shipyards Russian submarine fleet. St.- lib. "Gangut", 2003).PL "Sindhukesari" after renovation and modernization of pr.08773 Lao probably 2001 (Admiralty Shipyards Russian submarine fleet. S.-Pb. "Gangut", 2003 .).One of the Indian boats pr.877 renovated in the dock LAO.This is probably one of the boats pr.08773 surrendered in 2001 (Admiralty Shipyards Russian submarine fleet. S.-Pb. "Gangut", 2003).



- 2002 - 3 pieces pr.877EKM + 3 + 2 pcs pr.08773 items improved to Improved KILO pr.877EKM, PL Sindhuratna put the Indian Navy after modernization at the shipyard "Star" to the level of pr.08773.

- 2003-2004,- 3 pieces + 4 pieces pr.877EKM pr.08773 + 2 pcs Upgrade to Improved KILO pr.877EKM

- 2005 - 2 pieces pr.877EKM + 5 pcs pr.08773 + 2 pcs Upgrade to Improved KILO pr.877EKM, PL Sindhugosh put the Indian Navy after modernization at the shipyard "Star" to the level of pr.08773.

- 2006 - 1 pc pr.877EKM + 5 pcs pr.08773 + 2 pcs Upgrade to Improved KILO pr.877EKM

- 2007 - 5 pcs pr.08773 + 2 pcs Upgrade to Improved KILO pr.877EKM

- 2008 - 7 pcs pr.08773 + 2 pcs Upgrade to Improved KILO pr.877EKM

- 2009 - 8 + 2 pcs pr.08773 Upgrade to Improved KILO pr.877EKM

India's Defence Goal by Nayeem Sheikh
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PL pr.877EKM Indian Navy, Mumbai, 15.11.2009 Mr. (author - Denys,http://www.shipspotting.com)

- 2010 June 4 - the media reported that the submarine pr.877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak Indian Navy will be held at the shipyard "Zvezdochka" in Severodvinsk upgrading to pr.636M (without changing the project 877 EKM).This is the fifth Indian submarine pr.877 that upgraded to the "Star".In addition SRH provides modernization and repair of submarines Sidhukirti serial number 01315 in the Indian shipyard g.Vizakhapatnam.04.06.2010 signed a contract for the average repair with partial modernization of the submarine (the source).



Transportation transport boat company Rolldock one of the submarines pr.877EKM India - presumably, Sindhurakshak, 2010 - at the shipyard in Severodvinsk "asterisk" (http://www.rolldock.com)

- 2010 August 3 - PL pr.877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak Indian Navy arrived at the shipyard "Zvezdochka" in Severodvinsk.The ship put on a firm foundation in the docking chamber SRH and is preparing to transfer to the shop.


Ship-submarine carrier RollDock c pr.877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak Indian Navy shipyard near "Star", Severodvinsk, 03.08.2010 (photo - Alexei Morozov, the workload, 05.08.2010 city).


PL pr.877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak the Indian Navy in the docking chamber SRH "Star", 03.08.2010 (Photo - SRH "asterisk",http://www.news29.ru).

- September 2010 - 10 as part of Navy submarines family KILO.- December 2011 - in the shop №10 shipyard "Zvezdochka" in Severodvinsk continued repairs to the modernization of the submarine pr.877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak Indian Navy.During the work on the submarine will set a completely new rail sliding devices."Sindurakshak" - the fifth submarine of the Indian Navy passing pr.877EKM repair at the shipyard "Zvezdochka".

- 2012 October 29 - began sea trials the submarine pr.877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak Indian Navy, which is undergoing renovations to upgrade to CA "Zvezdochka" in Severodvinsk.


PL pr.877EKM serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak Indian Navy on tests after repair with the modernization of the shipyard "Zvezdochka" in Severodvinsk, 25.11.2012 (photo - CA "asterisk",http://zvezdochka-ru.livejournal.com/) .

- 2012 December 12 - during acceptance tests in Severodvinsk submarine pr.877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak Indian Navy is successful missile firing at ground targets.Earlier, on 07.12.2012, he successfully struck the target surface.Thus missile firing complex Club-S missile 3M54E and 3M14E completed factory testing after passing the submarine repair with modernization in the CA "Star" (source).- 2013 January 26 - PL pr.877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak Indian Navy after renovation and partial modernization (without changing the project 877 EKM) transferred to the Indian Navy in Severodvinsk.On the submarine complex set of weapons with Club-S cruise missiles installed SJC Ushus, radio system CCS-Mk-2, modernization of cooling systems, the installation of a radar station «Porpoise» and dr.raboty.January 29, 2013 the submarine will be released in India (source).- 14 August 2013 - on submarines pr.877EKM Improved KILO serial number 01325 Sindhurakshak Indian Navy at the pier in the port of Mumbai was an explosion and fire that led to partial flooding of the boat.On board at the time of the explosion there were 18 crew members of the boat, some people managed to escape.It is likely that there was an explosion of ammunition boat, which was at the pier in full running order (the source).


The glow of the explosion on the submarine Sindhurakshak pr.877EKM Indian Navy at the pier in the port of Mumbai, 14.8.2013, the (http://kuleshovoleg.livejournal.com/).The first photographs of the sunken submarine Sindhurakshak pr.877EKM Indian Navy at the pier in the port of Mumbai, August 14, 2013, in the afternoon (photo - the Ministry of Defence of India,http://www.livefistdefence.com/).


India's Defence Goal by Nayeem Sheikh
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- 2013 August 18 - in the Indian media reported that an explosion of excess hydrogen from the battery is not working properly could cause an explosion of ammunition boat.The reason is considered to be a kind of emergency incidents in the weapons bays.The boat was fully outfitted ammunition.Sabotage is considered unlikely.During rescue operations, divers entered the bow section of the boat.It is planned as Mrs. and the operation to raise the boat to the surface.Recovery boats after such a disaster is considered to be impossible.- May 28 2015 - It is reported that the submarine "Sindhukirti" S61 pr.877EKM after completion of repairs to the modernization, which were carried out at the shipyard in India, will be released on the sea trials.The boat installed systems "Pyrite-M", "Palladium-M" CICS "Lama-EKM" (all - development and production of NGO "Aurora").Following the modernization of boats will be able to use the project 877EKM two types of missiles - 3M-54E against naval targets, and 3M-14E at ground targets (source).- 2015 May 29 - PL "Sindhukesari" S60pr.877EKM (previously upgraded by pr.08773 ) in the summer of 2016 will arrive in CA. "Star" to perform medium repair and modernization of equipment (source).Indonesia:

- 2006 - a contract to build two submarines pr.636M at FSUE "Admiralty Shipyards".Perhaps the contract will be increased to 6 pieces.

- September 2007 - an agreement on the supply of equipment by 1 billion. USD - under the agreement ordered two submarines pr.877;- 2007 - was meant to be laid 1st Submarine

- 2008 - was meant to be laid 2nd FL

- 2009 - The plan was to be put into Navy submarine I-1, supply the submarine moved at least 2011

- 2010 - The plan was to be put in the 2nd Navy submarines, submarine delivery moved at least in 2011- 27-28 November 2010 - announced that the purchase of submarines under the agreement in 2007 will produced in 2011

India's Defence Goal by Nayeem Sheikh

Your comments please

@SpArK @Windjammer @AUSTERLITZ @Zarvan @C130 @Abingdonboy @sancho @jaunty @Srinivas @gslv mk3 @Dash @MohitV @Skull and Bones @acetophenol @HariPrasad @he-man @Prechko @vostok @GURU DUTT @janon @ExtraOdinary @RoYaL~GuJJaR @Stephen Cohen @Penguin @Dillinger @Water Car Engineer @Koovie @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR @levina @500 @kurup @bloo @special @Capt.Popeye @MilSpec @Techy @Guynextdoor2 @Agent_47 @IND151 @third eye @anant_s @Mike_Brando @RISING SUN @Stephen Cohen @C130 @OrionHunter @Skull and Bones @Srinivas @ayesha.a
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Do you know the capabilities of this ship and what it can do to Karachi port .... if 2 of them are positioned with 50 NM of the port.... the port will be closed.
Yes if they manage to reach port and it's a big IF
Yes if they manage to reach port and it's a big IF

Does Karachi port has a listening capabilities to locate submarine beyond 75 to 100 NM, how are you going to detect these sub submerge 200 mt below.

even Chinese are very well versed with this sub capabilities hence they brought in large number.
Chinese, Algerian and Iranian has brought them too...


Loading torpedo 53-65K on submarines B-871 "Alrosa" pr.877V KILO (http://alrosa.net).53-65KE Loading torpedoes on submarines pr.877EKM KILO Chinese Navy (http://cnair.top81.cn).


PL "Yuan Zhend 66 Hao" board №366 pr.636 Improved KILO Chinese Navy (http://cnair.top81.cn).


- 1994 - Navy received 1st submarine pr.877EKM

- 1995-1997, the city - in the Navy 2 pcs pr.877EKM


PL "Yuan Zhend 64 Hao" board №364 pr.877EKM Chinese Navy (http://cnair.top81.cn).Supposedly the submarine "Yuan Zhend 65 Hao" factory №414 pr.877EKM production CVD "Red Sormovo".Launching of March 31, 1995 (file photo SAM7,http://forums.airbase.ru).


- 1998 - Navy received 1st submarine pr.636 and remain 2 submarine pr.877EKM

- 1999-2004 GG- Navy pr.877EKM + 2 pcs 2 pcs pr.636



Prepare two submarines pr.877EKM to send a ship to China-carrier Tai An Kou.g.Sanki Petersburg, Fishing port, the end of May 2005 (photo - scorpionishe,http://heavytransport.livejournal.com/).The second photo - the vessel Tai An Kou -perevozchik (http://www.kombuispraat.com).Prepare two submarines pr.877EKM / 636 to be sent to China by the carrier-ship Tai An Kou.St. Petersburg, Fishing port, the end of May 2005 (photo - scorpionishe,http://heavytransport.livejournal.com/).


- 2005 - Navy pr.877EKM 2 pieces + 2 pieces pr.636 + 5 pcs pr.636M- 2006-2009- Navy pr.877EKM + 2 pcs 2 pcs pr.636 + 8 pcs pr.636M


In the foreground one of the Chinese submarine pr.877EKM (http://forums.airbase.ru).

- 1986 December - Algerian Navy will receive the 1st submarine pr.877EKM (B-861).

PL Rais Hadj Mubarek (B-861) pr.877EKM Navy of Algeria, in March 1996 (Jane's Fighting Ships 2004-2005. UK, 2004)
- 1987 December - Algerian Navy got 2nd submarine pr.877EKM (B-386).

- 2005 - B-386 submarine started to repair with the modernization of the Sith specialist FSUE "Admiralty Shipyards" in Oran (Algeria).

- 9 December 2005 - October 2007 (at least) - a Navy submarine Algeria (probably B-861) arrived to upgrade and repair at FSUE "Admiralty Shipyards" (St. Petersburg).It is possible that modernization will be up to the level pr.08773.

- 2006 - a contract to build two submarines pr.636M at FSUE "Admiralty Shipyards" in the amount of 600 million USD. Perhaps the contract will be increased to 4 pieces. The first submarine contract laid (serial №01336).

- 2007 - planned to lay the 2nd submarine pr.636M (laid - factory №01337).

- 2008 - was planned to be put into the Navy 1st pr.636M FL- November 20 2008 - launched the first of two submarines pr.636M.- 2009 April - the second submarine pr.636M launched.- 2009 . June-July - a plan for the Algerian Navy's first submarine pr.636M.- August 28, 2009 - Algerian Navy received the first of two submarines pr.636M (factory №01336).

- 2009 - The Navy planned to hand over in the 2nd submarine pr.636M- 2009 October 29 - Algerian Navy received a second submarine pr.636M (factory №01337).The contract is made.

- 2010 31 March - JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" transferred to Algeria submarine pr.636M (factory №01336, on submarines raised the Algerian flag). - 2012 July 10 - Acceptance Act was signed with JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" Preparedness submarines etc. .877EKM after middle repair and partial modernization.- July 27 2010 - JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" transferred to Algeria even submarines pr.636M (factory №01337, on submarines raised the Algerian flag).In addition, the company is repairing submarines pr.877EKM.- 5 August 2010 - one of the Algerian submarine is in the harbor of Kronstadt Skid №022.


One of Algerian submarine pr.877EKM KILO, photos no later than 2010. (archive atalex,http://military.tomsk.ru/forum).


- 1990 May 17 - St. Petersburg signed an agreement on the delivery of three submarines pr.877EKM.- 1992 November 22 - Iran's navy handed over 1st pr.877EKM submarine B-175, renamed Taregh.

- 6 June 1993 - Iran's navy handed 2nd pr.877EKM submarine B-224, renamed Noor.

- 1996 November 25 - Iran's navy handed over to third pr.877EKM submarine B-220, renamed Yunes.The press reported stomost contract to supply submarine - 450 million. USD.

- 2006 - may be in repair or modernization (part of Iran, on the part of the shipyard "Zvezdochka", Severodvinsk).Just Navy - 3 pieces.


Iranian submarines pr.877EKM parade navy during drills "Velayat-90" in the Strait of Hormuz.03.01.2012 (photo - Norouzi Jamejam-ParsPix / ABACAUSA Viahttp://xrenb.livejournal.com).

- 2012 May 28 - completed emergency repair submarine Taregh pr.877EKM.Repair was made in Iran with 18,000 different components of local production, including an anechoic coating, some elements of the engines, propellers and sonar.




The launching of the submarine after repairs Taregh pr.877EKM Iranian Navy, 28 May 2012 (photo - Azin Haghighi,http://imp-navigator.livejournal.com/).
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