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Complete Info on Project.885 - GRANAY

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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Multipurpose nuclear submarine with cruise missiles (SSGN). Developed in SPMBM "Malachite", chief designer V.N.Pyalov. Research on the development of PLA 4th generation started in 1977. Preliminary design with classic shock submarines torpedo-missile weapons to pr.885 launched in 1980 along with the development of PLA pr.957. A new project (885) retained a certain continuity of PLA pr.971 in reducing noise. In 1985, the construction of boats pr.885 was planned construction program of the Soviet Navy in the next 10 years.Involves the construction of a series of 30 submarines. October 30, 1986 signed a contract №102 / 86-E / 554-86 between the Ministry of Defense of the USSR and SPMBM "Malachite" to perform development work (OCD) "Project 885" (a supplementary agreement to the contract signed on 31 March 2011 ). Technical design of the boat is prepared at the end of the 1980s, but was later redesigned to reflect changes in requirements management Navy and given the promising start of the test and the same for different carriers anti-ship missile "Onyx" (1987). In 1989 he decided to cease development of specialized PLA and completion of the project under the RCC 885 "Onyx" and CBRC "Garnet" with the installation of a boat launcher vertical launch.


PLA K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885 probably 2014 (photo - Vorkunkov Maxim, http://www.sevmash.ru is ).


Return to Severodvinsk with the test phase PLA K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885, Severodvinsk, June 2013 (photo - Oleg Kuleshov,kuleshovoleg ).

Designing PL completed in 1991. Until 2000, it was planned to take in the Navy from 6 to 9 SSGN project. Parent boat pr.885 K-329 (in 2013 it became known that the boat is called the K-560) "Severodvinsk" 10.12.1993 was listed on Navy ships and laid at "Sevmash" (Severodvinsk) 21.12. 1993 with serial number 160. When tab assumed that launch will happen in 1996 with the delivery of the fleet in 1998. But by 1996 the construction of the boat is actually suspended. In 2001, it was decided to redesign the submarine on the amended project 08850 with launching in 2005


Model PL pr.885 "Severodvinsk" ( http://www.corvette-shipmodels.ru )

Formation of the hull was completed in 2005 (?). The conclusion of the workshop for launching the boat was scheduled after May 7, 2010, but on May 7 output from the shop moved to 15.06.2010, the May 20, 2010 it was reported on the appointment date PLA descent into the water on June 11, 2010 (adjusted by 10 June 2010 and later on 15.06.2010, the). Conclusion SSN "Severodvinsk" from the slipway shop in "Sevmash" took place on 15.06.2010, at a launch of the trigger, the dock was 24.06.2010


Conclusion SSGN "Severodvinsk" pr.885 stacker from workshop to the dock "Sukhona" PO "Sevmash" of 15.06.2010 (http://pilot.strizhi.info ) Conclusion SSGN "Severodvinsk" pr.885 of the stacker in the shop Dock "Sukhona" PO "Sevmash" of 15.06.2010 (montage of shots chronicles RIA "Novosti" and pictures of "Sevmash", http://www.sevmash.ru is ).



State tests of the head and the adoption of submarine boats Navy as of March 2010 was scheduled to start in October 2010. However, this did not happen. 31.01.2011 in the media reported that the submarine runs mooring trials and in May 2011, the factory will start sea trials. In the summer of 2011 was planned to begin testing weapons systems. The reality was somewhat different - only 12 September 2011 the submarine K-329 entered the sea trials. October 23, 2011 held the second exit submarines at sea. Probably during the second output produced start throwing RCC "Calibre" PU vertical launch. Adoption head submarine K-329 "Severodvinsk" Russian Navy was scheduled before the end of 2011 (statement by the Director PO "Sevmash" of 16.03.2011). December 2, 2011 it was reported that due nedovedennostyu boats (substandard components) and incomplete testing missile complex transfer boats held in late 2012 (Director of "Sevmash" A.Dyachkov, 02.12.2011) - The following 180 days of sea trials offshore boats. By circumstantial evidence - based on the conditions of the tender for maintenance of torpedoes for testing the order №160 (see below), it can be concluded plans to complete the test SSGN "Severodvinsk" to the November 25, 2012 August 13 But the media reported that that the adoption of the boat fleet consists not earlier than 2013 because of the deficiencies identified during testing. December 12, 2012 "News" reported that the SSGN "Severodvinsk" is not passed another second stage of factory tests (although the newspaper uses the term "State tests "). The reason - a large number of observations and defects. At the same time it is reported that the Main Command of the Navy has no claims to the SSGN and considers the last stage of testing does not state testing stage and intermediate tests missile system. 5 November 2013 the media reported that factory test boat successfully completed the 14th access to the sea. In total, during factory test boat had 222 days at sea, took tens of thousands of nautical miles and flew more than hundreds of descent and ascent. reported that the boat embarked on a program of state tests ( source ). Adoption boat fleet of October 2013, the expected 25/12/2013


PLA K-560 "Severodvinsk" pr.885 comes to the stage of state tests, Severodvinsk, November 5, 2013 (photo - Oleg Kuleshov,kuleshovoleg ).

December 30, 2013 the head of the project PLA 885 K-560 "Severodvinsk" officially adopted the Russian Navy in trial operation.According to unofficial information in the state tests remained unfulfilled several tens requirements. It is expected that there will be built a series of six submarines pr.885 (as of 2009-2010) based at the Northern Fleet. According to the state armaments program for 2007-2015 gg planned construction of two submarines pr.885. 22.08.2011, the media announced that in 2011-2020 gg planned construction of 10 submarines of the project (information confirmed by 07.02.2012, the newspaper "Kommersant", citing sources in the Russian Defense Ministry). November 9, 2011 in the media announced the signing between the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the United Shipbuilding Corporation a contract for the engineering design SSGN pr.885M "Ash" (SPMBM "Malachite"), the amount of 13.4 billion rubles to develop. PLA pr.885M will differ a complete rejection of the counterparty from CIS countries. Simultaneously contracted by "Sevmash" for the construction of the head boats pr.885M - "Kazan" - worth 47 billion. Rubles and a series of five production boats in the amount of 164 billion. Rubles. (By 32.8 billion rubles / pc). September 4, 2012 in media reports about plans to adopt up to 2020 boats Project 7 - head pr.885 and six boats pr.885M. Name NATO "Granay" just mistakenly used in the 1980s for the naming of the submarine , etc. .877 , and the name of the NATO "Graney" is a typographical error, which has spread in the media.

The design of the submarine - polutorakorpusnaya - boat has a mixed architectural and structural type with a monohull design on the part of the body length. Lightweight body is present in the bow of the boat and superstructure behind the fence cutting. Rugged divided into 10 compartments and is made of vysokoproch tion-magnetic steel, probably with a yield strength up to 100 kgf / mm (thickness up to 48 mm, processing presses FUJICAR) . Housing assembly is performed by the block method using metal rope dampers instead of the traditional rubber-cord pneumatic . Equipment mounted zone block blocks on massive frames. A new method of linking ECUs and auxiliary equipment, cooling systems and power supply has reduced the noise level by 10-15 dB. Use vibration-absorbing laminated beams, stanchions, elements of pipelines and ducts, and other structures that reduce vibration noise by 10-30 dB. The equipment is mounted on a vibration-cell scaffolds made of composite materials. Each structural unit is covered with soundproofing panels. The body is covered with a rubber protivogidroakusticheskim PLA coating. The boat used for active suppression system (SAG) noise in the limit of discrete frequency components of 50-500 Hz. At SSGN pr.885M supposed to use protivogidroakusticheskih coatings housing types "Molniya-M" and "Molniya-M-control." The submarine is implemented outboard fittings circulation routes or a similar type of "Fin" ( pr.971).



The design of the hull and outboard fittings circulation routes or similar type of "fin" on the SSGN "Severodvinsk" pr.885, PO "Sevmash" of 15.06.2010 ( http://pilot.strizhi.info ) / SSGN "Severodvinsk", etc.. 885 in the dock "Sukhona", summer 2010 ( http://flot.com ). SSN "Severodvinsk" pr.885, Severodvinsk, PO "Sevmash", March 2011 (Photo by Oleg Kuleshov, http: / /forums.airbase.ru ).



Propulsion :
- A new type of nuclear installations - integrated gooseneck with combining in a single unit reactor and foam. Reactor - water-water pipes with primary coolant placed in the reactor vessel. Steam supply system (PUF) CPM capacity of up to 200 MW. Starting with boats pr.885M planned to use the all-new design monoblock power plant.

- 1 x block-shaft turbine plant (STP) "Mirage" Kaluga Turbine Plant production is likely to GTZA OK-class 9VM or similar with improved cushioning capacity of about 43,000 hp

- 1 x propulsion motor of slow speed - 2 x thrusters submersible 2 speed electric motor propeller PG-160 (?) to 410 hp (370 hp dr.dannym).Located in advancing columns aft submarine.

Mechanics - one shaft, one 7-bladed fixed pitch propeller low noise with a scimitar-shaped blades and water jets (on submarines pr.885M perhaps - analogue tested for submarine B-871 "Alrosa" pr.877V ). Four reclining thrusters. Nasal hydroplanes with flaps, probably, extension, similar PLA pr.971 . On SSGN steering gears are used to develop SPMBM "Malachite" and production "Sevmash". For modernized SSGN pr.855M "Kazan" manufacturing improved (compared to SSGN "Severodvinsk") steering engine started in 2013 at "Sevmash". Production of steering gear is scheduled for completion in 2013 ( source ).

7-bladed propeller SSGN "Severodvinsk" pr.885 and feed controls, PO "Sevmash" of 15.06.2010 ( http://pilot.strizhi.info ). SSGN "Severodvinsk" pr.885 in the dock "Sukhona" Summer 2010 ( http://flot.com ).


Energy - probably two turbogenerator AC, two reversible DC-DC converter.
Backup power - Diesel ADH-630NK and ADH-1000, as well as, probably, two groups of lead-acid batteries. Management System Electrical Power System "Luga-I" / "Luga-Ash". System of centralized power "cosine-I" / "cosine-Ash".

Rescue System - a pop-up rescue chamber (VSC), designed for the entire crew submarine - a new model of VSC - is located in the enclosure sliding devices PLA . Liferafts class KSU-600N-4.

TTX submarine :
Crew - 85-90 people (32 officers) Length (estimated):
- initial draft (without UKSK) - 127 meters
- the final draft (with UKSK) - 139.2 m
- 133 m (Jane Fighting Ships 2011-2012)
length at the waterline - 119 m (120 m according to the PO "Sevmash")
- 13.5 m (15 m according to the PO "Sevmash")
- 11.5 m (Jane Fighting Ships 2011-2012)
Draft average - 9.4 m (10 m according to the software "Sevmash")

Displacement above water:
- 8600 m (estimate)
- 9500 m (Jane Fighting Ships 2011-2012)
Displacement underwater:
- 13800 tons (estimated)
- 11,800 tons (Jane Fighting Ships 2011-2012)

Speed surface speed - 16 kt
submerged speed - 31 kt
immersion depth Working - 380-400 m (estimate)
Immersion depth limit - 600 m

Autonomy (reserves) - 100 days Armament:

Launcher CM-346 (CM-343 in terms of sources) - Vertical launching system of universal shipboard firing system (UKSK) 3P-14B - 2 rows of 4 modules launcher along the boards in the hull for fencing sliding devices - total up to 32 ASM P-800 "Onyx" . PU formed in 8 vertical or vertically inclined (unlikely, but is described in terms of sources) n Aketi 4 TPK in the case of RCC "Onyx". PU prototype CM-346 - Batch inclined PU CM-315 has been tested and trial operation in the Russian Navy in the pilot SSGN K-452 "Nizhny Novgorod" pr.06704 "gull-B" (a converted SSGN pr.670M) with RCC P-800 "Onyx" (1999 to 2002). Also on lo order implies the use of missiles complex "Caliber" (first tested on a ground target from a boat in November 2012) , as well as new types of missiles for different purposes.

Covers the installation of vertical launch missile system. Picture taken 5/10/2011, during the return SSN "Severodvinsk" pr.885 from the first outlet to the sea. Severodvinsk (author photo - Michael Kravtsov, http://forums.airbase.ru ). Detail launcher SM-343 for RCC P-800 "Onyx" PLA pr.885, Obukhov plant, 2013 (photo - Said amines, http://saidpvo.livejournal.com ).


2 x 5 (or 2 x 4 pr.885M according to some sources) x 533 mm TA-board placed in the central part of the case for the central station (30 torpedoes ammunition UGST , USET-80 et al., CBRC 3Q10 "Garnet" or " Turquoise ", rockets PLRK "Waterfall" , mines, etc.). In the original version pr.885 according to the media was 8 nasal TA 533 and 650 mm.
Perhaps on the submarine are also installed 533 mm disposable non-rechargeable PU means of sonar countermeasures such as REPS-324 "barrier" for SGAPD type MG-104 "Throw" and MG-114 "Beryl".

Equipment :

CICS (combat information management system) "District", combining real-time control of all combat systems, information about the state of the ship and the information from the means of observation and targeting. Work CICS provides several onboard computer. CICS ship can receive and transmit data to other vehicles on the sonar system of protected data. Equipment CICS "District" (worth 447,279,000 rubles) made in 2007 concern "Morinformsystem-Agat" with 85% of the financing, prepared for shipment. Time of shipment systems at the initiative of the customer moved (in 2008 and later in 2009, and which was supplied at "Sevmash"). HOOK CIM-600 "Irtysh-Amphora-Ash" ("Irtysh-Amfora- I ") to develop a new generation of CRI" Morphyspribor "(Concern" Okeanpribor ", St. Petersburg, R & D 1980-1987, GG, production Taganrog plant" Surf ") with conformal large main antenna" Amphora "and digital signal processing using a digital library system for automatic classification purposes "Ajax-M" (R & D since 1985, the chief designer Yu.S.Perelmuter, CRI "Morphyspribor").Conformal antenna side large area. Towed sonar in the vertical tail fairing submarines. The prototype has been tested at the SJC towing submarines K-403 "Kazan" pr.09780 "Axon-2" in 1998.

Home antenna SJC "Irtysh-Amphora" (photo antenna PLA pr.09780, http://paralay.com )


Installation of the fairing to the main antenna SJC "Irtysh-Amphora" towing PLA pr.09780 ( http://paralay.com )


Towing PLA pr.09780 "Kazan" which tested a prototype of the SJC "Irtysh-Amphora" about SRH "Star", Severodvinsk (photohttp://pilot.strizhi.info )

Installation of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels of the SJC "Irtysh-Amphora" on the head submarine probably was conducted at "Sevmash" from February 2005 to July 2006. During 2007, the PO "Sevmash" with Taganrog plant "Surf" are supplied for installation on submarines pr.885 devices 1E, 1M4, 1MK, 16G, three hydrophone and other equipment SJC "Irtysh-Amphora-Ash". Setting up equipment HOOK 4th and 5th levels probably conducted in 2008-2009 (Supply contract HOOK Taganrog plant "Surf" from 16.08.2006, the). At the head of submarines head. "160 In 2011 delivered three sets of on-board equipment 3A-55 (development and production of concern" Granit-Electron " ist. - Annual report of Concern "Granit-Electron" in 2011 ).

Secure sonar tactical data transmission system similar to sonar communication system "structure" of "Okeanpribor" (or one of the models of the system).

Radar and other equipment - in accordance with the requirements for this class boats. On submarines zav.№160 (pr.885) within GOZ-2011 in 2011 delivered a prototype complex radar equipment 3C-30.0 (development - Concern "Granit-Electron" production - Saratov radiopriborny plant), tested, declared its readiness for sea trials. For pr.885A Concern "Granit-Electron" is being developed radar P-43M(ist. - Annual report of JSC Concern "Granit-Electron" in 2011 ).

Telescopic device development SPMBM "Malachite" (representative of the designer at work - SA Nikitin) produced shop №4 (workshops with the participation of №№16 and 8) "Sevmash" (Severodvinsk). The head unit is manufactured in autumn 2010

A comprehensive system of technical means "Bulat-I" / Bulat-Ash ". Management System Electrical Power System" Luga-I "/" Luga-Ash. "Centralized power" cosine-I "/" cosine-Ash ".


Fencing sliding devices SSGN "Severodvinsk" pr.885. Seen torpedopogruzochny hatch likely fairing Sox sliding hatches ustrostv. PO "Sevmash" of 15.06.2010 ( http://pilot.strizhi.info ).


Fencing sliding devices - nominated periscope antenna and a radio-technical systems. Picture taken 5/10/2011, during the return of the submarine from the first outlet to the sea. Severodvinsk (author photo - Michael Kravtsov, http://forums.airbase.ru ).

Modifications: pr.885 "Ash" - GRANAY - initial draft SSGN SPMBM "Malachite", chief designer V.N.Pyalov. Parent Boat Series K-329 "Severodvinsk" factory №160, laid at "Sevmash" 21.12.1993 The project redesigned in 2001 according to Western data by October 1996 was made to lay the groundwork second submarine project. According to our assumption on the history of SSBN pr.955 it is likely that hurt either first- or second-prospective boat was used in the construction of SSBN pr.955 that caused such a serious delay in the construction of SSGN pr.885 a redesign for pr.08850. pr.885 / pr .08850 "Ash" GRANAY

- SSGN, headache Boat Series "Severodvinsk" factory №160 (01160) lies at "Sevmash" of 21.12.1993, is completed by pr.08850 since 2001 (redesign for new equipment ). Head conclusion boat out of the shop was held on 15.06.2010, launching - 24.06.2010 Till the end of 2013 it is planned to take a boat in the Russian Navy.

Emblem SSGN "Severodvinsk" pr.08850, placed on the bow of the submarine hull, a photo with the withdrawal of submarines shop in "Sevmash" of 15.06.2010 ( http://pilot.strizhi.info )

pr.885M / pr.08851 "Ash-M" - SSGN, the second and subsequent series of boats. The first boat subproject - "Kazan" (factory №161) - founded at "Sevmash" 24.07.2009 laying of the first submarine at the beginning of the 2000s was to be held in 2002-2004 with the entry into operation of the boat in the 2006-2008 years (According to Western data "Severodvinsk-I"). November 9, 2011 signed a contract to develop the project between the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the USC / SPMBM "Malachite". PLA will be distinguished by the absence of subsystems and components manufactured in the CIS countries. On the boat will be updated set of installed equipment.According to unconfirmed reports submarines equipped with 8 TA. The project is in some sources erroneously called "pr.885A."


BS board the submarine "Kazan" pr.08851 ( http://malachite-spb.ru )


Projection SSGN pr.885 "Severodvinsk" (author - KAF, http://forums.airbase.ru ) Projections SSGN pr.885 "Ash" and pr.08851 (author of projections - Diletant2010, the cut - Deep Blue Sea, http: / /paralay.com , minor adjustments). Cut SSGN pr.885 "Ash". Numbers: 1 - Home spherical antenna HOOK; 2 - nasal emergency buoy; 3 - nose cone; 4 - Antenna en closure; 5 - nasal hydroplanes; 6 - torpedopogruzochny hatch; 7 - antenna HOOK; 8 - the navigation bridge; 9 - FAC; 10 - non-penetrating periscope; 11 - lift-mast devices;12 - hatch; 13 - the fifth missile compartment with PU 3P-14B; 14 - the sixth reactor compartment with foam, tanks and pumps biological protection; 15 - Cylinders system WSC; 16 - stern emergency buoy; 17 - stern hatch; 18 - steering compartment with a stern rudder actuators; 19 - discharge device towed antenna HOOK; 20 - the propeller shaft; 21 - permeable volumes; 22 - bow trim tanks; 23 - Bow Group BTF; 24 - the first compartment of the CPU and hardware SJC; 25 - nose AB; 26 - en closure RDK; 27 - TA board; 28 - tank replacement trped; 29 - Central AB; 30 - ammo on the shelves and in the quick-loading; 31 - the second torpedo compartment; 32 - the third compartment and an auxiliary ship's equipment; 33 - the fourth living compartment; 34 - the middle group, CCH, rapid-diving tank missiles and tank replacement (not shown); 35 - Seventh turbine compartment with PTU and ATG; 36 - aft group BTF; 37 - GTZA; 38 - the condenser; 39 - HED; 40 - the eighth compartment auxiliary mechanical equipment; 41 - the main thrust bearing propeller shaft; 42 - aft ballast tank. (author - Deep Blue Sea, http://paralay.com ).


Cost . At the end of October 2011 between the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) and the Ministry of Defence Rossiidostignuta agreement on the cost of SSBN under the state defense order for 2011-2012 The cost of PLA head K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885 set at 47 billion rubles. The cost of a series of 5 serial SSGN is 164 billion rubles (32.8 billion rubles on / pc). Status: Russia - 1993 December 12 - bookmark at "Sevmash" head boats pr.885 K-329 "Severodvinsk" , serial No. 160. - 2006 - on the submarine K-329 "Severodvinsk" installed steam generating and steam-turbine plant. - 2007 - concern "Morinformsystem-Agat" with 85% of funding is almost completely prepared for shipment equipments CICS "District" (worth 447,279,000 rubles) and the launcher vertical launch naval firing universal system (KSUS) 3P-14B (valued at 216,392,000 rubles). Time of shipment systems at the initiative of the customer moved (in 2008 and later in 2009). - 2009 July 24 - bookmark at "Sevmash" second boat pr.885M / pr.08851 "Kazan", factory №161 .


ceremony of laying SSGN "Kazan" pr.885M, 24.07.2009 ( http://www.sevmash.ru is ).- 2009 - the concern "Morinformsystem-Agat" staged at "Sevmash" equipments CICS "District" and launcher vertical launch naval firing universal system (KSUS) 3P-14B. - 13 April 2010 - according to the news agency "Belomorkanal "on 13.04.2010, in the A output from the shop PLA K-329 "Severodvinsk" (zav.№160), scheduled for May 7, 2010, transferred to technical reasons. Transfer service associated with other orders at "Sevmash". In 2010, the submarine will be launched and pass all the tests planned for this year. - 2010 May 7 - the expected date for the withdrawal of the workshop for the launching of the submarine "Severodvinsk" pr.885 / pr.08850 at "Sevmash" ( according to the head of the press service of the City Hall Severodvinsk Michael Starozhilova from 15.03.2010). May 7, 2010, it became known that the output of the plant was postponed to 15.06.2010 - 2010 June 15 - the expected date of launching submarines "Severodvinsk" is expected ceremony in the presence of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (previously there was information on 20 May 2010 on the planned launching of the June 11, 2010 and later - 10.06.2010). - 2010 June 15 - at 14-45 local time in Severodvinsk conclusion from the workshop held SSGN "Severodvinsk" dock "Sukhona." At present the derivation of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. - 2010 June 24 - K-329 submarine "Severodvinsk" is derived from the dock "Sukhona" on the water.


SSGN "Severodvinsk" pr.885 in the dock "Sukhona", summer 2010 ( http://forums.airbase.ru ). SSGN "Severodvinsk" pr.885 in the dock "Sukhona" after the withdrawal of the shop in the "Sevmash" Summer 2010 (file photo userg, http://forums.airbase.ru ). Conclusion SSGN "Severodvinsk" pr.885 from the dock "Sukhona" to the outfitting quay ON "Sevmash", 24.07.2010 (photo C .Kundyvusa, PO "Sevmash",http://www.klubsmi.ru ).





- May 2011 - Hull-welding production software "Sevmash" produced and transmitted in the last section of the pile body shop PLA "Kazan" pr.885. - 2011 September 12 - at 18:00 Moscow time in Severodvinsk on sea trials Sea first came submarine K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885. Crew commander - Captain 1st Rank Sergey Mityaev, head of commissioning team - Valery Dobrovolsky. Previously, the output of the ship on the sea trials scheduled for May 2011




The first access to the sea submarine K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885 GRANAY, Severodvinsk, 12.09.2011, the (photo - M.Vorkunkov newspaper "Shipwright", http://forums.airbase.ru , http: //www.sevmash.ru ). The first exit to the sea submarine K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885 GRANAY, Severodvinsk, 12.09.2011 (photo - Oleg Kuleshov, kuleshovoleg ).





- 2011 October 5 - PLA
K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885 GRANAY back from the first voyage in Severodvinsk. During the first spacewalk on board with the crew was about 250 people.


Return SSN "Severodvinsk" pr.885 from the first outlet to the sea. Severodvinsk, of 05.10.2011 (author photo - Michael Kravtsov,http://forums.airbase.ru ).

- 2011 October 11 - According to the First Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Sukhorukov far contracts under defense contracts in 2011 have not been concluded with the United Shipbuilding Corporation to build a nuclear submarine Project 885 "Ash" and two submarines of Project 955 "Borey". - 2011 October 23 - after correcting several errors SSGN K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885 again put to sea for the next stage of sea trials. According to unconfirmed information are expected shooting basic missile system. Perhaps held start throwing RCC "Caliber" (02.11.2011, in the statement of Directors on the "Sevmash" it is said that in 2011 held start throwing RCC "Calibre", but did not specify to what type of vehicle).


Exit PLA K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885 the next stage of sea trials. Severodvinsk, of 23.10.2011 ( http://forums.airbase.ru ).

- 2011 November 9 - November 9, 2011 in the media announced the signing between the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the United Shipbuilding Corporation a contract for the engineering design SSGN pr.885M "Ash" (SPMBM "Malachite"), the amount of 13.4 billion rubles development . PLA pr.885M will differ a complete rejection of the counterparty from CIS countries. Simultaneously contracted by "Sevmash" for the construction of the head boats pr.885M - "Kazan" - worth 47 billion. Rubles and a series of five production boats in the amount of 164 billion. Rubles. (By 32.8 billion rubles / piece). - 2011 November - SSGN "Kazan" (head pr.885M) elements of the boat hull structures prepared to conduct hydraulic tests. - 2011 December 2 - Director of the "Sevmash" A .Dyachkov in an interview said that in connection with nedovedennostyu SSGN K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885 (substandard components) and incomplete testing missile complex transfer boats of the Russian Navy will be held in late 2012, after 180 days of sea trials. - 2011 December 20 - By the SSGN-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885 back in Severodvinsk with the next stage of sea trials. - 2011 - within a year of PLA K-329 "Severodvinsk" spent 120 days at sea, found about 2,000 flaws that brought industry and a developer. Test complex "Caliber" could not take place - the rocket all the time faltering due to the fault of the developer ( ist. - A. Mikhailov Submarine value ... ). - 2012 07 February - the newspaper "Kommersant", citing a source in the Russian Defense Ministry reports that the group plans to pr.885 SSGN program of armaments to 2020 increased to 10 units. This confirmed the previously announced figures. - 2012 March 21 - Online procurement published an open tender for maintenance of torpedoes "Physics 1" / 2534 product during the test SSGN "Severodvinsk" pr.885. Under the terms of the tender is expected to November 25, 2012 to complete the test torpedoes from a submarine. Apparently in the test plan to use torpedoes UGST 6-7 / "Physics-1", including 2 torpedoes with completion of advance testing. Works with torpedoes zaplanirovaly state defense order for 2012 starting price contract for the maintenance and preparation of torpedoes - 96 million. Rubles. - April 25 2012 - the media reported confirms that in 2012 the PLA Navy will head pr.885 . PLA pr.885M head - "Kazan" - planned to Navy in 2015. The Navy also rent boats remaining 5 upgrade projects planned before 2021 contract amount for the construction of 5 oseriynyh pr.885M PLA - 150 billion rubles. It is noted that the construction of boats pr.885 / 885M cost 1.5-2 times more expensive than construction SSBN pr.955 "Northwind". - 2012 June 21 - the next stage of testing - the first time in 2012 - came SSGN Severodvinsk K 329 "Severodvinsk".



Access to the sea submarines K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885, Severodvinsk, 21.06.2012 (photo - Irina Veselova,kuleshovoleg ).

- 3 August 2012 - in arbitration initiated the lawsuit to the Russian Defense Ministry SPMBM "Malachite" the last of the failure of the contract for the construction of submarines №160 (parent "Ash"). Under the contract, the defendant should have been done before 25.11.2011, the work on phase XXVIII OCD "pr.885." In terms of transfer operation is not performed and commissioned, in connection with which the plaintiff accrued liquidated damages in the amount of 68.7 million. Rubles. The court found that the whole complex of works to be performed SPMBM "Malachite" on the order of the head. №160, was associated with the need to pass tests in OAO "PO" Sevmash ", which failed to fulfill its obligations ( source ). - 2012 August 13 - reported in the media ( source ) that the boat will be put into service no earlier than 2013 . as during the tests revealed some shortcomings. Nuclear reactor boat does not give the required power, as well as fulfilling the requirements for the noise of the boat. Ditto for the PLA has not yet delivered a new type of torpedo. - 2012 August 15 - Message from 13.08.2012, the media representative refuted the United Shipbuilding Corporation. - 2012 August 17 - Russian Navy Commander Viktor Chirkov told the media that PLA K-329 "Severodvinsk" can join the Navy at the end of 2012



Exit PLA K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885 for the next phase of testing, verostno, 2012 (file photo SAM7, http://forums.airbase.ru ).

- 2012 September 4 - in the media announced that the PLA K-329 "Severodvinsk" proceed to take state tests in November 2012, and at the moment after the completion of the next stage of the factory running tests undergoing maintenance at "Sevmash" . In September 2012 the submarine for the fourth time will come on stage ochereznoy zavods FIR sea trials. The completion of state tests scheduled for December 2012 to conduct state tests prepared three production supersonic KR "Caliber" with a range of up to 2,500 km. - 2012 30 October - PLA K-329 "Severodvinsk" came out on stage pavershayuschy Gosudasrtvennyh tests. Access to the sea is scheduled to be completed November 25, 2012 is expected to experience the work of the main ballast tanks and a drainage system, check the operation of the reactor in all modes, the smooth operation of the line shafts. Just expected to be carried transcripts launches joint state tests complex "Caliber" - scheduled to launch three rockets - two out of the water and one from a surface location. Just PLA-goal is to perform a dive at extreme depths. The test program will be held in the White Sea ( ist. - A. Mikhailov Submarine value ... ).


Access to the sea submarines K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885, Severodvinsk, 2012 ( http://www.air-defense.net/forum ).
- 2012 November 7 - successfully tested anti-ship cruise missile complex "Caliber" of submerged SSGN on K-329 "Severodvinsk". - 26 November 2012 - ITAR-TASS reports that for the first time on ground targets with SSGN K 329 "Severodvinsk" tested a cruise missile complex "Caliber". Start is made from a surface location.

The first launch of the CD "Calibre" on ground targets with SSGN "Severodvinsk" pr.885, of 26.11.2012 (file photo Curious,
http://forums.airbase.ru ).

- 2012 December 12 - "News" reported that the SSGN "Severodvinsk" is not passed another second phase state tests. The reason - a large number of observations and defects. One of the three rounds of the Kyrgyz Republic "Calibre" during the test phase was unsuccessful (underwater shot). It is reported that not prnyato decision on how to proceed - there is the probability of making a boat Fleet followed correct deficiencies. During 2013 is likely to be the third stage of the boat to which the basic state tests nedostaktki must be corrected. At the same time it is reported that the Main Command of the Navy has no claims to the SSGN and considers the last stage of testing does not state testing stage and intermediate tests missile system.

Right in the frame K SSGN-329 "Severodvinsk". Probably, the boat goes scheduled dry-docking. Ceremony output from the shop SSBN "Vladimir Monomakh". Shop №55 by "Sevmash" of 30.12.2012 (video frame http://tv29.ru ).
- 16 January 2013 - in the media reported that a third SSGN pr.885 will be laid on the day of the Navy in the summer of 2013 (July 28). - 2013 March 26 - PO "Sevmash" confirms deadline submarine "Kazan" Fleets - 2015 ( source ).


SSBN pr.955 "Alexander Nevsky" and PLA pr.885 K-329 "Severodvinsk" outfitting quay at Sevmash, May 2013 ( http://www.sevmash.ru is ).

- 2013 May 30 - PLA K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885 came from Severodvinsk on the next stage of state tests. Tests anti-ship missiles "Onyx" according to unofficial information is planned for August 2013 ( source ).

Out to sea on trials PLA K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885, Severodvinsk, 30/05/2013 (photo - Oleg Kuleshov,kuleshovoleg ). Out to sea on state tests PLA K -329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885, Severodvinsk, 30.05.2012 (photo - Oleg Kuleshov, kuleshovoleg ). The test launch of the CD 3M14 "Caliber" with submarines K-329 "Severodvinsk "pr.885, June 2013 ( http://forums.airbase.ru ). The test launch of the CD 3M14 "Caliber" with submarines K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885 June 2013. dr.dannym - on picture sweat Avarin shooting missiles "Onyx" (file photo Michael Kravtsov, http://forums.airbase.ru ).





- 2013. June - PLA K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885 returned with the next stage of state tests at "Sevmash". Judging by the lack of press releases tests have not been completed. - June 25, 2013 - in the media announced that the Commander of the Order of the Russian FMV third boat pr.885 (second pr.885M) will be laid at "Sevmash" called "Novosibirsk "( source ).

Shifting boards PLA "Novosibirsk" pr.08851, 07.26.2013, the (photo processing with http://militaryphotos.net ).
- July 29, 2013 - a meeting on the development of the Navy stated that the possible postponement of the construction of submarines of "Borey" and "Ash" with deadlines after 2015 for the period 2025 - 2013, July 31 - referring to the statement of Directors on "Sevmash" Michael Budnichenko agency "Xinhua" reported that the head of PLA pr.885M "Kazan" will be transferred to the Navy in 2017. Earlier, in April 2012, the media reported that the boat was planned to pass the Navy in 2015 Initially, the same, after laying, it was assumed that the PLA Navy to go in 2012



Return to ochrednoy stage trials in Severodvinsk - SSN "Severodvinsk" pr.885, Severodvinsk, 21/08/2013 (photo - Oleg Kuleshov,kuleshovoleg ).
- 2 September 2013 - Russian Navy Commander Viktor Chirkov told the media that are nearing completion tests PLA K-560 "Severodvinsk" is building submarines K-561 "Kazan" and K-573 "Novosibirsk" ( source ). - 2013 October 10, - press service of the PO "Sevmash" reports that the PLA "Severodvinsk" fully completed sea trials and will soon begin any ofth program state tests. In the latter, the fourth in a row this year, out of the submarine at sea on ZHI successfully tested its missile range of torpedoes, torpedo all successfully tested and shoot. Total from 2011 to 2013 the submarine made 14 outputs ZHI. State tests of nuclear submarines planned from the beginning of November 2013, with "no attempt (third or fourth) pass state tests just could not be, by definition, as established and proven for decades order for all Navy ships conducting state testing is possible only after the completion of the entire software factory sea trials ", - stressed in the USC. "As for firing rocket complex" Onyx ", then they are prepared, planned and will be held during the state tests, as required by the schedule and the program", - informed at USC. There was reminded that in 2012 "Severodvinsk" according to the program have already been successfully tested missile system "Caliber" of surface and underwater position on ship and shore targets. ( source ). - 2013 October 12 - unofficial, but a public source reports that a previous stage of sea trials SSN "Severodvinsk" is back with more than 250 comments. To date there have closed about 100 comments. Transfer boat fleet is scheduled for March-April 2014 Results passing SSC (sonar control ship) in 2015 will have to bring to the appropriate record in acoustic form boat. Notes on noise brings the reactor at the output at maximum capacity and poorly treated vala.Dognat line and overtake on the characteristics of the noise SSN "Virginia" has not yet been ( source ).


PLA K-329 "Severodvinsk" pr.885 comes to the stage of state tests, Severodvinsk, November 5, 2013 (photo - Oleg Kuleshov,kuleshovoleg ).

- 2013 29 November - published a picture of the first start of RCC "Onyx" with PLA "Seveodvinsk" pr.885. The boat has performed a double salvo missile launching.


The first launch of missiles "Onyx" with PLA "Seveodvinsk" pr.885. Publication of 11.29.2013 ( http://zvezdochka-ru.livejournal.com ).Bookmark PLA "Krasnoyarsk" pr.885M, PO "Sevmash", 27 July 2014 (kuleshovoleg ). One of the RCC launches "Onyx" with the SSN "Severodvinsk" pr.885, video frames, the publication in January 2014 ( http://www.sevmash.ru is ). Shifting boards PLA "Archangel" pr.08851 with laying ceremony , 03/19/2015 (photo Oleg Maglić, http://pravdasevera.ru , processed).



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