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Chinese scientists develop world's 1st oral HDAC inhibitor


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
Chinese scientists develop world's 1st oral HDAC inhibitor
Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-5-24 11:03:28


Lu Xianping works in a lab at Shenzhen Chipscreen Biosciences Ltd. in Shenzhen, south China's Guangdong Province, May 20, 2015. Lu Xianping, together with other four returned overseas scientists, spent 14 years to develop Chidamide, the world's first oral HDAC inhibitor, which was given regulatory approval in January. (Xinhua/Mao Siqian)
Chinese biologists find key process to obtain adult stem cells
Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-5-19 20:52:25

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) announced scientists have discovered a new method for reprogramming and obtaining induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), or stem cells derived from adult cells.

The latest research by stem-cell biologist Pei Duanqing and his team revealed autophagy, a process in generating iPS, does not play a vital role in reprogramming. Previously, it was believed it did.

Autophagy, or self-cannibalization, refers to a process of cells discarding or degrading cellular components under certain conditions to prevent further damage.

It is not only unnecessary for the process, but may hold back it, according to the finding.

"Cells that did not undergo the process of autophagy had higher efficiency of reprogramming, and iPS cells generated without the autophagy also have their normal pluripotent feature," Pei said.

Instead, they discovered that reprogramming is the inhibition of a substance called "mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1)."

Like embryonic stem cells, iPS stem cells can develop into any cell in the human body.

Shinya Yamanaka, a professor at Kyoto University, won a Nobel Prize in physiology for developing an iPS cell harvesting technique that allows stem cells to be obtained from adult tissue instead of from embryos in 2012, thus avoiding the ethical and legal barriers.

The scientists believe their findings can help people understand how cell reprogramming affects patients of metabolic diseases such as diabetes or cancer, according to a statement of the CAS.

The latest study was published by on Nature Cell Biology Monday.
Wow, they return! @Bussard Ramjet Allow me to just tag you some timeso_O

Yeah, it happens that they return. LOL. And they return in greater number each year. Is it a shame as the alleged 21 year-old Indian guy/gal whose parents went through the Cultural Revolution would call it?

I guess it is a shame by Indian standarts. As far as I can tell, the threahold for shame is rather high for this Indian being when it comes to his/her/its own filthy country -- The largest source of undocumented immigrant to the US from Asia.

Seriously, you did well by putting him/her/it on ignore.

Let's move on:

China clones heat-tolerant gene from African rice strain
Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-5-21 14:29:58

Chinese scientists have succeeded in isolating and cloning heat-tolerant genes from African rice strains, which could help develop rice varieties that can withstand climate change brought by global warming.

Lin Hongxuan, an academician with the Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said on Thursday that high heat, normally temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius, reduces rice production.

Heat stress can strain rice proteins and cause the plant to wither. Lin's team found that a gene isolated from the African rice strain can automatically activate when heat strikes. It works to remove toxic proteins whose accumulation leads to the plant's death.

Lin said his team has conducted field studies growing Asian rice strains with the transplanted gene that show the gene's dominant traits enable the plant to withstand high temperatures.
He said the cloned gene can be transplanted to develop new varieties of rice, wheat and cruciferous vegetables such as Chinese cabbage.
Yeah, it happens that they return. LOL. And they return in greater number each year. Is it a shame as the alleged 21 year-old Indian guy/gal whose parents went through the Cultural Revolution would call it?

I guess it is a shame by Indian standarts. As far as I can tell, the threahold for shame is rather high for this Indian being when it comes to his/her/its own filthy country -- The largest source of undocumented immigrant to the US from Asia.

Seriously, you did well by putting him/her/it on ignore.

Let's move on:

China clones heat-tolerant gene from African rice strain
Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-5-21 14:29:58

Chinese scientists have succeeded in isolating and cloning heat-tolerant genes from African rice strains, which could help develop rice varieties that can withstand climate change brought by global warming.

Lin Hongxuan, an academician with the Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said on Thursday that high heat, normally temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius, reduces rice production.

Heat stress can strain rice proteins and cause the plant to wither. Lin's team found that a gene isolated from the African rice strain can automatically activate when heat strikes. It works to remove toxic proteins whose accumulation leads to the plant's death.

Lin said his team has conducted field studies growing Asian rice strains with the transplanted gene that show the gene's dominant traits enable the plant to withstand high temperatures.
He said the cloned gene can be transplanted to develop new varieties of rice, wheat and cruciferous vegetables such as Chinese cabbage.
No news from that commercialised keratoprosthesis(artificial cornea)?
No news from that commercialised keratoprosthesis(artificial cornea)?

China launches world's first artificial cornea in market

Patient Qiu Baozhu is about to discharge from hospital after receiving the cornea transplant operation at the Xiamen Eye Center of Xiamen University in Xiamen, Southeast China's Fujian province, Nov 27, 2014. (Photo/Xinhua)

In a move expected to benefit millions of patients suffering from corneal blindness, the world's first artificial bioengineering cornea created and developed domestically by China went into production on May 23, People's Daily reported.

The cornea, of which China has complete intellectual property right, is the first and the only cornea in the world that has completed clinical trials. It received the license from National Food and Drug Administration in the end of April.

According to the World Health Organization, corneal blindness is one of the major causes of blindness after cataract.

China has more than four million corneal blindness patients and over 100,000 cases are reported annually. Most of the patients can recover their sights through keratoplasty but are forced to wait due to shortage of corneal donors.

The artificial bioengineering cornea is expected to bring light to the Chinese patients and 60 million patients overseas soon.

LOL!! But I thought that might explain his relatively lucid mind comparing to most other indians, so I tend to believe him..

You know one can be anybody on the internet. The member is a true Indian.

Just refer the being to the nearest ignore list. LOL.
Things are as they should be。
Wow, they return! @Bussard Ramjet Allow me to just tag you some timeso_O

Absolutely. Some do. 78% of students pursuing education abroad return once their education is over.

Yeah, it happens that they return. LOL. And they return in greater number each year. Is it a shame as the alleged 21 year-old Indian guy/gal whose parents went through the Cultural Revolution would call it?

I guess it is a shame by Indian standarts. As far as I can tell, the threahold for shame is rather high for this Indian being when it comes to his/her/its own filthy country -- The largest source of undocumented immigrant to the US from Asia.

Seriously, you did well by putting him/her/it on ignore.

Where did you get the notion that my parents went through the Cultural Revolution?
You should have actually opened the link about Mao, and Cultural Revolution. It was a link from Quora, where different individuals were giving their answer, and one of them wrote the answer which I shared.

As for returning, 78%-80% return after completing their degree. Now as far as I know, I am not sure here, the people who don't return tend to be more highly skilled, or taking their degree in humanities.

"The largest source of undocumented immigrant to the US from Asia" - This is a load of baloney. Indians are by no measure anywhere near Chinese or Filipinos in undocumented workers. Heck, Indians are the most well paid group in the US who are foreign born.
There is a post by you claiming that, and a chinese poster point it out. Freudian slip, are you Falun Gong or something?

He is just an Indian at the age of 21 whose parents went through Cultural Revolution. That's the beauty of internet. One can be anybody only if one can keep the logic of their lies.

Let's ignore the Indian and sympathize with him for being an Indian.


China's new Alzheimer's disease drug applies for clinicaltests
(Xinhua) 09:08, May 25, 2015

GUANGZHOU, May 24 -- China will begin clinical tests on a new drug for Alzheimer's disease (AD), after animal tests showed positive results.

AD16, developed by Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has proven effective in improving the memory and cognitive abilities of guinea pigs, Hu Wenhui, head of the development team, told Xinhua on Sunday.

Hu said AD16 functions as an anti-neuro inflammatory agent and can alleviate damage caused by amyloid beta protein on neurons, thus, slowing the disease's progression.

Alzheimer's affects tens of millions of elderly people worldwide, yet there is no effectivecure. The cause of the disease is poorly understood, although scientists have linked it to abuild-up of the amyloid beta protein in brains.
There is a post by you claiming that, and a chinese poster point it out. Freudian slip, are you Falun Gong or something?

I never claimed it. Which poster pointed out?

He is just an Indian at the age of 21 whose parents went through Cultural Revolution. That's the beauty of internet. One can be anybody only if one can keep the logic of their lies.

Let's ignore the Indian and sympathize with him for being an Indian.

So now that you have no real reply based on any valid argument, you will resort to such drivel!
I guess, sooner or later, China will reclaim a fairly strong position as a major producer of science and technology. Those who acquire knowledge at home and abroad are to be applauded for their sacrifice. Keep in mind, in many developing countries, sending students overseas for higher education is a major political promise and selling point.

For the above. 与善人居,如入芝兰之室,久而不闻其香,即与之化矣.与不善人居,如入鲍鱼【咸鱼】之肆,久而不闻其臭,亦与之化矣。丹之所藏者赤,漆之所藏者黑,是以君子必慎其所处者焉。That's why I prefer not to talk to you.
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Indians are the most well paid group in the US who are foreign born.
Finally. A bragging. Now I believe you are an indian :lol:

Care to share some thoughts on why indians are so successful in the US? some of my friends told me they think the indians are good at 1)english 2)talking 3)office politics 4)nepotism which makes them much easier to get into management positions than the chinese,hence the better pay. but I think maybe they are saying this out of jealousy
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