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China is carrying out all the upgrading and integration for block 2 JF-17s

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The point is su-30 belongs to India as much as Jf-17 belongs to Pakistan.
Firstly feeling butt hurt due to obvious reason, OP starts a thread on mere seeing picture of a JF-17 in China, had he bothered to read the comment at the bottom of the article, he would understand that this aircraft was in fact produced in Pakistan and then flown out to China, the Block-2 are already flying with relative squadrons. The OP through his desperation didn't realise that Block-2 has all the new systems and avionics integrated during production, unlike say the Block-1, it doesn't need to return to the factory for the upgrades to be installed.....further more you don't send individual aircraft for this purpose. Still desperate for further attention, the OP has been posting same link in several unrelated threads
@WebMaster , @waz , @Slav Defence .

I hope there will be no objections if i start a thread on mere a picture or two.
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All this "indigenous" debate sounds very funny to me. In the whole planet, only a few countries can make such claims on fighter jets. They are US, Russia, UK, and probably France, too. The rest are playing the catch-up game. Could we just play along? :) In China, we have an old saying that says a soldier retreated 50 paces laughed at another soldier who retreated 100 paces as a coward. They are all cowards, for crying out loud. Haha. :)
shamelessly prtomoting my thread

Bahrain Airshow: What to expect?

oay Pakistan or Indians key Bacho Baaz A Jao.
dont waste your time here

post there and be good and friendly for the sake of appearance in Bahrain
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