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Chief of Naval Staff on official visit to Saudi Arabia


Apr 28, 2011
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Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi is on official visit to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). During the visit, the Naval Chief called on Chief of General Staff and Commander Royal Saudi Naval Forces. Upon his arrival at Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF) Headquarters Riyadh, Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi was received by Commander Royal Saudi Naval Forces Vice Admiral Fahad bin Abdullah Al Ghofaily. A smartly turned out contingent of RSNF clad in ceremonial dress presented Guard of Honour. The Admiral was given comprehensive briefing on RSNF setup and ongoing operations. The Naval Chief also visited their Command and Control Centre. Later, Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi called on Chief of General Staff General Fayyad bin Hamid Al Ruwaili and Commander Royal Naval Forces Vice Admiral Fahad bin Abdullah Al Ghofaily separately. During the interactions, matters of mutual interest and bilateral defence ties were discussed. The dignitaries acknowledged brotherly relations between Pakistan & Saudi Arabia and appreciated the contributions of Pakistan in spearheading various initiatives for maintaining peace and stability in the region. In addition, role of Pakistan Navy in training and capacity building of RSNF was also appreciated. This visit is expected to greatly enhance the bilateral cooperation between both the countries in general and navies in particular.
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Alot of people assume and sale papers on saudi-Pakistan ties being bad or whatever but these countries had the longest defensive ties they go back since creation of Pakistan. The state of Pakistan is the 2nd security guarantor of the holy land and Pakistan has actual troops deployed inside Saudi Arabia

A smartly turned out contingent of RSNF clad in ceremonial dress presented Guard of Honour.
complete opposite of the treatment indian army chef received. given the cold & rude treatment that the indian army chief received in ksA to the extent that he wasn't given the guard of honor nor was even given a salute by his saudi counterparts leading to him cutting his visit short & leaving early, it is clear that there is a growing gulf (no pun intended) between mbs & the saudi military establishment.
complete opposite of the treatment indian army chef received. given the cold & rude treatment that the indian army chief received in ksA to the extent that he wasn't given the guard of honor nor was even given a salute by his saudi counterparts leading to him cutting his visit short & leaving early, it is clear that there is a growing gulf (no pun intended) between mbs & the saudi military establishment.
I must've missed this. Is there a clip of this break in protocol or news related to it?

Edit: looks like he was saluted and did indeed receive a guard of honor in SA.
Will have to see the entire video clip. I am not buying a still image. He could've saluted right before that shot too.
there is no cap on the head of the saudi Army Chief. military protocol dictates that if no cap is worn then no salute is required. the saudi army Army Chief didn't wear a cap on purpose.
Keep tryimg and harder General Qamar Javed Bajwa. Prince Muhammad Bin Salman is still naraaz with you.

Maybe if the General can crawl on the red carpet to the Prince's boot, it might cheer him up.
I don't think you understand the depth of the situation given your inherently obedient "patwari" dna so I'll break it down for ya...PAKISTAN HAS NOW AND FOREVER BROKEN FREE FROM ANY AND EVERY NATION'S MANIPULATION!!! understand that there is NO ONE more unlucky than the one who ONLY has money to do his bidding. because its only a matter of time before others realize that instead of doing their bidding to get the money, they can just SLAP 'em and TAKE their money. such is the case of mbs...he wrongly, VERY WRONGLY assumed that Pakistan will follow his money. no we will NOT. the worse that he can do deport th Pakistani expats, nothing more. that will cause Pakistan to pull out ALL of its military and intelligence support leaving the saudis start naked in front of Iranian military and intelligence interference capitalizing on the already disgruntled saudi shia population...they make up a good 20% to 25% of the saudi population and they are already getting a broken nose in yemen. with a biden administration breathing down mbs's neck just itching to prosecute him of the kashoggi murder and with resentment against his "liberalizing" steps in the otherwise conservative elements of the royal family, this saudi brown boy is FAST running out of options and is increasingly finding himself isolated even within his own ruling family. Pakistan can absorb our expats from saudi Arabia and uae and can comfortably make up for its oil and gas supplies by utilizing its local production and oil/gas supplies from Iran & Russia (thru China). IF that happens, and IF Pakistan even decides to turn on the saudis and join in with Iran, how long do you think the saudi royal family will last? if you think no one in the saudi deep state thought of this then I'm afraid that your disease of "patwarititis" is in its terminal stages.:D:D:P
Saudi Navy trains literally every single officer at PN Academy. Last years intake was literally 35% all Saudi.
Almost all senior ranks were trained in Pakistan. Obviously now with PN soon to become major power it's obvious that naval ties will strengthen, maybe more so if US withdraws much of it's Navy from the Gulf in the future.

Saudis lack major LRMPA platforms and submarines, so think they may well seek PN expertise in this area

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