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CENK missile

This is a MRBM and named CENK what means epic war 8-).
Bro is it original photo or someone changed the diementions of the missile by extending the photo? Because if it is original missile's lenght is so long to compare with SRBM

If it is with the two tubes it is mean missile's width not too much so range can be with 1000/2000 km as my expectation.
whats the range on this?

the range is for now unknown but it is MRBM so 5000km~.

Bro is it original photo or someone changed the diementions of the missile by extending the photo? Because if it is original missile's lenght is so long to compare with SRBM

If it is with the two tubes it is mean missile's width not too much so range can be with 1000/2000 km as my expectation.

Anil Sahin is losing his credibility....
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