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BSF women constables awarded for valour


Jan 18, 2011
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The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Punjab

BSF women constables awarded for valour
Ravi Dhaliwal
Tribune News Service

Gurdaspur, April 30
Aarti and Reena , BSF constables, have become the talk of the town. They displayed unusual valour in gunning down two Pakistani intruders, one of them 50 metres from the border fencing in the Dera Baba Nanak Sector, last evening.

A Pakistani cell phone and a SIM card were recovered from the encounter site.

Almost 24 hours after the incident, BSF officials here are ****-a-hoop over the feat of their women colleagues. The DIG, PS Bains, who was quick to reach the encounter site and hand over cash awards to the women constables yesterday, has written to the Director-General, BSF, New Delhi, urging him to felicitate the brave duo.

A senior BSF officer, pleading anonymity, said considering that it was the first incident of its kind, a gallantry award may be conferred upon the women constables by the President.

An elated Bains said: “These women showed exemplary courage. I salute my brave daughters as they did not panic at the sight of the intruders. On the contrary, they displayed nerves of steel. Aarti and Reena displayed both wisdom and strength.

“I am sure their feat will motivate other women working with the BSF at difficult terrains where no quarters are given and
none asked for.” Talking of one of the intruders, Aarti said he was well-built. “We asked him to surrender but he charged at us. We pumped four bullets into his body,” she recalled. Aarti hails from Tanda in Hoshiarpur district while Reena is a native of Baghapurana in Moga district. Both joined the BSF in 2008 and after 36 months of rigorous training, which included both tactical and weapon training, they were inducted into the 74th Battalion and given charge of the difficult border outpost in the Dera Baba Nanak Sector.


BSF women personnel gun down Pakistani intruder in Punjab
I too read about it sterday :)
It was a brave act by them :)
But i hate to differentiate between mens and womens in army....
Well done SOLDIERS :)
LOL... the level of training imparted in those jihadi camps have taken a hit of late.. these trained people are now being brought down by women ? :woot:

There is nothing that an unarmed man can do against a gun wielding person, be it man or woman. Bullets fired by women do exactly the same damage as bullets fired by men.
There is nothing that an unarmed man can do against a gun wielding person, be it man or woman.

they were not unarmed. they cut wired fencing to intrude into India. if you can cut wire with it, using same u can kill.
they were not unarmed. they cut wired fencing to intrude into India. if you can cut wire with it, using same u can kill.

What is the "it" in that part of the sentence? Unless you are saying it was a gun, or any other long range weapon, you can connsider them to be unarmed against BSF troopers with rifles. Of course any physical object can kill, but thats not what we mean when we say armed. Line-men of the electricity boards carry wire cutters, but they are not classified as armed forces.

(Any intruder, armed or unarmed should be shot dead, thats what the BSF is there for. But I don't see why you should make fun of him for being shot dead by women - as I said, bullets from a rifle do the same damage, no matter who fires them.)
LOL... the level of training imparted in those jihadi camps have taken a hit of late.. these trained people are now being brought down by women ? :woot:

Do you have to bring everything down to Jihad? Could it not have been that the guy was simply smuggling someout out or in of the country; running away from something or someone, or lost his way?
Why does everything boil down to Jihad and terrorism?
Islamophobia much?
well were those intruders armed, if not then what kind of valour requires gunning down unarmed??
Do you have to bring everything down to Jihad? Could it not have been that the guy was simply smuggling someout out or in of the country; running away from something or someone, or lost his way?
Why does everything boil down to Jihad and terrorism?
Islamophobia much?

Him being a smuggler is a real possibility, but not the other two. Someone who lost his way shouldn't be stupid enough to try to cut the fencing on the world's most volatile border, or to charge at armed troopers - he could just ask them the way. I wouldn't jump to conclusions about him being a jihadi or terrorist, but his intentions could not have been honourable, given the way he behaved.
Him being a smuggler is a real possibility, but not the other two. Someone who lost his way shouldn't be stupid enough to try to cut the fencing on the world's most volatile border. I wouldn't jump to conclusions about him being a jihadi or terrorist, but his intentions could not have been honourable, given the way he behaved.

Then Sarabjit Singh should be hanged because he too "crossed" the border accidently, anyway the indian authorities have been told if Afzal Guru is hanged then, SS will also be made to the fresh air fandango.
Then Sarabjit Singh should be hanged because he too "crossed" the border accidently, anyway the indian authorities have been told if Afzal Guru is hanged then, SS will also be made to the fresh air fandango.

If it was an accidental crossing (as you yourself said), I don't think he should be hanged. But if he tried to cut the border fencing surreptitiously and charged at armed border guards when accosted, then he would have been shot dead too. That's not what happened with him at all, so don't bring his case into this thread to derail it. I understand that the topic of the thread may be a bit insulting to you and so you want to do the typical response of trying to draw a comparison with any Indian you can think of, but spare that tendency so that the thread can be about the intended topic. Sarbjit Singh and Afzal guru have nothing to do with this topic, and are not remotely comparable to what happened here.
He will be hanged in due course, for the dirty indian terrorist he is, May God have mercy on his soul, because he will get none from us. The only thing keeping him alive is Afzal Guru, the GOI have been told in no uncertain terms, that if AG is hanged, SS will follow him within hours.
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