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Major Shaitan Singh

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Development abroad, mainly in the US, complexes of laser weapons to protect surface ships from anti-ship missiles carried out over 30 years. Conceptual evaluation of the technical feasibility of such complexes were given by experts in the early 1960s, immediately after the practical experiments using the first quantum generators.

In the US, research and structural study of samples of laser weapons were carried out in the framework of the ASMD (Anti-Ship Missile Defense), and since the 70s efforts of various research organizations and companies focused on three main areas: the system of target detection and recognition, high-energy oscillator laser system and the laser beam precision guidance to the target. With priority (and therefore financial support) in the period given to research in the field of high-energy laser beam generators.

Since the mid-1970s in the development work have been widely used gas-dynamic laser with an active medium CO 2. They are considered as the basis for laser weapon systems the ground (on the basis of the development of the German tank "Leopard 2") and aircraft (American, based on the Boeing 747) basing modes. Later in the US, UK, Germany and France began to develop laser weapons systems on the basis of ship-based electric-discharge laser with an active medium CO 2 . In 1972, the American company "Hughes Aircraft" started to create large optical system forming radiation and its precise targeting.

In 1973, the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Ministry of Defense (ACRA) on a competitive basis chosen head developer - US firm TRW, which had by that time the largest scientific and technical potential in the field of chemical lasers, which are, according to US experts, more promising for use as weapons. Since that time, the United States took a leading position in the field of high-energy lasers with the level of output power of 1 MW or more.

Specialists of the company TRW created an experimental demonstration hydrofluoric deuterium cw laser NACL (Navy ARPA Chemical Laser), output power which is about 100 kW. He was paired with the system of radiation formation of firm "Hughes Aircraft" and installed at the site of the company TRW in San Juan Capistrano (CA). Until mid-1976 there were carried out experiments to test the element base and improvement of chemical lasers, as well as assessing the various structural and circuit design for the layout of the laser system and the formation of radiation in a single complex.

In the summer of 1976 the US Defense Department has decided to establish a single laser test center HELSTF (High Energy Laser System Test Facility) in the territory of the missile range in White Sands (New Mexico), and in 1977 opened a targeted program «Sea Light», aimed at the development of a high-energy laser system output power is continuously up to 2 MW. The aim of the program was to conduct on the territory of the center in conditions close to real experiments interception (defeat) anti-ship missiles of various types, including cruise. The result was to create a polygon installation Lime-deuterium chemical laser MIRACL (Mid-InfraRed Advanced Chemical Laser), operating in the cw radiation at a maximum output power of 2.2 mW at a wavelength of 3.8 microns. The first tests were carried out installation in September 1980.

The Rice. 1. The system of radiation formation SLBD, matched with a laser machine MIRACL: 1 - high-energy radiation from the output of the installation; 2 - Alignment of laser light; 3 - a high-energy laser beam; 4 - low-energy laser beam; 5 - Gimbal; 6 - the main mirror of the beam formation; 7 - components of the laser target illumination; 8 - gauge radiation; 9 - light illumination; 10 - turntable; 11 - generator of low-energy radiation; 12 - alignment laser

The Rice. 2. The layout of the main elements of the installation MIRACL: 1 - electronic equipment management system, the formation of radiation; 2 - a high-energy beam; 3 - the laser light output; 4 - a system of radiation formation SLBD; 5 - optical channel high-energy beam; 6 - limiter output aperture; 7 - the equipment to ensure the generator of laser radiation; 8 - elements of the optical path; 9 - laser generator modules; 10 - nozzle unit; 11 - Exhaust reagents subsystem pressure recovery

In 1983, with the start of work on the program "Strategic Defense Initiative" (SDI), installation MIRACL was transferred to the management of SDI for testing of the creation of laser weapons in the strategic interests of national missile defense system. However, a large part of the experiments with the use of the installation is still carried out in the framework of projects of the armed forces of the United States, including the Navy, the use of high-energy lasers for tactical purposes, such as for the protection of surface ships of massive strikes guided missiles of various classes. In 1984, the test center White Sands began a three-year phase of the experiments pairing MIRACL laser with a specially created by that time a system of radiation formation SLBD (Sea Light Beam Director, Fig. 1 ).

By the end of 1980 was made a significant step in the development of anti-tank guided missiles with various homing, which explains the need for an effective missile defense surface ships. According to US developers, aviation and missile strikes on surface ships will be characterized by the massive use of various types of guided weapons, combined with active means of electronic countermeasures. The existing missile defense and air defense of surface ships started mainly on the basis of complexes of artillery and anti-aircraft missiles, does not fully correspond to change the nature of air threats. In particular, the range of SAM, the armament of American ships, does not exceed 120 km (in the future it is planned to increase to 170 km), the speed of the SAM is set to M = 3 (in the future - M = 4). Flight time Zour far border zone lesions in up to 2 minutes. For laser weapon systems the propagation time of the damaging radiation at the maximum for a range of anti-aircraft missile systems is only about 0.6 ms, and taking into account the need to keep the laser beam on the target before its defeat - 1 - 2.

The advantages of laser weapons can be attributed to an almost unlimited "ammunition" (ie, the number of shots).However, the limiting factor of combat effectiveness of marine laser weapons (ground) home is the earth's atmosphere, which makes a significant distortion in the propagation of the radiation striking it, which requires the use of special devices for its correction.

Since the late 1980s, began a large-scale mathematical modeling of combat operations on TVD ocean with lasers of different types. For these purposes, specially designed experimental research facilities, as well as laboratory stands with optical components for high-energy lasers. In addition, the widely used simulation results obtained in the framework of the SDI program, in particular methods for the detection and tracking of targets, aiming the laser beam and its management, as well as algorithms to ensure the transition from coarse to escort the torch operating rocket motor to the exact maintenance of its housing choice the most vulnerable point of aim and hold her high-energy laser beam within the required time for hitting, rapid retargeting in the fight against multiple targets of different types and estimate the extent of damage each.

In 1989, in the laser test center in White Sands experiments were conducted using a fully equipped installation MIRACL ( Fig. 2 ) on the interception of radio-controlled target type BQM-34 anti-ship missiles simulating flight at subsonic speeds. Later intercepts supersonic missiles "Vandal" imitating RCC at low altitudes at speeds up to M = 2. In the tests carried out in 1991, specifies criteria for destruction of missiles and aircraft of various classes, and in 1992 - 1993, these criteria were practical confirmation in the process of interceptions drones simulating the use of anti-ship missiles. In late 1993, a large-scale development of the construction of naval combat laser system for the marine environment experiments to defeat the real purpose. To this end, American experts have formulated the following requirements: output power several megawatts in CW mode; laser operation should not affect the effectiveness of the other ship systems and components;you need to create a modular design to equip laser weapons ships of various classes, such as class cruiser "Ticonderoga"; operating range of ambient temperatures from -40 to + 55 ° C with humidity 0 - 95 percent. The main elements of the installation are properly developed radiation generator with an optical resonator system formation and guidance of the laser beam at the target, as well as the storage subsystem and components supply laser fuel and remove exhaust reagents.

The Rice. 3. Placement of the laser system in the compartment occupied by the 127-mm gun mount odnoorudiynoy tower Mk45

American developers will appreciate the possibility of placing high-energy chemical laser aboard a ship in a strictly defined scope, which, according to their plan, should not exceed the corresponding parameters 127-mm artillery odnoorudiynoy tower unit (AU) Mk45 ( Fig. 3 ) or vertical launch missile launcher Mk41. According to calculations, the reserve of fuel per 100 laser with continuous operation (30 - 90 "shots", depending on the distance to the target), the installation will have a mass of 15 percent. less than AU Mk45. To reduce the size of the nozzle block laser oscillator is V-shaped. Optical resonator positioned constructively on the power components of the hull, which provides the required rigidity mounting required for any optical systems.

A significant reduction in weight and size characteristics of the laser system (compared to laser MIRACL) achieved also by removing from its structure a number of auxiliary units and elements (diagnostic equipment, and so on. D.) Ensuring the conduct experimental and research work, and changing the design of the subsystem remove exhaust components . In this subsystem on the prototype combat samples used for testing in the sea, to be used in the assembly of several turbojet engines (THD), allows you to restore the flow of exhaust pressure of the reactants and their subsequent release into the atmosphere (at the exit of the diffuser subsonic flow pressure has a value of 200 Torr) . As the level of combat readiness of the turbojet engine will be in the mode of constant promotion by means of electric motors that provide access to the mode of combat work for not more than 2 seconds.

As one of structural solutions have been proposed waste reagents emit in the vertical direction, the output device subsystem supersonic diffuser positioned directly above the optical resonator (laser light generating region). It is believed that the vertical emission should not create reactive moments, affecting the handling characteristics of the ship (data on the dependence of the height of a cloud of exhaust from the ship's velocity reagents are given below ). Furthermore, in this construction, the exhaust subsystem cloud reactants will spread, usually above elements vehicle superstructure.

The Rice. 4. The combat system variant form of radiation, which is part of the ship's laser weapons: 1 - support platform; 2 - telescope; 3 - input optical window subsystem maintenance purposes; 4 - Gimbal; 5 - level deck

The Rice. 5. General layout drawing of the elements of the ship laser weapons: 1 - forming system and aiming a laser beam at the target; 2 - removal subsystem into the atmosphere the exhaust fuel reactant laser; 3 - the storage subsystem components laser fuel; 4 - generator of the laser radiation

According to American experts, management subsystem laser beam to install MIRACL already currently provides the required performance for shake compensation beam due to vibration of the hull at its power plant and other support systems, components and assemblies. Production version of the system of radiation formation ( Fig. 4 ) will SLBD, modified to meet the requirements for moisture resistance, compactness and weight.

Storage subsystem components of the laser is supposed to make a combined fuel: it includes cylinders are both high and low pressure. For storage components at high pressure to be used cylindrical shaped cylinders of composite materials reinforced with fiberglass. Their sizes are selected based on accommodation in standard containers at facilities vertical launch missiles. This solution allows you to use equipment designed for loading on board ship missiles to replace the waste containers with components of the laser fuel. In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Defence, the design of the subsystem should provide high safety and survivability in combat. In particular, for protection against projectiles lid containers booked, and the containers with high pressure cylinders are equipped with gas paths for safe pressure relief in case of need.

According to American experts, a doubling of "ammunition" laser weapons (with the defeat of one goal 2) requires increasing the weight of the whole system by 16 per cent., And the volume it occupies only 6 per cent. It is estimated that electric power consumption for normal operation of all units and units of the complex ship laser weapons ( Fig. 5 ) in standby mode is 130 kW, and in the mode of combat use - 390 kW, which could be provided by on-board power generator.

Integration into a single complex naval command and control systems will be carried out with the help of special interfaces and programs. Information about a target is detected, pointing at her high-energy laser beam and control lesions should be displayed on a single ship's control panel, with which the operator can optionally adjust the work of the complex. Some of these issues have been worked out with the experiments in the heart of White Sands, the implementation of the polygon data targeting radar on opto-electronic subsystems detection, recognition and tracking installation MIRACL.

To resolve all issues to establish naval laser weapons system developed a plan for implementing the program until 2000. In the first phase is planned to create an experimental shipboard installation with output power characteristics equivalent MIRACL, hold her ground tests and then place on a research ship. The second phase includes a full-scale experiments to study the propagation of high-energy laser radiation near the sea surface, and the third - the test to intercept subsonic and supersonic targets in conditions close to real combat. Then there is the decision to start a full scale battle ship complex laser weapons.

In addition to chemical lasers abroad considered for use as a naval weapons radiation generators of other types. Thus, since the mid 80s, the project «Bright Eye» in the US Navy developed weapon system based on electric-discharge laser with an active medium CO 2 operating at two wavelengths - 10.6 and 5.3 microns (basic and mode frequency doubling of the radiation) with output power of several hundred kilowatts. Such a system, as a complement to existing artillery and anti-aircraft missiles, can solve the problem of protection of surface ships from guided missiles equipped with infrared homing, at distances up to 15 km.

Certain technological developments in the field of electric-discharge laser with an active medium CO 2 have French experts. In particular, the project LATEX (Laser Associe a une Tourelle Experimentale), the implementation of which has been spent more than 300 million. Francs (total appropriation for the development of laser weapons in the 1972 - 1990 exceeded $ 700 million.) Was established setting output power of CW 40 kW at a wavelength of 10.6 microns. At present, the state of the technological base allows to start creating the laser system output of 200 - 300 kW.

Alternatively considered free-electron lasers, which can be explained primarily by their potential benefits: the possibility of tuning the wavelength, high average output power, relatively large values of efficiency, and so on. D. In addition, the achievements of the last five years in the field of accelerator technology can lead to large-scale R & D of free electron lasers operating in the near infrared region (about 1 mm) and with weight and size characteristics that are optimal for mobile home (including ship).

In the US, the head developer of weapons systems are firm "Boeing" and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The final choice of high-energy laser oscillator can be made based on the results of practical experiments, which is scheduled for 1997 - 2000 years.

Further work on the different types of laser weapons for the US Navy continued.In June 2006, the company «Raytheon» has been demonstrated with the installation of new fiber laser low power (20 kW), which in the demonstration trials in Sandia National Laboratories destroyed at a distance of 500 m real ammunition - mortar shell ( photo 1 ). Installation was mounted on a stabilized platform from antiaircraft artillery complex Mk15 «Vulcan / Phalanx" short range. In the same summer at the Naval center NSWC Crane in (Ind.) Were carried out field tests against various fiber laser homing missiles, confirmed the promise of weapons.

In June 2010, at the site of. San Nicolas (Calif.) Were held next demonstration trials of laser weapons for the US Navy under the direction of the Naval Command Systems (NAVSEA), during which the installation of DE & EWS (Directed Energy and Electric Weapon Systems) was hit by four unmanned aerial target.Experienced laser unit DE & EWS or LaWS (Laser Weapon System, photo 2 ) with a capacity of about 50 kW based on solid-state lasers are powered by electricity.In contrast to chemical lasers, which were working on previously, electrical installation is more compact, since it does not require oversized equipment and a large amount of fuel consumed.

In 2009, at the site of White Sands has been tested laser system Laser Centurion Demonstrator, assembled on the basis of the same complex Mk15 «Vulcan / Phalanx" and equipped with a beam tracking system KINETO, which is controlled by its own guidance system complex Mk15. Installation proved insights laser beam through an armored cover, not even working at full capacity ( photo 3).

It was reported that in 2011 the west coast of the United States in California conducted battle-tested solid-state laser system of ship-based company «Raytheon». During the shooting were amazed 4 controlled air targets at a range of 2 miles, flying at speeds of up to 300 miles per hour. According to representatives of the Navy, these weapons will be installed on US ships promising as a means of short-range defense.

The development of high-power laser weapons is the company «Northrop Grumman», under contract with the Office of Naval Research to create a demonstrator program MLD (Maritime Laser Demonstration), destined for destruction in the near-field high-speed vessels of small displacement ( photo 4 ).In March of the same year in the laboratory has been demonstrated in action system with solid-state laser power of about 100 kW.

In April 2011, the US Navy has officially announced the successful testing of the ship's high-energy solid-state laser HEL (program MDL), which hit small-sized boat (motor boat). Tests were carried out in the Pacific Ocean near the island of San Nicolas. Laser system was installed on the deck of the ship towing - the former destroyer "Paul Foster." As stated by one of the representatives of the program, the first time such a high-energy laser power was set to warships from him and Energy was used for hitting a distant target in a marine environment.Although testing has been used relatively weak laser (15 kW), created by the previous laser technology program - Joint High Power Solid State Laser (JHPSSL), in the long term "chain" consisting of such devices can provide a beam power of more than 100 kW.

In March 2010, the company «Boeing» announced the completion of the preliminary design of another type of laser - free electron FEL (Free Electron Laser), which can be used for advanced ships of the US Navy. In a laser FEL laser radiation is generated that can disable or completely destroy the target.

In July 2011, it was announced that the company «Boeing» has signed an agreement to work together with the «BAE Systems» for the creation and production of marine tactical laser system Mk38 Mod.2 - TLS (Tactical Laser System). The new laser unit 10 kW will be created on the basis of existing automated installation Mk38 gun with the introduction of high-energy laser, designed to deal with small-sized ships and unmanned vehicles. If the tests are successful, the device will be able to make up to 180 shots (pulses) per minute and a range of up to 2 km. Furthermore, by combining a laser and artillery guns is possible to use both functions simultaneously firing. It is expected that in the near future warships of the US Navy will be equipped with this new weapon.

Besides the US, the development of laser weapons are underway in Israel, China, Japan, South Korea. In Russia, such as the work was carried out and maintained, but the pace of work on the collapse of the Soviet Union and the reduction of the provision substantially reduced, leading to even greater backwardness of Russia in the field of arms from advanced countries and reduce its safety

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