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Amrullah Saleh Needs Some Talib Treatment Urgently

Prove it. Take my 19,500+ posts and prove it.

Pol Pot's system was dismantled by Communist Vietnam.

The DRPK of the Kims has free housing, I think free public transport and generally free healthcare. Though yes, dynastic rule is not Socialist or Communist. I wish that DPRK adopts the actually Communist Jamahirya Direct Democracy system that governed Libya until 2011 and that has been adopted by Socialist Venezuela by the late Hugo Chavez.

Another Communist country Cuba has one of the best, if not the best, healthcare systems in the world. It's healthcare professionals have rendered humanitarian services around the world.

How it is to be brought about depends on the society / country.

How it is to be sustained, well, Jamahiriya Direct Democracy political governance, progressive, evolved and just economic system like the one I proposed ; progressive social system ; technological advancement ( ideally ecology-respecting )... why would any sensible person not see their benefits ?
Doesn’t matter what infighting killed of which regime. The end result is massacres, purges and violence that killed off or destroyed the lives of hundreds of millions. No wonder such criminal ideology is dying its own death. Even in ex-communist countries evolving into something else including China and Vietnam.
Doesn’t matter what infighting killed of which regime.

From Wikipedia article about Khmer Rouge :
The Khmer Rouge then fled to Thailand, whose government saw them as a buffer force against the communist Vietnamese.
What do you make of that ?

Even in ex-communist countries evolving into something else including China and Vietnam.

Right, that is why China has stock exchanges where people play, lose money and commit suicide by jumping off buildings or jumping into steel furnaces.
From Wikipedia article about Khmer Rouge :

What do you make of that ?

Right, that is why China has stock exchanges where people play, lose money and commit suicide by jumping off buildings or jumping into steel furnaces.
Better one or two commit suicide on their own mistakes than having tens of millions killed and the rest living in perpetual misery.

That’s why all people living in ex-communist countries hate it to the core. Try preaching it in Poland in a public square and see what the general public does to you.
Better one or two commit suicide on their own mistakes than having tens of millions killed and the rest living in perpetual misery.

Those "mistakes" are enabled by the wrong system. Why don't you speak for such "mistakes" for mass adoption in Pakistan and see people's reaction ?

That’s why all people living in ex-communist countries hate it to the core. Try preaching it in Poland in a public square and see what the general public does to you.

And that ex-Communist Poland participated in the Western invasion of Iraq in 2003 and committed war crimes including support of the American continued usage of Depleted Uranium ammunition which caused cancers among Iraqis.

Tell your appreciation of Poland to Mahathir Mohamad whose appointed war crimes court found Poland's partners Jr Bush and B'liar guilty of war crimes for 2003 Iraq invasion and called for their international arrest.
Those "mistakes" are enabled by the wrong system. Why don't you speak for such "mistakes" for mass adoption in Pakistan and see people's reaction ?
Nothing compared to the miseries of communist regime. Nothing!

And that ex-Communist Poland participated in the Western invasion of Iraq in 2003 and committed war crimes including support of the American continued usage of Depleted Uranium ammunition which caused cancers among Iraqis.

Tell your appreciation of Poland to Mahathir Mohamad whose appointed war crimes court found Poland's partners Jr Bush and B'liar guilty of war crimes for 2003 Iraq invasion and called for their international arrest.
What they did to other country is a different debate. Similar invasions and war crime has been committed by communist countries.

But the communists utopia that you preach about, preach it in Poland to reimpose communism for their own people and see what general public does to you. As they know first hand what criminal system it is.
How is it that any different from PLMN? the latter is far worse.. the only difference is one are Pakistani nationals whilst the other is not. You seriously need to get Your priorities straight both are enemies of Pakistan, lets not be selective and play favoritism at the cost of Pakistan's national interests.

We need some kind of commission like Iran have got before appearing in the election candidacy they have to prove themselves in front of that commission they are good Muslims and loyal to the Iranian cause. In this way we can weed out the corrupt even before the election.
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