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American TV commentator says ‘Ganges sounds like a disease’

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Aug 29, 2009
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American TV commentator says ‘Ganges sounds like a disease’

Washington: The Ganges, a river held sacred by the Hindus, "sounds like a disease", a Fox News commentator has said, drawing protests from the Hindu community. Fox News Channel's Glenn Beck criticised the Ganges in his opinion show "The One Thing", in the section called “This is the best America has to offer?” which was aired on Sunday.

He said: "One big river they have there, that sounds like a disease. Come on, it does. I mean if somebody said, I am sorry, you have a really bad case of Ganges."
Hindu leader Rajan Zed said that the Ganges was sacred to Hindus worldwide and Beck's remarks were "very hurtful to the devotees".

“The Ganga is sacred to one billion Hindus worldwide and such remarks were very hurtful to the devotees. Besides apparently denigrating the religion, it was belittling the entire community," Zed said in a letter he wrote to News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch, Fox chairman Roger Ailes and Glenn Beck. He demanded a statement on this matter.

The letter pointed out that Hinduism was the world’s oldest and third largest religion and its deep philosophical thoughts could not be taken lightly.

The uproar has got support from Jewish communities in the US. Rabbi Jonathan B. Freirich, a California Jewish community leader said ridiculing religious symbols in the name of free speech was not acceptable.

Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev condemned the comment and criticized the TV channel for calling Becks a ‘senior reporter’. “People like him should come down to the Kumbh Mela which is being organized next month and take a dip in the Ganga to clean their sins,” he told Zee News.

But there has been no apology from the TV host or the channel. Beck had earlier courted controversy when he had made a racist remark against President Barack Obama. The channel later said it was Beck’s personal opinion.

Ganga is the most sacred river to Hindus and is considered the lifeline to millions of Indians who depend on the mighty river for their daily needs.
Ganges disease news-American TV commentator says ?Ganges sounds like a disease?
This is the case of brazen impudence towards hindus.
today i watched in news that some of the newzeland's cricket match viewers were calling your pakistani players terrorist lol
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Glen Beck is a well known bigot and a xenophobe. He hates all religions and nationalities, except his own. He says things a lot worse about Muslims and Islam. No one should promote his hateful views here.
I don't care what one ignorant fool thinks or says on TV.. lots of chimps now a days on tv you know.. here in India we have them in abundance.. to name a few Barkha, Rajdeep, Pronoy, Saba Naqvi... all are nothing but chimps for me.. "madam" aka "highcommand" says eat.. these guys eat.. she says shout.. these guys shout.. hell if she would ask them to take a finger and shove it up the next person and take one in return they would do it gladly... On Pakistan side you got the likes of Zaid Hamid and Hamid Mir having their own banana parties like the ones on our side.. media is full of these chimps.. the biggest chimps are the ones who believe each and every word said by them without having the complete knowledge of the topic under the spotlight.. we have them in millions just like you guys in Pakistan have them in millions.

Moral of the story is don't take media too seriously.. they're there to make money.. even if it means by selling **** to people.
it only shows the ignorance of the commentator nothing more

Lol Glen Beck? The moron who cries on air for no apparent reason?
Typical Glenn Beck:

What else would you expect form Fox "News" and their moron of an anchor/talk show host who masquerades as a journalist/media watch dog!
That idiot's got oral diarrhea!!
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Oh is that Glen Beck.

Steven Colbert Tell's me.

That Individual speaks out of his ***.
Glenn Beck! Guys, don't get all apoplectic over him. He is a total nutcase/crook, depending your estimate of his gray matter. This estimate varies, but is generally on the lower side of the spectrum.

Only the ignorant redneck variety of fanatic right wing nuts listen to him. No need to worry about what he said about our sacred river. He is beyond redemption, and his opinions do not count at all. I am not even offended, because nothing else is expected from this moron other than total madness!
Lol Glen Beck? The moron who cries on air for no apparent reason?
Typical Glenn Beck:
lzhI9f044nM[/media] - Typical Glenn Beck

What else would you expect form Fox "News" and their moron of an anchor/talk show host who masquerades as a journalist/media watch dog!
That idiot's got oral diarrhea!!


What a tool. He will put India TV to shame. Here is another one of the moron--

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Told before also that no offensive material against religions is to pasted or discussed. Thread closed, go and do something better.
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