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Afghan government controls just 57 percent of its territory, U.S. watchdog says

These numbers are way too stretched to be believed. At no given point in time (last 15 years), US and NATO controlled 57% of Afghanistan. This is outright fabrication of numbers to hide their military incompetence.
It's great news for Pakistan. If the government in Kabul collapses then either good Taliban will take over or there will be fragmentation and Pakistan will control one faction or another. Either way you will get the "strategic depth" that Pakistan craves for.

However, Western aid and cooperation will also stop and I don't see how it will improve internal security in Pakistan.
Well those Khawarij terrorist groups will not get succor from NATO so that will help Pakistan a lot. Not everthing as Pakistan does have internal problems like corruption and home grown Khawarij (but they will be easier to deal with without foreign hands meddling).

Personally as a muslim I hope & dream that not too distant in the future Afghanistan joins Pakistan federation. Its the only pragmatic way for long lasting prosperity of both PAK and AF and what would soon be roughly 250+ million muslims. For that to happen PAK policy makers need to be astute and NOT resort to knee jerk nationalistic rhetoric or ethnic chauvinism. They should Work towards some sort of federalization of Afghanistan where by it would be bifurcated into several states by ethnicity. Slowly PAK can absorb the sunni & pastun dominated states while the shia dominated states can go to iran. PAK can offer these afghan sunni states some sort of special status within their union with huge autonomy eg. China type 1 country 2 system where these AF states would have their own constitution, currency(if they want), separate judiciary, fiscal policy etc. There should be free movement of goods and people between the states & PAK and PAK will control its defence, national security & foreign policy. I think Turkey can try the same in Syria too. It would be great if weaker muslim countries aggregate with culturally similar Stronger Muslim countries thereby forming large Islamic federal states where religious identity will supersede narrow ethnic nationalism & chauvinism. I believe that's the only way Muslims can stand up to hegemony of the non-muslim world.
Only if the Great Afghan Warrior can get over his arrogant jealous nature towards "Daal Khor" and "Punjabi Ghulaam". I think some of them would prefer death and the rape of their women folk over accepting Pakistan.

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