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Afghan designs and builds RC aircraft locally

How am i suppose to respect this children's toy!?

@Sher Malang

Comon, why wasting time to build one if i can buy this for 40 euro's from any toy store.

He could have also imported one and it might cost him another 20 euros but he did not and had the guts to make one.
Education in science, communications, natural sciences, business, economics etc is the way out for Afghanistan to re-emerge to its former glory before Talibunnies transformed them into a replica of 7th century Arabia.

One has to appreciate the attempt of this young man since he did it in a country that barely has basic infrastructure and is the middle of the biggest war in the last 2 decades.

Bravo to the dude for making this! This first step was the same step when everyone laughed at greats like Edison, Einstein, Wright brothers etc... in the end, they had the last laugh.

Such talent and passion for specific areas must be encouraged.
Development doesnt happen in a day . If you dont have any words to encourage Afgan Brothers please just keep quiet .

I do have words to encourage them, when the country is stable again, Turkey will continue to send them all kind of help and weapon systems aswell, including state of the art UAV's.
Well said.

These planes may be very basic to some people and also laughable for some lunatics but I dare any sci fi challenger to come in "Afghanistan" and make such plan from scratch with no "Google", "Tutorials", "Trainer", without all necessary tools and also in the middle of fight between Taliban and US/NATO.

This guy has taken a step towards his progressive future and he will need some time to come back and surprise everyone.

Dude, if you want to make progress you have to ignore these slave minded people. A few years ago they were making fun of Iran that it can never launch a satellite. Go and google the forums and news articles about that time when Iran was saying they are working to launch a satellite. Iranians did it. Turkey and Bangladesh have not. So learn from Iranians. Disregard these trolls and keep progressing.
I think the title was incorrect, the models in question are nowhere near what we consider "drones".
They are however fine looking RC models and an encouraging hobby to take up and are a precursor to learning Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Design and Development.
Perhaps more local youth could be encouraged to take part in such technical hobbies which will lead to interest in further education.
All progress occurs slowly, Afghanistan should now focus on education, stability, building their economy, & research & development. Anyway congratulations Afghanistan & good luck in the future.
Dude, if you want to make progress you have to ignore these slave minded people. A few years ago they were making fun of Iran that it can never launch a satellite. Go and google the forums and news articles about that time when Iran was saying they are working to launch a satellite. Iranians did it. Turkey and Bangladesh have not. So learn from Iranians. Disregard these trolls and keep progressing.

I am inspired by your posts brother, we should not underestimate anyone plus surprisingly this guy is also living in a bordering city with Iran.

I do have words to encourage them, when the country is stable again, Turkey will continue to send them all kind of help and weapon systems aswell, including state of the art UAV's.

We are thankful for the brotherly assistance of Turkey in these decades but your reactions to this decent innovation was truly not acceptable you could have once placed your self in his place and thought how hard it could be to build such a 'toy' in Afghanistan under such circumstance you all know.
@Sher Malang I have seen you posting positive news about AF which is a good thing but tell me do you support the karzai gov
and the presence of US troops in you country? AF can't prosper without kicking US troops out of AF, that a fact.
And no offence but I think you come from a family which is in the hierarchy of AF society. Ordinary Afghans are not so well off to
use internet and Afghans detest US for occupying their country while you seem to be very positive about the karzai Gov.
that thing is a full fledged UAV when it can fly at 7000 meters and 70 km/h.
First of all I salute the technocrat, with all this disturbances and issues, he has done what most of us who have all the resources, tutorials etc , he is future promise for Afghanistan and this encouragement will encourage other people to follow.

You can only develop your R&D by encouraging young people to think the unthinkable and out of box

Think about this guy, he has made all these with just wood, or cloth etc - nice go Afghanistan

side note Even in a good post try not to say politics, religion and what all things that discourage, but do some thing to encourage
@Sher Malang I have seen you posting positive news about AF which is a good thing but tell me do you support the karzai gov
and the presence of US troops in you country? AF can't prosper without kicking US troops out of AF, that a fact.
And no offence but I think you come from a family which is in the hierarchy of AF society. Ordinary Afghans are not so well off to
use internet and Afghans detest US for occupying their country while you seem to be very positive about the karzai Gov.

Buddy your questions are totally out of topic but for the sake of argument I can answer them here but may not continue further on this.

Karzai is a puppet no one can deny it but in such circumstances when US invaded Afghanistan we had no other option but rather accept Karzai who was far better than Ahmad Shah Massoud, Gul Budin Hekmatyar, General Dostom, Mahqiq, Mullah Omar etc.. and we should also not forget what Karzai has done to Afghanistan today you can not see any war remains in Afghan cities where each of the cities were destroyed to 90% literacy rate was below 10% but now it's above 40% and alot of opportunities for anyone to study any where, people's economy sky rocketed and unemployment rate dropped significantly we started to see new houses, infrastructure, schools, hospitals, roads, airports, airlines you name it but suddenly things started getting wrong and we should not blame Karzai for this because he is a puppet but rather blame some brainless Americans with their wrong policies towards Afghanistan who ignited the fire again in Afghanistan in 2006 and surely USA's long presence will have bad impact on us and our neighbors but the point is do our neighbors truly committed that they will assist Afghanistan once US leaves? and the truth is there is very low trust between Iran-Afghanistan-Pakistan on this matter that's why we prefer US to stay for at least 5 more years with less troops may be under 5,000 to train our forces so they become capable of confronting all security issues of our country and they have already accepted a bill of 4.1 bln$/year for our forces for 10 more years from 2014 onward; Karzai's end is near and with the withdrawal of US from Afghanistan there will be elections on the same year and we hope to get rid of a puppet and have an Afghan chosen president and government.

I am an ordinary Afghan nor I have any relation with the Karzai government/US government but as an Afghan I support anything good to Afghans plus internet is now almost in every house in Kabul and I am not a prince who is using it alone :D

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