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9/11, ISIL, Al-Qaeda, Taliban Follow Same US Intelligence Playbook

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Rodney Martin: 9/11, ISIL, Al-Qaeda, Taliban Follow Same US Intelligence Playbook

TEHRAN (FNA)- Rodney Martin, Chairman of the American Nationalist Association and a former US Congressional Staffer, from Los Angeles, maintains that 9/11, ISIL, Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban all seem to follow the same US Intelligence Playbook to either create a boogeyman or an incident in order to create the mood or environment required to implement the desired policy objective.
"However after nearly 13 years (after the 9/11) that has begun to wear off, Americans no longer buy a war with an unknown or undefined enemy, so now we see the US, via the CIA and Hollywood, beginning to rebrand Russia and Putin as the new Soviet Threat, i.e. a boogeyman that low information Americans can easily wrap their minds around because Putin is a person and Russia is a huge Nation with Nukes," Martin said in an interview with Fars News Agency.

Martin is of the opinion that there is no doubt there was a strategic objective by the George W. Bush Administration, led by Dick Cheney, to implement the blueprint of PNAC, Project for a New American Century. Bush himself lacked the intellectual depth to think in the terms that PNAC envisioned, he was merely the political face. PNAC’s Neocon Jewish Supremacists had two primary Goals: a) To eradicate the last strong Arab military checks on Israel in the Middle East, i.e. Iran, Iraq, Syria, et al. and b) Install US Vassal State Governments in these Middle East Countries that would transfer their respective Natural Resource Management to US Firms, such as Halliburton and KBR. The George W Bush Administration’s State and Defense Deptartments and CIA was festooned with PNAC/Jewish/Zionist ideologues. Their objective, make the World safe for Israel, which they all held citizenship and make their former and future employers very rich off of theft and harvesting natural resources of the Nations targeted for “Regime Change” by PNAC. Afghanistan and Iraq were strategic in order to encircle Iran militarily. Afghanistan for Pipeline routes and Iraq for its Oil Reserves. The Clinton Administration had actually negotiated with the Taliban formally for Pipeline Routes. 9/11 created the incident to spring the entire PNAC Plan.

Rodney Martin is a political activist, current affairs analyst, historian and researcher. Martin is the Chairman of the American Nationalist Association and hosts a regular Radio Podcast, World View Conversations.

A former US Congressional Staffer and Political Candidate, as well as having served in Local and State Government, Rodney Martin is considered by many to be a prolific debater and speaker. He is especially respected by many around the globe who view him as an advocate for preservation of culture and traditions and his opposition to globalism and corporatism and Jewish supremacism which is responsible United States policy in the Middle East and elsewhere around the world. Martin and his wife have been targeted by Jewish Activists in his hometown.

What follows is the full text of the interview:

Q: As you know 9/11 conspiracy theories attribute the planning and executions of the September 11 attacks to parties other than the Al-Qaeda or claim there was advance knowledge of the attacks among high-level government officials. Possible motives claimed by conspiracy theorists of such actions include justifying the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq as well as geostrategic interests in the Middle-East. What’s your take on that?

A: There is NO doubt there was a strategic objective by the George W. Bush Administration, led by Dick Cheney, to implement the blueprint of PNAC, Project for a New American Century. Bush himself lacked the intellectual depth to think in the terms that PNAC envisioned, he was merely the political face. PNAC’s Neocon Jewish Supremacists had 2 primary Goals: a) To eradicate the last strong Arab military checks on Israel in the Middle East, i.e. Iran, Iraq, Syria, et al. and b) Install US Vassal State Governments in these Middle East Countries that would transfer their respective Natural Resource Management to US Firms, such as Halliburton and KBR. The George W Bush Administration’s State and Defense Depts. and CIA was festooned with PNAC/Jewish/Zionist ideologues. Their objective, make the World safe for Israel, which they all held citizenship and make their former and future employers very rich off of theft and harvesting natural resources of the Nations targeted for “Regime Change” by PNAC. Afghanistan and Iraq were strategic in order to encircle Iran militarily. Afghanistan for Pipeline routes and Iraq for its Oil Reserves. The Clinton Administration had actually negotiated with the Taliban formally for Pipeline Routes. 9/11 created the incident to spring the entire PNAC Plan.

9/11 also created a marque industry for charlatans who take advantage of those who subscribe to conspiracy theories and those who do question official versions of events and in so doing these Charlatans spread disinformation and keep the focus off the questions that really need to be asked. People spend enormous amount of times on silly concepts such as “no planes ever hit the Trade Center” or “no one really died” or “it was carried out by actors”. One can almost make the case these “Disinfo Agents” are part of a another conspiracy designed to keep people confused and from engaging in critical thought and focus or to make people who do challenge official narratives look like unstable nuts.

I seriously doubt Americans or people around the world will ever know all of the facts surrounding the events of and run up to the events on September 11th. For instance, the US went to war with Spain over the explosion of the USS Maine in Cuba, Americans were told the ship may have been attacked, we now know that was false, it was most likely a faulty boiler, BUT America got what it wanted, a war with Spain in order to obtain Spain’s Colonial possessions for economic and military gain. Just a few years later the US went to war over the sinking of the Lusitania, yet we now know the British and Americans used the Lusitania to violate the rules of war and to smuggle arms, essentially using the passengers as human shields and the US was drug into a European War in 1917 by the then First Lord of the British Admiralty, Winston Churchill, something he would do again 20 years later in 1940/41. With regard to 9/11, there was a Commission Report which failed to answer the most fundamental questions, such as why did President Bush ignore warnings about the potential use of aircraft as a method to attack high value targets? Why did the US take such extreme measures to secure and protect then assure Bin Laden’s family were flown out of the US without being questioned, but detained Arab taxi drivers and students for 6 or 8 months, often using torture and in some cases deported citizens who had no links to any so called terrorist entity. Why did President Clinton fail to act decisively against Bin Laden when he had the opportunity? How did the “Hijackers” plan such an operation, coordinate and execute such an effective and well-coordinated intelligence style operation that had previously only been pulled off by the CIA and Mossad, Israeli’s raid on Entebbe for example, go undetected in the United States with its layers of Intelligence and multiple layers of Law Enforcement at multiple levels? The American people are expected to believe 19 Arabs with no formal training pulled off the 9/11 operation and lived and operated in the United States and Europe for over a year undetected. That story is simply not credible. No one believes that any more than the story about Bin Laden’s secret domicile in Pakistan for so many years supposedly unbeknown to the ISI and the CIA, both work closely together.

Q) As we approach the 13th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, there still exists an almost complete blackout in mainstream media of the voluminous forensic evidence that demands an immediate and independent new investigation of that fateful day. If the American people were to demand a new investigation of 9/11, a common criticism we would receive in our activism would be that the government is not very good at investigating itself and when it does so, historically it usually either absolves itself of any alleged crimes or finds convenient scapegoats in the form of either patsies or CIA sponsored boogeymen. What in your mind would be required for a new investigation to be successful and to actually lead to some type of reform of the system?

A: First, there will never be a demand by the “American masses” for a new official investigation of 9/11 nor should the American Government be trusted to conduct such an investigation if there was such a demand. “Average Americans” have the retention span of about 60 seconds. Americans think it’s been too long ago, Bin Laden has been killed it’s all in the past, time to go shopping with money Americans don’t have and watch Reality TV that is designed to make them go shop more and idolize things and people that are far from reality and their reach. Compound that with Americans' drug-like addiction to Hollywood/Media which heard the American populace like sheep to the slaughter. Americans are the ultimate fast food consumers. They want fast food media too. They are lazy and want to be told what to think so they can avoid headaches that may result from critical thought. Critical thought may result in American’s Idealism running head on into Reality which would mean they would be like a Drug Addict hitting Rock Bottom with the so-called American Exceptionalism having been the Crack Cocaine they have been on for years to justify very serious bad acts America has supported for years, such as ethnic cleansing, genocide, installation of dictatorships, supporting and funding coups, and stealing other Nation’s Resources for Corporate Interests. 99 percent of all “Official Reports” produced by any unit of Government in the United States are a fraud. This includes the 9/11 Report right down to Reports involving local Police Shootings where local Cities make sure all Police shootings are “justified” to avoid having to pay civil judgments to the loved ones of those murdered by the Police who can Rape, Rob and Kill at will then have simply write a “Report” which makes it “justified” or as” if it “never happened”. Reform from within the American System will NEVER happen. 90% of Police Officers, Politicians or other Government Employees who engage in bad acts remain “on the job” in the USA. The American Political System is specifically designed and rigged to prevent change. A mere 25 percent of those eligible to participate do in fact participate in the American political process and that is the way the political elite wants it in the USA. Laws are designed to assure no 3rd Political Party can participate and no independent candidate can participate and the Government and Media work to assure no mass political movement can take shape. In the past, the political class sought to assure its existence via denial of access to the vote, today its denial of access to the ballot, i.e. unless you are a member of one of the wings of the same political party, Republican or Democrat, both of which are Jewish/Zionist political wings, you may not participate in the American Political System. When American voters go to the Polls they are led to believe there is a difference between the two “political parties”, but in fact the Parties are two wings of the same Party funded by the same special interests and they both support the same issues 80% of the time. Barak Obama has been an extension of the Bush Administration on nearly every major issue.

Q:The American authorities described the event as coordinated terrorist attacks launched by Al-Qaeda and later claimed that Osama Bin Laden was the mastermind behind the attacks. Then American intelligence forces purportedly carried out a mission code named “Operation Neptune Spear” which caused Osama’s death. What do you think? Who did really orchestrate the 9/11?

A: As I said earlier I doubt Americans and the world will ever know all the facts. But this much is certain, the United States has a history of creating proxy groups to do its bidding in an effort to try to keep blood and liability off the hands of the United States. “Al-Qaeda” was developed as a result of the CIA’s efforts to interfere in the Soviet-Afghan War, one can say the CIA created the Al-Qaeda just like the Taliban was. Both Groups had CIA issued Credit Cards. In the end Americans and the world must ask critical questions. While some DisInfo Agents on the internet go to great lengths to make people think everything is fake, what people must really do is dismiss these fools and engage in critical analysis and ask who benefits from events. In the case of 9/11, who ultimately benefitted? Did Bin laden and his Network? I am not convinced there was really an Al-Qaeda. Did Bin Laden achieve his goal of the removal of American troops from the Region? NO, In fact as a result there was a greater American presence and what actually took place was the near implementation of the PNAC Blueprint. Ultimately the two greatest benefactors from 9/11 were Israel and Neocons. Whether or not Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan will never be known. It is interesting that the United States was willing to display the dead bodies of Saddam Hussein’s sons to prove they were indeed dead, but not the so-called arch enemy of “Freedom” as George W. Bush declared, Osama Bin Laden. Given the US Government’s protection of the Bin Laden family and Bin Laden’s CIA connections, it is doubtful the operation was legitimate as opposed to a charade for the benefit of the American people and to prop up Barak Obama’s image. General Pervez Musharraf has consistently disputed the entire US story of Bin Laden being in Pakistan and once said his ISI believed Bin Laden had died years prior. During the Cold War, the United States made the claim it was forced to combat international Communism of the Soviet Union. There has been no Soviet Union since 1991 and the fact is the United States has proved to be the Imperial entity set on an international agenda. The US has a Defense Budget that is larger than the rest of the world’s Nations combined and has bases extends in every Region of the Globe and most of the US’s imperial expansion took place as a result of 9/11 under the auspice of the “Global War on Terror” against an undefined enemy, so again people must ask, who gained from the events from 9/11?

Q: My last questions: Do you believe that there is a connection between 9/11 attacks and appearance of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)? Is ISIL an offshoot of 9/11?

A: 9/11, ISIL, Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban all seem to follow the same US Intelligence Playbook. Either create a boogeyman or an incident in order to create the mood or environment required to implement the desired policy objective. The United States since 1941 has been unable to exist without a boogeyman. From 1945 until 1991 the US used the Soviet Union in a great Good vs. Evil campaign to build an arsenal of conventional and nuclear weapons as well as engage in gross violations of the sovereignty of Nations. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the US began to act like a drug addict going through withdrawals, it had no boogeyman, so along came Bin Laden and the “Global War on Terror” and there are always useful idiots who are willing to be afraid and give up some freedom. However after nearly 13 years that has begun to wear off, Americans no longer buy a war with an unknown or undefined enemy, so now we see the US, via the CIA and Hollywood, beginning to rebrand Russia and Putin as the new “Soviet Threat, i.e. a boogeyman that low information Americans can easily wrap their minds around because Putin is a person and Russia is a huge Nation with Nukes.

The larger issue is the US is not a sustainable System. It is morally, socially, economically, and demographically bankrupt and shows all the signs of the Soviet Union of 1991. The USA is a dead man walking. It’s just a matter of time before it collapses. The real question is what will arise in its place.

During the Cold War, the United States made the claim it was forced to combat international Communism of the Soviet Union. There has been no Soviet Union since 1991 and the fact is the United States has proved to be the Imperial entity set on an international agenda.

You say this as if the US was ever an enemy to the USSR.

This radical Right fairy tale, which is now an accepted folk myth in many groups in America, pictured the recent history of the United States, in regard to domestic reform and in foreign affairs, as a well-organized plot by extreme Left-wing elements.... This myth, like all fables, does in fact have a modicum of truth. There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the Radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other group, and frequently does so. I know of the operation of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies... but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.

Carroll Quigley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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