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16.5 tons thrust WS-15 engine in the test!


Jan 6, 2012
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According to the Russian weapons World Trade Center site analysis reported in November 1st second, Chinese fifth generation AMF already in October 31st made the successful first flight. Chinese officials have not released any official information before its first flight. In the past few years, the Shenyang Aircraft Industrial Group has repeatedly shown J31 model many times before, but the machine for the first time appearance is at the end of September this year.

It was impossible to determine what is, J31 is a specifically designed medium-sized aircraft for HIGH-LOW parternership with J20 heavy fighter , or meant to be developed to match the J20. No matter what is the purpose for the J31 has been developed, China now has become global in second after the United States and development of two fifth generation fighter in the country.

Chinese air force may be equipped with J31 as the basis for the development of a new generation of fighter. Asian countries military experts point out that, although the J31 size is smaller than J20, but because of its possibility of faster be in service in PLAAF, thus receive more attention than J-20 recently .As unproved officially news said , the test flight of J20 project has encountered a series of problems, among them, the lack of a suitable engine is one of the mian obstacles.

To give full play to J20 performance, it must be equipped with a thrust of 15 tons of class model engine. The message says, the J20 is now equipped with the "first stage" engine will be replaced in 2020 by WS-15 before with thrust up to 16.5tons . At present, WS-15 is undergoing ground test. Experts estimate, J31 may use different engine with J20. China Gas Turbine Research Institute in 2008 had exhibited a thrust of 9.5 tons of new engine model, which could be used for J31 project.

In the next few years, China will invest TOT 16 billions USD on the R&D of new generation of engines. Let's hope for a brilliant future of China aviation industry!
That is your Achilles heel, Chinese aviation industry wont take off without efficient engines.
Problem was the development path we had chosen. Instead of having independent engine programs, engine development is part of a fighter jet's program. When development of J-9 was scrapped, the engine design was also tossed in the garbage. Americans develop their engines separately, and therefore have selection when it comes to it. China only corrected the problem beginning with WS-10 program.
Was it not 17.5 tons?

The Russians now a days often don't know what they are on about。:enjoy:
Indeginous 16tons trust engine will sure enhance the national security of PLAAF and PAF. We need time and patience, money is never the problem concerned. We are Chinese,we are good! Where Chinese flourish, obstacle flounder.
Fighter engine is the most soPhisticated machine in the world. The r&d of aviation engine burns money. I china buckle down its belt to develop in this area, we sure will pull it off.
That is your Achilles heel, Chinese aviation industry wont take off without efficient engines.

Archlies heel is born in natural, but the TWR could be improved. So it's just a temporarily Archlies heel. With WS10A is mounted on PLAAF jets, our piloted could sleep tight. If WS15 is there for call, our piloted will sleep better.
Engines have been the point of concern for most of Chinese latest Fighter Jet programs. Its good to learn that they are now working on this and hopefully we will see some good results in near future. PAF will be among the ones that will be benefited from better Chinese engines, may it be in form of JF-17, FC-20 or may be a fifth generation fighter!

I am very optimistic that China has solved it's issues with turbofan engines.

Since 2010, the WS-10A has been equipping the J-11B in numbers.

With the WS-10A being successful there will be less difficulty getting the WS-15 ready for J-20 by the latter half of this decade. The core technologies are quite similar between the 2 types of engines.

There is too much negativity surrounding China's ability to produce high-thrust turbofan engines.

Only three countries have so far produced 130KN-class military jet engines and one of them is China.
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