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  1. a hashmi

    50th Defence Day

    Salaam My modest dedication to the valiant defenders of our land, celebrating 50 years of defending Pakistan.
  2. a hashmi

    Meanwhile in India Its a Treason If You Wear Pakistani T-Shirt

    To the Indians dispensing their spin on BS: "Following are the instrument involved in SAFTA:- Trade Liberalisation Programme Rules of Origin Institutional Arrangements Consultations and Dispute Settlement Procedures Safeguard Measures Any other instrument that may be agreed upon." Can't see...
  3. a hashmi

    Meanwhile in India Its a Treason If You Wear Pakistani T-Shirt

    Wearing Pak t-shirt = treason, but still they want/expect open transit rights through OUR land to Afghanistan? Yeah right!
  4. a hashmi

    Tarmak007: ‪‪#‎TejasTrainerPV6‬ flew for approximate 30 minutes.

    30 mins? Trial run / aerodynamic test?
  5. a hashmi

    Another PIA video and PMLN minister . Some ppl never learn

    A few incidents like this and Insha Allah, we can make huge strides in removing this scourge of jahil VIP culture... Next step, the police
  6. a hashmi

    Positive Things About Pakistan

    Would probably omit the judiciary... But definitely agree.
  7. a hashmi

    Pakistan Navy | News & Discussions.

    PNS Alamgir Insignia
  8. a hashmi

    Unexpectedly: ISIS leader flees to Syria where U.S. insists he will be safe

    is it me or does it sound extremely familiar to TTP's Fazlullah, now in Indo-Afghan protection in Afghanistan???
  9. a hashmi

    Racist EU: Belgian doctor denies help to Jewish 90yo woman with fractured rib

    The story doesn't sound right... I know many doctors who voice their political opinions, but keep it separate from their professional lives. Added to this, the lady is 90!! Ques: At 2300hrs, shouldn't she have gone to hospital? Possibly propaganda for sympathy in light of the tremendous...
  10. a hashmi

    Where have all the Suicide Bombers gone ?

    on a serious note, is it possible the lull is because of the change in guard in our neighbour's army chief ? We all know who trains, finances and equips the wretches, the next set of instructions are probably awaiting to be signed off. This is that much more pertinent given their chief's first...
  11. a hashmi

    Where have all the Suicide Bombers gone ?

    The Pak Army must obviously be arranging there swift transfer to the "next life " :chilli:
  12. a hashmi

    PDF Meet in London

    @Aether @Irfan Baloch @Proudpakistaniguy @waz @Akheilos Using mobile phone to access the site, so unsure how to send PM - if possible let me know when and where, else PM me (oddly can receive??) & maybe I can revert.
  13. a hashmi

    PDF Meet in London

    WOW! This is so like us Pakis! Can't arrange a date... In following all these msgs I'm totally bamboozled, are we meeting? If yes, 2 or 3 August? I'm good on both, but 3rd sounds good as everyone "usually" has a free Sunday (??) And there's a real good Turkish restaurant in north London...
  14. a hashmi

    PDF Meet in London

    Date: 2/8/2014 Time: Venue:
  15. a hashmi

    PDF Meet in London

    Weekend 2/3 August is good - what say?
  16. a hashmi

    PDF Meet in London

    Yes A Hashmi is coming Just let me know in advance to make sure I'm in the country - LOL!
  17. a hashmi

    Jews burning zionist flag in NYC !

    It is London, can't imagine this in USA...
  18. a hashmi

    Discussion about pictures of protests against israel from around the world..

    Why in any logical discussion must the pro "Jewish" quarter exert ad infinitum the existential threat which those people face with regards to Isra'eel? That is NOT the case. For near enough two millennia since most Jews left Palestine many Christian / European lands have tried to wipe them from...
  19. a hashmi

    PML-Q leader calls for joint Islamic army

    Don't get me wrong, but realistically the animosity in the Arab world between Shia/Sunni is unbelievable - I know this first hand having worked in such an environment. With the Iranians it's the same - they all seem to suffer from some sort of complex (??) All I can say is thank God that even...
  20. a hashmi

    PML-Q leader calls for joint Islamic army

    Even if we settle our internal differences (LOL!), where would the hardware come from? How many Islamic states actually have defence industries? Turkey, Pakistan, Iran (limited) - who else? The lazy Khalijis just spend and buy for non-Khalijis to fly...
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