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  1. lsmr

    Chinese military chief makes first visit to Israel

    sorry,i dont understand why you use "if" are you in another world? I admire the Israelis.
  2. lsmr

    Riots expose high-handedness of the British police, West hypocrisy

    is it chinese links?how stupid poor the west
  3. lsmr

    Riots expose high-handedness of the British police, West hypocrisy

    any links?is it interesting
  4. lsmr

    China needs 'three aircraft carriers': General

    Innocent Vietnamese, I fear
  5. lsmr

    A Chinese's gift to Pakistan !!

    / \`\ __ | \ `\ /`/ \ \_/`\ \-"-/` /\ \ | | \ | (d b) \_/ / \ ,".|.'.\_/.'.|.", / /\' _|_ '/\ \ | / '-`"`-' \ | | | | | | \ \ / / | \ \ \ / /...
  6. lsmr

    Rapid development of chinese cities

    LZ,you should fang xie rennao dian de PP,because quan shi modern building meiguoren dou xia zhe le..
  7. lsmr

    Rapid development of chinese cities

    5 posts in order to post links? ╭︿︿︿╮ {/ o o /} ( (oo) ) ︶ ︶︶
  8. lsmr

    Rapid development of chinese cities

    nice o(╯□╰)o
  9. lsmr

    Indians are a depressed lot: WHO Report

    Really fun outside (*^__^*)
  10. lsmr

    Indians are a depressed lot: WHO Report

    funny but why Indians are very optimistic in my mind. They are always full of ideals.thanks google translate^_^
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