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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    That this attack will be blamed on india, simple.
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    NO need to be upset mate, i am responding in the same manner a pakistani would have if this attack was on indian soil. We learnt this art of rebutting from paksitanis after mumbai blasts. Please stop crying.:angel:
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    Dear friend, Jana is one good example of how bad journalism could be. What else can you expect from a biased, india obcessed journalist who blindly hates india and spreads fictious conspiracy theory against india.:P
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    Well a few hundered million dollar worth planes destroyed, but pakistan will get billions of dollars as aid in turn by potraying itself as a victim of terror through this incident.:P Understanding this point is no rocket science.:lol::lol:
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    Osama a freedom fighter: NZ MP

    Osama bin laden was a gr8 freedom fighter. He killed a 100 times more men,women and children than killed by zionists. Today he rests in peace in heaven fuckked by 72 virgin pigs.
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    Tata Nano will be assembled and sold in Pakistan

    There is no way pakistanis will ride in this evil yindoo vehicle. A big TATA to TATA.:wave::wave:
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    India's 300 mn mobile phone 'Ghosts'

    Yeah just like the entire pakistan is using its claws to scratch the pole when the U.S.A. gunned down osama in your own backyard without even bothering to intimate you in advance!!!:rofl::rofl:
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    India's 300 mn mobile phone 'Ghosts'

    ^^^ post reported!! hope you get "flushed" out of PDF soon.
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    India selects EF, Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

    can somebody explain why i am not able to vote in the above poll??:confused::confused:
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    India offers incentives to boost trade with Bangladesh

    Nobody is asking bangladesh to be greatful of india and certainly india's help to bangladeshi freedom was an act of charity. India had to step in only because a large number of bangladeshi population was crossing border and putting pressure on indian economy and also that bu disintegration of...
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    India offers incentives to boost trade with Bangladesh

    Bhai i an angry because i am tired of seeing such blind hatered toward indians and hindus. These pakistanis are borned with this inbuilt hatered towards other. These bangladeshis are just a bunch of ungreatful bastardz following their own anti india, anti hindu designs. These chinese with...
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    India offers incentives to boost trade with Bangladesh

    Hey, will you employ an illetrate as the C.E.O. of a country?? They get employment according to their capabilities and qualities. If you want such people to lead a company in china then i am fine about it. Then it will be interesting to see China clocking a negative double digit growth for...
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    India offers incentives to boost trade with Bangladesh

    So what do bangladeshis want?? * Should india allow bangladeshis cross border and put burden on indian economy?? Illegal bangladeshis numbering between 20-25 millions are already living in india and create law and order situation in our country as all of them are unregistered and involve in...
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    India offers incentives to boost trade with Bangladesh

    Hey al-zakir, wassup with all the hate towards indians?? Why are you acting like a frustrated loser?? We indians gave our blood for your freedom from your so called muslim brothers who were treating bangladeshis as a second class citizen, we indians saved you getting butchered from your own...
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    Narendra Modi said teach Muslims a lesson: IPS officer

    Desperate times need desperate measures!! It was all started when a crowd of 100 odd brainwashed radical muslims decided to get more adventurous by burning a compartment of train full of hindu pilgrims. Can any body explain me the reasons why did they decide to commit such a crime at the...
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    Narendra Modi said teach Muslims a lesson: IPS officer

    Desperate times need desperate measures!! It was all started when a crowd of 100 odd brainwashed radical muslims decided to get more adventurous by burning a compartment of train full of hindu pilgrims. Can any body explain me the reasons why did they decide to commit such a crime at the first...
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    Muslims in Lucknow protest against Saudi Arabia

    Yes peaceful demonstrations is the right given to everyone and there is nothing wrong in such demonstrations. But are demonstrations such as these really of any help to muslims?? And about these undeclared job reservations, when one applies to any job, be it in a public or a private sector, One...
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    Muslims in Lucknow protest against Saudi Arabia

    I live in Lucknow. This so called protest did find mention in the hindi newspapers on the 5th or 6th page containing local news. It failed to get mentioned in the english newspapers such as TOI. Only urdu dailies such as rashtriye sahara urdu gave it some space on the 1st page. It was held in...
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    what is the problem for pakistan?>??

    There is a whole list of issues available for pakistan. I don't want to mention even a single issue and these can be resolved by determination to root out these issues. However, the biggest issue of all that pakistanis are facing today is denying that any of those issues exists in their...
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