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  1. P

    Rustom-1completes 8th successful flight with gimbal payload assembly: DRDO

    Rustom-1completes 8th successful flight with gimbal payload assembly: DRDO Indigenously-designed and developed Rustom-1 completed its 8th successful flight on December 8. It flew at an altitude of 6000-feet (max) and at a speed of 90 knots (max) during its 30 minutes flight near Hosur, claims...
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    Imran Khan Interview with Karan Thapar

    So my favorite interviewer got 2 interviews in succession from Imran Khan: lets see if i can embedd them here, else ill post links. Terror will have no place in Pak if I'm PM: Imran Khan - Videos - Pakistan - IBNLive Will stop terror groups if elected PM: Imran - Videos - Pakistan - IBNLive...
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    ISRO Aims For The Sun

    The Indian Space Research Organization is now putting together its first dedicated mission to study the sun, aptly called Aditya-1. After the very successful Moon mission that discovered water on the moon ISRO is sending a 400 KG satellite to the sun at about Rs. 200CR After the moon...
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    India 5th most powerful nation, says govt index

    NEW DELHI: India is the fifth most powerful country in the world, says the latest national security index (NSI) designed by the country's foremost security and economic experts. A part of India's National Security Annual Review 2010, which will be officially released by foreign minister SM...

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