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  1. E

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    1 thing's for sure that it boiled down to Rafale and EF. Technical comparison of Rafale/EF has been done to death here, so.... Non technical advantages of Rafale (my perspective): 1. We already have the necessary infrastructure, know-how in operating the french planes. (greatest...
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    'Afghan War Winnable Without Pakistan Help'

    U cannot clap with one hand, it's but obvious that things can only settle down in Afghanistan, when Pakistan starts clamping down those terrorists n starts flushing out those safe havens. Agree, attempts are on, but need further push.
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    Bangladesh to bid for non permanent UNSC seat for 2016-2017

    : (United Kingdom) Used as a derogatory term directed towards South Asians (and sometimes Middle Eastern people), it is usually considered offensive when used by a non-Asian in the UK.[141][142] I am neither a non-Asian nor are we located in the UK. :| Let the Mods respond to this.
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    Bangladesh to bid for non permanent UNSC seat for 2016-2017

    Yeah yeah! for all the love they have for us, as is evident in the forum. Majority of the threads they have are of "India bashing". Little do they realize there mere existence on planet Earth as a Bangladeshi, is thanks to India. Pakis creating "hate India" or flame threads is understandable...
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    Pakistan Defence Logo 2011 Change

    1st one's fine. How abt retaining the old yellow/gold coloured eagle?
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    Pakistan has 110 Nuclear weapons, edges ahead of India: USA Report

    More than a matter of pride, it should be a matter of concern. It's a well known fact that no Indian or India as a nation WILL ever wage a war which will hamper our economy. India always has and WILL always have a set of its own domestic problems, be it corruption, naxalism, scams or poverty...
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    India 'playing dangerous game', says Pakistan officials

    @Topic, Ulta chor kotwal ko daante?!
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    Mahindra's Five-Seat Aircraft To Launch Soon

    Mahindra is definitely going places. It's tractors in US are a hit.
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    Indian BSF Ordered to Stop Border Killings

    @Topic So India scored a brownie point. :D
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    India to be called 'Bharat' ?

    India is already addressed as Bharat/Hindustan. However this petition for name change doesnt make sense. Irrespective of the name change, what should matter most is PATRIOTISM.
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