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  1. V

    Did Ancient Pakistanis Defeated The Mighty Alexander The Great.,

    Don't get emotional ..give a logical counter!!..for the rest refer to post above yours.
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    Did Ancient Pakistanis Defeated The Mighty Alexander The Great.,

    You can claim all you want, for all we care..but then you will be making a fool out of yourself..as both contradict each other.
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    Did Ancient Pakistanis Defeated The Mighty Alexander The Great.,

    By all means endorse it as your own, but you can have it only either way and not both..if you claim you that "you are pre islamic civilization" then you you have to accept that it is you who were invaded by islamic invaders from the West and then converted, you were infact invaded and not the...
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    Did Ancient Pakistanis Defeated The Mighty Alexander The Great.,

    See you are again making joke out your self as I said before you can not Have your cake and eat it too !!
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    Did Ancient Pakistanis Defeated The Mighty Alexander The Great.,

    On the contrary I am delighted to hear.. you consider you had non muslim ancestors..it is relief to my ears ..because up till now, what we have been hearing is that how you all direct descendants of Mohamed Bin Qasim and how you ruled India for a thousand years.
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    Did Ancient Pakistanis Defeated The Mighty Alexander The Great.,

    Pakistan can either claim its Islamic heritage or pre islamic history..it can not "Have its cake and eat it too"
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    US support for India's UNSC bid adds to complexity: Pakistan

    I would have posted a "crying baby", as is customary here ..but then it would be long overdone Cliché :bunny:
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    Safe havens for terrorists within Pakistan borders unacceptable: President Obama

    ^^Well you should thought of the consequences before you set out at "taming the shrew" ..it is a historical fact.."most bomb makers die at the hands of their own bombs"..thats what is happening to you too.
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    Clarifications regarding Sri Lanka Pakistan Ties (Every one Read)

    I am sure half your navy..which is constituted of Indian naval ships on lease or ex-Indian naval ships and aircrafts will say differently...so would people working on your airbases, with equipment India has provided. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Current_Sri_Lanka_Navy_ships And so would 10,000...
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    Safe havens for terrorists within Pakistan borders unacceptable: President Obama

    Here is his full speech along with text of his parliament address ..for those who have doubts. Full text: Obama's address to Parliament
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    US to back India's membership of UNSC: Obama

    Obama backs India for seat at UN top table BBC News - Obama backs India for seat at UN top table President Obama's remarks will delight India, which has long lobbied for a seat at the UN's top table President Barack Obama has backed India's ambition for permanent membership of the UN...
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    US to back India's membership of UNSC: Obama

    ^^Ya, but I beat you by one minute. :D
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    US to back India's membership of UNSC: Obama

    Breaking News. President Obama in his address to Indian parliament has declared US support for India's UNSC membership.. Obama endorses India's bid for permanent seat in UNSC NEW DELHI: US President Barack Obama on Monday said that the US would support India's bid to become a permanent...
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    Why Hinduism Is Science-proof

    Its high time people realize that all religions are human creations and not divine as opposed to belief " the only ones, which I don't practice".
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    Progress by Pakistan in tackling terror not quick as we like: Obama

    Before beating your own drums, consider the grim situation you find yourself in.... You are being bombed on regular basis by your closest former allies. You army is being used as mercenary force by Americans to kill your own people. So if were you, I won't be so cocky about the whole...
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    Progress by Pakistan in tackling terror not quick as we like: Obama

    At present it is 7.8 times larger ..by the end of this FY it will be 8.2 times larger.
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    Progress by Pakistan in tackling terror not quick as we like: Obama

    Well not just yet give it another 5 yrs. ;)
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    Progress by Pakistan in tackling terror not quick as we like: Obama

    So it is a win-win...btw isn't this the same game, which Pakistan and US been playing since late 50s ??..just that Soviets have been replaced by China and India by Pakistan
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    US should endorse India's UNSC bid, says McCain

    Your conclusions are illogical. Your point is "a country like US(cut throat capitalists) are averse to supporting India(for UNSC seat) because of issues like boundary disputes and communal tensions" ..whereas countries like , Britain, Russia, France(closet socialists) are ready to support...
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    US should endorse India's UNSC bid, says McCain

    Easy way out would have been that US does not care weather Kashmir remains with India or Pakistan, but would not take active part any negotiations, which might alter status quo . Most of people in US don't even know, what CWG are..so you can throw that out of the window. Communal...
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