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  1. L

    Indian fury over Australia swimwear images

    Perhaps if people stopped worshipping made-up images, this would not be such an issue. Worship and follow the message of your religion, not any symbol or image of the deity. This applies to other religions as well: for example, some Christians are obsessed with the Cross but never read the...
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    Anyone see Tron : Legacy yet?

    It is one of the worst hollywood productions. There are so many holes and inconsistencies in this movie that scene after scene it is totally absurd. So many things are just glossed over. The "Tron" character in the movie actually has a very minor role to play! The story was probably conceived...
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    Some interesting facts about India

    Indus civilization may be now in Pakistan, but are most Pakistanis proud of this heritage? Most Pakistanis look toward Iran or Saudi Arabia for their cultural, linguistic, and ancestral origins.
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    Indian Hand In Suicide Attacks In Pakistan: Minister

    The minister is giving too much "credit" to India. They do not have the leverage with the Taliban to carry out an attack like this. This was a suicide attack, not some bomb planted somewhere. The suicide bomber was prepared to die in his mission. I just cannot see how India could have gotten him...
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    Pakistan Condemns Qur'an Burnings

    If muslims ignored the threat to the holy Koran, then this dumb pastor would have got zero publicity. The media went crazy because of the reaction they were getting from muslims. Muslims should have just called his bluff. He would have just faded away. Muslims around the world should...
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    Pakistan says it's not aware of India's $20M offer for flood relief

    Pakistan government should remember that this is a massive NATURAL calamity. Look what happened to New Orleans after Katrina. Even a very rich country is yet to recover from it. If someone "beat up" Pakistan and India was offering "bandaid" then you can say it hurts national pride to take...
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    US to offer F-35 fighters to India

    "US to 'offer' F-35s..."? Are they giving them away for free? This thread is stupid: Daddy is giving me a present, but not giving you any. Ha ha ha!
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    China and India: Contest of the century

    Agreed. But only democracy has to worry about "preservation" of diversity; autocracy can force uniformity. China is more populace than India, but the government enforces Mandarin and other equalizers quite effectively. Uniformity is good for a nation. If all of Pakistan was a single ethnic...
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    China and India: Contest of the century

    Before Indians start attacking me about Pakistan, let me say that the same recipe also applies to Pakistan. Forget western ideals, just get good clean governance for at least a few decades. We can slowly evolve into a democracy.
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    China and India: Contest of the century

    India must realize that dandy ideals like "free speech" and "freely elected democratic government" is all good on paper; but if the institutions are just "empty houses" then it is probably better to have a more autocratic system that delivers. No point owning a flashy BMW if the tires are flat!
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    I am ashamed of AID from us Arabs to Pakistan

    If Arab governments really cared, they would have solved the plight of Palestinians long time ago. If they won't help their own Arab brethren, they can hardly be expected to aid Pakistan.
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    Azaad Kashmir - Hindu newspaper's viewpoint

    The only package Kashmir needs is justice The Hindu: The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : The only package Kashmir needs is justice If the Prime Minister does not take bold steps to address the grievances of the Kashmiris, there's no telling where the next eruption will take us. Whatever his...
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    Accept Indian aid, no role for politics in disaster: US to Pak

    India, as a matter of policy does not accept aid from foreign governments. It only accepts aid from non-profit organizations or the UN. Pakistan should do the same. If India wants to help, it should donate its aid money to the UN.
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    Canadian-born man could face deportation to parents' native India

    The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away!
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    Jawans get faulty rifles as new ones lie idle

    Just buy AK-47s: they are cheap, reliable, and are about as accurate as your INSAS. At least you can blame the Russians if the rifle screws you in action.
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    India Could Use Pakistan’s Infrastructure

    I am not talking about driving in the cities. It's crazy everywhere I am sure in South Asia. I believe we were discussing highways.
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    India Could Use Pakistan’s Infrastructure

    Perhaps Indians need to first learn what the dotted line on the asphalt actually mean. They can then proceed to build great autobahns from Delhi to Madras. Observe how the oncoming traffic have to run off the road onto the shoulder just to avoid the jackasses passing each other while...
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    Hollywood racist for Asians, says Dev Patel

    Hollywood only churns out what Americans want to consume. Americans picture middle-eastern looking people as terrorist; Chinese or other orientals as smart techies or kung-fu experts; Black men as mean, bad guys; Hispanics as janitors and druglords, and turban-wearing people as taxi drivers and...
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    Exactly my point. If we forget our past then we think we are the cleanest people on the planet when we stink as much as everyone else. The least we can do is admit our sins before the world and try not to forget the past, lest we should repeat it. Nothing can bring back the dead. The least...
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    Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

    I am not going off topic. I was just replying to an "off-topic" remark from a Chinese member about the USA killing hundreds of innocent people around the world. The Chinese people are not responsible for what happened under Mao, but to try to forget the past is a bigger mistake. It is...
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