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  1. Admiral

    Turkey's Erdogan: Never a "yes" man

    Dear Parashuram1; i m sorry if i overreacted but these days everybody whom i talk from european countries(even from russia) tells me that turkey is changing its direction. For God's sake :) there is not something changing here. only one thing has changed here, and thats ''we dont believe in EU...
  2. Admiral

    Turkey's Erdogan: Never a "yes" man

    Sorry for distrupting but who says Turkey is interested only in Arabs? i wonder who makes this dark propaganda. Turkish foreign policy has changed in last years but the direction of our policies is not only towards middle east. we improve our commercial activities with Africa, Central asia and...
  3. Admiral

    Turkey wants to lead Muslim world

    Sraja; i think the shape of your reaction reflects what kind of democracy you want to have. insulting someone, insulting to Turkish PM in such a way doesnt make you change the people's mind in Turkey. %47 the country voted for them and it is strange that people who mention about democracy...
  4. Admiral

    Turkey wants to lead Muslim world

    Dear PracticalGuy; Thank you for you kindness. i sometimes may over react but as i said above i m tired of prejudgements. What happened to this muslim world is happened because of our misunderstanding the orders of islam and because of our laziness. i admit this. and i m also aware of our...
  5. Admiral

    Turkish Naval Programs

    This is a wonderful news Cabatli , Thank you for the aid :)
  6. Admiral

    Turkey wants to lead Muslim world

    Your last two sentences contradicts with eachother... This is an insult to Islam in fact. i advice you to be careful when you talk about muslim world. you talk as if Islam is against modernity. Turkey is Modern, Secular and a Muslim country. our past and our present is enough to be able to...
  7. Admiral

    Turkish Naval Programs

    Dear Cabatli_53 is there anything new about Milgem Sir? almost 1.5 years passed since it was put to sea and we couldnt hear anything else. Also we expect it to be put in to service in 2011. may be there is a problem with the project? Heard any rumours? Regards
  8. Admiral

    Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

    i guess they are performing a theatre play... everything is against israel if zion wants to strike iran. and they cant do it alone. also usa doesnt support israel and dont wanna be involved in this messy business too. so what will happen? i guess israel will do something crazy and start the...
  9. Admiral

    Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

    You dont speak directly, you throw one's voice here and then hint on the subject of the thread... this is not a proper manner and i advice you to be polite towards people whom you dont know. i know how to deal with keyboard knights.
  10. Admiral

    The Coolest/Unique Avatar on PDF ?

    Master Chief :) Halo
  11. Admiral

    Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

    Sorry, i didnt understand :what: ... you mean iran doesnt have a proper past and a goverment understanding? neither i m a mulla nor i support iran's present regime. And there is one thing you should know, while the ancestors of americans were prisoned-surrounded by romans in england; persians...
  12. Admiral

    NATO opens northern supply route to Afghanistan via Russia/Central Asia

    Gentelmen, This is last year's news :)
  13. Admiral

    Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

    Let me ask a few things, what if iran gives order to move its army westwards? what if they already organised hizbullah in lebonan? what if they fire their missiles to afghanistan and try to hit coalition forces? what if they use a nuclear warhead with the missile fired to afghanistan...
  14. Admiral

    Top Ten Muslim Militaries

    No need to talk more on it because in every defence forum such lists appear once in every 3 months :) and here we speak about the armies of muslim countries. as if there are 50 armies in muslim world... :) There are just 3 armies. Turkish, persian and Pakistan. thats all. screw the rest...
  15. Admiral

    Turkey wants to lead Muslim world

    Champion spartak :mps: :rofl:
  16. Admiral

    Turkey wants to lead Muslim world

    Dear Nabeel; is this text written by you?
  17. Admiral

    Israel's ambitions to hit Iran's nuclear facilities

    i read your nickname as ''i m your father'' :rofl: :rofl: may be i should get some rest...
  18. Admiral

    Eurofighter Snipes Lockheed, Says Typhoon More 5th-Gen Than F-35, Latter Not Even A F

    This article is a BS. in last paragraph it compares the number of f-117 and other non-stealth fighters. first of all f-117 and other kinds of stealth planes are used for the first strike. to cut the enemy communication, to blind the enemy and prevent cooperation between enemy units. this is...
  19. Admiral

    Turkish air force bombs Kurdish rebels in Iraq

    This is a usual activity of our air force...
  20. Admiral

    Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

    i see no problem here. i hope the s. arabia skies are clear for israel-usa alliance. the problem is not to strike iran by air. you cant change a regime and design the country from 0 point with an air strike. you definetely need to launch a ground assault and reach tehran. is this possible...
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