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    China’s String of Pearls and India’s Enduring Tactical Advantage

    Another **** Rant. You will teach us to live. Your people who kill thehs own people come here and start crap. Why do Muslims are so hypocrates? Especially the **** ones. You support another Muslim jackass who says all Muslims should be Terrorists. Be a terrorist and then Cry that...
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    China’s String of Pearls and India’s Enduring Tactical Advantage

    Singapore is the only country in the world to have military presence in India. Since Lack of Land, they depend upon India to keep hold of their military. As I have heard from guys of these countries China has hegemonic intentions of exercising their Influence in the Indian Ocean, so they lean...
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    China’s String of Pearls and India’s Enduring Tactical Advantage

    Indi should form its own Pearl of Rings. Singapore is there in our pockets. Malasiya is interested in defence cooperation with India. Taiwan:D :D We have increased defence and space cooperation with South Korea. Japan - Well US will take care of that. We have an air base to the...
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    Israel launches new military spy satellite

    Should have used India for launching.
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    Awami govt set to destroy backbone of Bangladesh economy

    That all FDI is because of Indian Power.:cheers:
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    Hitler memorabilia 'attracts young Indians'

    Definetly People look up to his good Qualitites.
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    India - National Integration: The Way Forward

    Does Apologizing will get the Life of 4000 people? Even Advani apologized for Babri, He was blasted as a communal. Then how can MMS Apology be accepted. Jagdish Tytler was not given a ticket beacuse of Public pressure. Was he ever convicted? Varun Gandhi went to Jail only for some...
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    India - National Integration: The Way Forward

    :argh: Pakistan made 2. We made 3:D
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    India - National Integration: The Way Forward

    When India was on the verge of Bankrutcy, there was no option but to Liberalize the economy. Did you forget the Partition? They could not control the activites of the Muslim League. What we got? Our country into 3 Pieces.
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    India - National Integration: The Way Forward

    I think this is an Internal Issue of India. The OP is a Pakistani and I doubt his intentions to just have a fight and Enjoy the show. Lets discuss Sunnis v/s Shia. Amhadis
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    India - National Integration: The Way Forward

    PM?s priority: Muslim development - India - ibnlive :cheesy:
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    India - National Integration: The Way Forward

    Indians suffered the most. The Impotent Congress Government came to power in which poverty, hunger and Prices are increasing day by day. BJP had efficient Economic policies. That is the need of the hour Today in the days of Islamic Terrorism threathing our country. What a Crap Post! It...
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    Indian Govt to develop own operating system

    Good the Government atlast believed in their own Industry
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