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  1. Harath

    U.N. Official Set to Ask U.S. to End C.I.A. Drone Strikes

    This makes a very miserable statement...A govt depending upon a lowly UN officail to stop drone attacks..what a pity!!!
  2. Harath

    Maoists derail train in India, 80 dead

    are u from Elite Think Tank :lol: but looks like a mulla (no offence)
  3. Harath


    Good news to all of us. :bounce: UNESCO announces INDIAN NATIONAL ANTHEM as the BEST National Anthem in the World. :victory::victory:
  4. Harath

    US considers options for strike in Pakistan: WP

    INDIA will not support openly..but some $$ loving will go to any extent to please Americans
  5. Harath

    Give Pervez Musharraf Support

    I think the present General has far better unblemished image, man of few words..uncontroversial , than Gen Mush..
  6. Harath

    US considers options for strike in Pakistan: WP

    DID U won the war urself ? :lol::lol: remember those stinger missiles that uncle SAM gave u ...and all other military hardware..ur role was only to train those mujahadens..who r now ur enemies...
  7. Harath

    Give Pervez Musharraf Support

    u'r leaders often drops here for leasure..go back and will turn anti-India thr..just to fool poor fellow citizens
  8. Harath

    US considers options for strike in Pakistan: WP

    Easier said than done..make peace with INDIA..then u have a chance:lol: otherwise the same SAM will tell INDIA to open another front
  9. Harath

    Separatist Insurgencies in India - News and Discussions.

    Let them first come outta jungles..then we will see...
  10. Harath

    Give Pervez Musharraf Support

    Gen Mush comes here often for giving lectures ? and he gets good payment also:lol: Therz always a bit of INDIA in every Pakistani ..who said that? ur esteemed President..
  11. Harath

    US considers options for strike in Pakistan: WP

    i don't think the US public will or can stand anymore of maimed citizens coming back from active duty in PakAF
  12. Harath

    Give Pervez Musharraf Support

    go ahead...we would be delighted.:victory:..we also have :devil:leaders who deserve such foul language..and we're used to such "*****" calling names during elections !! :lol: we r both side of the same coin !!
  13. Harath

    US considers options for strike in Pakistan: WP

    Uncle SAM is going to have its fingers burned again...:bounce:
  14. Harath

    Give Pervez Musharraf Support

    I can understand..but whatever is happening in Pakistan is having repercursions in INDIA..right ? what we dream is a stable, well fed, educated Pakistan not a place whr lots of brainwashed street BELTED urchins ready to blow themselves up to kill innocents getting crossing over to India and...
  15. Harath

    Give Pervez Musharraf Support

    hope u understand what i mean.".U don't need to use a BOWL at all " :lol:
  16. Harath

    Give Pervez Musharraf Support

    I think u need a very tight belt tightening...when conditions improve, u don't cry for aid at all, it will come to u...this is whatz happening in INDIA, China,lots of bullion $$ are coming in toward poverty alleviation /drinking water projects etc without our asking etc..
  17. Harath

    Give Pervez Musharraf Support

    and since Kayani sahib's term is going to retirement..let a new General come and rule for a short period, meanwhile u can go for democratic elections
  18. Harath

    Give Pervez Musharraf Support

    and u believe the magic figures of growth?? they r are all cooked up & absurd ..
  19. Harath

    Give Pervez Musharraf Support

    don't know why people love Mushy so much..what did he gave Pakistan ? just because during his early days as prez., there were few bomb blasts so economy grew naturally...but that 1 midnight call from US president was enough to drop his pants..Pakistan need a new STATESMAN..not a military...
  20. Harath

    World air forces, India

    ARE'NT THESE BETTER THAN COPIES VERSIONS OF SO CALLED RUSSIAN STUFF? u even use Russian engines in ur copied aircrafts can u deny that..?
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