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  1. javvadhaider2006

    John Berlin: Why the US Wants the Collapse of Pakistan + UPDATE

    I completly agree with "mujahideen", despite of Pakistan being a multi ethnic society, it has always stood the test of time when it is faced by any threat. Pathans, Balauchis, Sindhis, & Punjabis become one unit and I have no doubt that this time also we will overcome any threat. So no need to...
  2. javvadhaider2006

    Strong navy needed to guard maritime interests: PM

    Yep there was no case of any blockade of our sea ports in 1999. God forbid if such a situation arises in the future PAF Mirage fighters based at Karachi along with P-3 Orions will ensure that we not only repel the Indis but take the war to there land.:pakistan:
  3. javvadhaider2006

    Waziristan of Taliban

    I am very certain that these people are being funded, equipped and trained by MOSSAD and RAW to destabilize Pakistan's eastern borders, so that Pakistan's forces can be made to fight at multiple fronts at the same time, a classical military manoeuvre. And I would like to tell that the Radio...
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