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  1. neo4moss

    Pakistan to conduct missile test within a week.

    i was just replying to a post.. ban it first.. then this..
  2. neo4moss

    Turkey coup plot

    Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- A man claiming to be Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda's No. 2 man, blasts the Turkish government for its role in Afghanistan in a newly released video. CNN cannot authenticate the message, but CNN analysts who listened to the recording say the voice is consistent with...
  3. neo4moss

    Iran arrests Jundallah chief Abdolmalek Rigi with Pakistan's help

    this looks fishy.. most of the stories from media are wong including my posts.. this post clearly shows it was a made up arrest...
  4. neo4moss

    Pakistan to conduct missile test within a week.

    yes indeed it WAS in stealth mode..:victory: after firing it nobody saw it....:taz: and will never see it again..:rofl: :hang2:
  5. neo4moss

    Chavez Calls Israel “Hitler,” US “Dracula”

    i wished along with dracula and hitler chavez can also say pakistan is like batman or donald duck and china is like superman or maybe scoobee doo :taz:
  6. neo4moss

    Water or War

    why are u so adamant about water from INDIA??:hitwall: get it from china.. build a pipeline and bingo u have chinese water :china:which is superior than INDIA:bounce::bounce::partay:
  7. neo4moss

    Iran arrests Jundallah chief Abdolmalek Rigi with Pakistan's help

    BBC News - Iran 'arrests leader of Sunni militants Jundullah' Iranian authorities have arrested the leader of the Sunni Muslim militant group Jundullah, according to reports on state television. The Arabic language channel al-Alam said Abdolmalek Rigi had been held in eastern Iran, but...
  8. neo4moss

    Iran arrests Jundallah chief Abdolmalek Rigi with Pakistan's help

    . Then i am left with no choice .. i will communicate with you in sign language as u dont follow any language. No we are buying monitoring system from Pakistan... what a joke.. Enough of your "HELP".. Iran has aid it earlier. BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran accuses Pakistan over attack...
  9. neo4moss

    Iran arrests Jundallah chief Abdolmalek Rigi with Pakistan's help

    Abdolmalek Rigi, ringleader of the Pakistan-based terrorist group of Jundallah, was captured in an operation on Tuesday. Reports say Rigi was captured on a flight from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan. Iranian Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar told reporters that Rigi was arrested outside the...
  10. neo4moss

    Iran arrests Jundallah chief Abdolmalek Rigi with Pakistan's help

    Thats okay.. i expected u "atleast follow Hinglish not to say english. Period. nope i dont fly planes pilots do. nope i wont provide that sensitive information to you.maybe any other member but not YOu ..LOL contry of origin of the machine should be US or franc (Boeing or airbus)...
  11. neo4moss

    India: A Failed State and Sham Secular Democracy

    medical science has proved that running with diseases like "aids " is not a good sign. LOl
  12. neo4moss

    Water or War

    I guess the Best option is to bomb Himalaya moutains too.. because of it the water flows. because of it the dams are being built.. bomb the damn mountains and India wont build any dams..LOL
  13. neo4moss

    Secularism vs Islamism (in Pakistan)

    do you have the statistics of how many are massacred daily in pakistan by US and pakistani forces today??? check the daily newspapers for more info regarding drone attacks and all.. and oh YES its not massacre.. just plain accidents...for your information gujarat massacre was a communal riot...
  14. neo4moss

    Secularism vs Islamism (in Pakistan)

    Yes Secular laws will grant more freedoms. Freedom to sin as well. Sins that affect no one but the individual themselves. Alongside secularism would even grant you the freedom to CONVINCE people not to sin and preach your religion Most of the muslims are good religious practitioners and they...
  15. neo4moss

    Secularism vs Islamism (in Pakistan)

    So, let’s settle the matter of whether Sharia calls for these “brutal, harsh, and inhumane” punishments. There are four major schools of Sunni Sharia law. They agree about 75% of the time. Sharia has been basically unchanged for about the past 1000 years. There is a...
  16. neo4moss

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    -Well now i guess the talk about "AZAD" kashmir is over by now....
  17. neo4moss

    India training terrorists to strike in Pakistan

    Wow... great news.. i bet indian terrorist camps would be more effective and futuristic than pakisthani camp... also pakistanis trained in the camp would be more effecient than the ones they train by them.. kewlll
  18. neo4moss

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    If it was russia it would have been long released. This isa aircraft made by a developing country for the first time, development wont come fast , it has to wait. The engine is indigineously made and many countries take time for example it ook 13 years for french to master the engine they use in...
  19. neo4moss

    Best Ever LCA - Tejas Pics Collection !

    nope call it light futuristic aircraft or Light complete aircraft
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