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  1. B

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Fighting for freedom is fine by me if that is realistically achievable. Right now Palestinian people are at mercy of Isreal. Wars are won based on casualties and hamas and Palestinian people have already crossed the numbers which would result in a defeat for any army or resistance and if it...
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Hamass brilliant plan watch this guys. Take hostage. Loose 20000 civilians in response. Give hostage back..... I am convinced all hamas leaders share a combined brain cell of 2.
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    This is what you normally practice in your household? 🤢 Dont know what you been doing in Canada but in this country we dont do that sh*t Closet homo gashti 🤮
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    karachi ? too far. i live in Abbotabad we can meet halfway lets say islamabad ? we will meet at burger fest and you can verify i am pakistani when i order their beef burger.
  5. B

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Where are you from in pakistan i will mett you there.
  6. B

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Good for you give charity. Second class as in at the end of the day they wont accept you as their own even if you have a green card. If you know you know. Million people marched against tony blair. Hey guess what he still is free and nothing happened. You can argue against policy all you want...
  7. B

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Yup cant argue my points because you don't have any argument so start name calling me. What are we 5 again? Point is you lot are so dumb that even if isreal used its own speacial forces to carry out oct 7 attack, you would still support it thinking it is hamas lol because you think with emotion...
  8. B

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    This thread has gone to sh*t. Hijacked by hamAss supporters who are sitting in their little immigrant apartments in Canada, USA, UK living like second class citizens and being good boys paying taxes to EU who are funding Isreal.all this tough talk yet when tax collector comes around they happily...
  9. B

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Before bomb every five year. Now bomb every 60 min. Before Atleast somewhat better.
  10. B

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Exactly why they should f**ked with a much bigger army if they had no backing. Obviously my points are too big to comprehend by your shitty iranian small monkey brain so i dont blame you for not understanding my point mf.
  11. B

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Any sensible palestinian will curse hamas for bringing hell on to them.
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Exactly why i hate hamas.
  13. B

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Well done hamass and its supporters. What good is winning a war when all your civilians are dead. Surrender you morons and spare the life of innocent people instead oh hiding.
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Than you should stop being sad by all these videos coming out of gaza because that comes with the package. 13000 dead is what happens when you start wars. Don't be sad about Gaza situation because that is part of the deal. 👍 And what is the stragety? What is the end game? How do you expect to...
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    @Falcon29 you and other members who dont like hamas criticism should watch this. All i ask is to watch it with open mind. The guy is pro Palestinian jew.
  16. B

    Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

    Europe should give them permission. They have been good boys in gaza genocide. They deserve their lollipops
  17. B

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Listen to this. Those "brave" hamas fighters just gave shifa up to these beasts who are not allowing any treatment to those poor souls. They should storm the hospital and free the captaives immediately instead of hiding.
  18. B

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Erdogan 😎
  19. B

    Hamas miscalculation?

    Whenever facing issues like these such as ttp, isis, Hezbollah or hamas. Just figure out who profited the most from their presence and you will get the answer. In hamas case the winners are Isreal. And before someone comes at me saying "they have exposed their intentions" Let me tell you USA was...
  20. B

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Incase it wasn't obvious why eu supports the f@gs
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