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  1. J

    Historical evidences for the arguments as to what sort of Pakistan the founding fathers wanted

    They are the same exact genes according to all human studies all over the world. You are a Mohager and only God knows where you came from. Sind/Hind is the same land albeit with two geographical names. Wow, now you are an Arab, and yet, you just said they raped people. Truely a nasty person...
  2. J

    Historical evidences for the arguments as to what sort of Pakistan the founding fathers wanted

    You cannot out urinate a Hindi skunk. You said: DumbA$$, go to school, "that word should be who" first learn basic Hinglish reading before you write. Also, you're like Mexican illegal immigrants who cross the border to USA, they learn nothing, but, they surely know how to say f-u-ck just like...
  3. J

    Historical evidences for the arguments as to what sort of Pakistan the founding fathers wanted

    Very funny. How old are you? Enjoy the strength and the great economy. "First of all you are some kind of Hindu trash who is bitter now that being said.. I will proceed." May God help you and guide you to learn how to talk to others especially someone you don't know. The only Hindu trash...
  4. J

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    The Azeri & other so-called Turkic population in Iran according to The World Fact Book Issued by CIA recently puts the number at less than 14 million. Furthermore, Azeris are Persian and their language is 65 Persian, and so is your own language while the rest of your vocabulary is either...
  5. J

    Historical evidences for the arguments as to what sort of Pakistan the founding fathers wanted

    From extensive readings, as well as my constant observations of Pakistani state, the idea of Pakistan "Land of the Pure" looks rather spacy and highly impractical since Pakistan is one of the most corrupt governments on God's green earth. The original pioneers were great people with Platonic...
  6. J

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Rest assure, that's fake news. Iran will never accept such a lousy deal. Iran could have had all its frozen money back long time ago when the west offered better terms than this imaginary deal.
  7. J

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    You guys giving too much attention to donkeys . . . Regardless of all the fabrications and fake news generated by the Turkish regime, Turkey stays as $hit-hole, a backward society good only in making Doner-Kebab and selling sheep skin. Furthermore, despite all the false data publish by Turkey...
  8. J

    Iranian Chill Thread

    A self hating sick animal. This is the ugliest looking subhuman I have ever seen. Frankly, she resembles horse's A$$. This trash is an employee of US State Department along with many other Bahaei, Jewish, and other lowlife Iranian who sold their dark souls to Satan.
  9. J

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    The term British Defense Ministry is an oxymoron. England is a joke as it cannot be taken seriously on any thing they utter because England has neither experts nor could do anything worthy of $hit since its a failed state 100% reliant on uncle sam for its defense needs. Whenever the west puts so...
  10. J

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Please see the link below. It shows the exact details of the internet concept, and the first wide-area computer network. According to the published papers from multiple sources, the idea and the actual implementation of the internet as functioning network was in USA...
  11. J

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    I am fully aware of that reality as I am an American albeit I am sick and tired of the abhorrent US policies around the globe. Nonetheless, I am blessed as I know many Muslims, middle-eastern, oriental, and east european folks whom I respect very much. I had the good fortune to work with many...
  12. J

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Everything I have written is fully proven based on US published official data along with many others derived from official sources in Russia, Ukraine, and others. versus your constant idle talk which resembles hallucinations by a homeless-hobo walking the streets of Phoenix, AZ. You can see...
  13. J

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    The false concept you vesulized is based on ideal conditions 100% in favor of the attacking aircraft which is never possible. Furthermore, please spare me from this hocus-pocus about kinetic energy, just plain english will do since you're neither a rocket scientist nor a Radio Frequency...
  14. J

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    These numbers are manufacturer's published data none of which is proven in real battles or even in any known published exercise. Furthermore, if such numbers were to be taken for granted, then the US made Patriot SAM systems PAC-3, PAC-3 MSE or the newer PAAC-4 would erase any air target with...
  15. J

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    When you see videos about any given weapon system in Iran 'especially missiles and rockets", it implies that it has been in serial production for a while and fielded by the armed forces.
  16. J

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    An Israeli douchebag who has been barking at Iran all his life and made his lousy living on Iran bashing. Still no Cigar, Iran is kicking their behinds in every turn, and yet, they keep imposing sanctions . . ? Ironic stupidity and incompetence since neither the Iranians nor the Chinese give a...
  17. J

    Iranian Chill Thread

    This is a UNESCO science report issued on 2021 about trends in higher education in Iran. It dwarfs even the Western European standards in both quantity and quality of education. Iran is way beyond its neighbors in education standards and development by a great margin.
  18. J

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Very dumb statements from an illiterate loudmouth. In 2085 when Turkey starts making a fighter jet "any fighter jet", maybe then, Madagascar or Cambodia show some interest in your lousy product. That depends whether you could get to that point, which is very doubtful. Listen, for Turkey to...
  19. J

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    I like the term Turke-Khar section. The name is very fitting to describe those toxic creatures. However, why would anyone waste time with subhumans who are unworthy to get human attention. Just ignore them but slap them silly when they misbehave, it's very simple. I have been using this therapy...
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