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  1. S

    PDF forum survey.. Communism

    Centralization does cause dissent but if the funds are trasferred right down to districts level then central government would be left weak and short of money besides i dont realy have a lot of faith in district level admnistration to manage funds very well
  2. S

    PDF forum survey.. Communism

    I want pakistan to have a more centralized authoratarian system in place which can take hard decisions that will be painful short term but will pay dividends in the long run i would have no problem living in a communist pakistan with a system that aims to bring prosperity to its people like...
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    Will new consitutional solve our problems?

    What do you think will happen in 2023 election
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    Pakistan carries out airstrikes along AfPak border

    One question i would like to ask fellow posters is why do IEA not act against TTP is it because of the ideleogical similarities between them only or the reason could be more grounded i.e your average talibani terrorist wouldnot like to see his brother in TTP being targeted.Thus to avoid further...
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    HIT floats tender for the development of Remote weapons station with 12.7mm anti aircraft gun for advance armoured fighting vehicle

    Does this necessarily mean HIT is developing and indigenous AFV if you know anything about this project could you please tell us more about this.
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    We are going to burn through reserves

    How confidant are we about the $20b figure.
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    We are going to burn through reserves

    This is so sudden out of nowhere is what could be the rationale behind this if he has resisted populism until now why embrace it this is going to have an impact on IMF Deal guys no ?
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    We are going to burn through reserves

    So stupid why did he do this this will only increase CAD as consumption increases lower tax collection create balance of payment issues we are already having problems with current account Oil prices in the internationl market will only rise and instead of transferring that to connsumers he is...
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    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Could you please tell whether our own effort to develope a 5th gen jet is still ongoing.With all the news regarding AZM/TFX and the general pessimism surrounding our own project it apears from outside atleast as if we have completely given up on our own aircraft.
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    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Ukraine is mostly flat making its terrain suitable for maneavure warfare russia is completely in a diffrent league compared to ukraine it never stood a chance.Ukraine should have recognized strategic realities and should have pushed for friendly relations with russia or a neutrality but they...
  11. S

    Why so many Indians back on the forum?

    No worries bro i have edited it a littile i dont have that much experience writing on the forum so you would have to excuse this indescretion on my part.
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    Why so many Indians back on the forum?

    I dont think it ever will for the simple fact that organized societies that are ruled will always be more productive and better able to survive compared to a disorganized mass.Their will never come a point where a succesfull anarchy in one part of the world would inspire similar outcome anywhere...
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    Why so many Indians back on the forum?

    I dont think humans believe in this it is inherent to all of us to increase our chance to survive/thrive at all costs which can require at time subjugation or exploitation of others it is hard to see how this quality will completely go away when it has served us so well our specie is surviving...
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    Power Generation up by 8.9% YoY during Jan’22

    Which one is more expensive on average factoring in the electricity output nuclear power plant or a Dam.
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    Power Generation up by 8.9% YoY during Jan’22

    Guys anyone know our GDP PPP after the recent rebase ?
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    Number of verified FBR PoS invoices in big retail outlets triples to 153,000

    How much increase in tax collection is expected from this i hear they did the same thing in malaysia and turkey did this help them increase their tax base signifantly ?
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    Govt Under Pressure to Take Further Austerity Measures Before Upcoming Budget

    These measures are good longterm and are needed however its hard to see why establishment will back PM Khan especially after the DG ISI Fiasco where he embarassed COAS Hopefully establishment have developed some countermeasures to never again let Darifcation of economy i do wish that either they...
  18. S

    Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

    Sir would this aircraft have a similar timeline to the one PAF wanted with AZM and should we expect PAF to release any details of this collaboration or this remains under wraps.
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