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  1. O

    Should pakistan get Y-20U as supplement to its IL -78 tanker ?

    It's better for Pakistan to wait for the Y-20 tanker variant with WS-20 engine. I'm sure Xi'an is going to work on that once they're done with testing Y-20B.
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    Teacher removed US flag from class, encouraged students to pledge to gay pride banner!

    This is obviously fake news and Russian propaganda. I was told by NYT that only authoritarian countries place their national flag in classrooms to brainwash children into believing the country is more important than the individual. So there couldn’t be any American flag in American classrooms.
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    China to build historic Yarlung Zangbo River hydropower project in Tibet

    Dams regulate water flows, so the project is going to benefit India IF China fills the reservoir slowly.
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    Why I’m Losing Hope in India

    Sad to see so much human potential wasted.
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    East India Company which once owned India now owned by an Indian

    The English must feel relieved. Even if one day in the future Scotland goes independent and Ireland reunites, England can at least survive by licensing the 'British Empire' name to the then superpower India.
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    BREAKING: Tesla's market value hits $500 billion for the first time ever

    So it's a car maker + utility company, neither of which justifies the current valuation. Talk about irrational exuberance.
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    What China lacks to become a super power?

    Nah, a definition of God certainly doesn't need to define the 'form' of God. Indeed the most common definition of God, the one taught in almost all introductory metaphysics classes (omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect) doesn't refer to form at all. One can be convinced by the argument...
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    How Xi Jinping Blew It

    Overall this trend benefits Vietnam. But the specific effect depends on individual cases. Take Samsung for example, after shutting down its factories in China Samsung actually began to outsource both the design and the manufacturing of its lower end phones to Chinese ODMs. So it's really a...
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    How Xi Jinping Blew It

    Roughly yes but with some caveats: 1. I used the size of total labor force, theoretically this isn't good practice because one country may have a lower percentage of people engaging in manufacturing. But China and Vietnam has the same percentage of industrial employment. So the comparison works...
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    How Xi Jinping Blew It

    Here's the relevant World Bank data: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NV.IND.MANF.CD?most_recent_value_desc=true This shows the value added by each country's manufacturing activities. Here are the two relevant entries: Country Most Recent Year Most Recent Value (Millions) China 2019...
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    What China lacks to become a super power?

    Not true. Atheism only requires a concept of God, which can be defined abstractly without reference to any particular religion. It certainly doesn’t require the existence of any religious believers.
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    Moscow Worried About Beijing’s ‘Sinicization’ of Central Asia, Caucasus

    Kazakhstan has been trying to lure Kazakh Chinese with incentives to migrate, and for a while many Kazakh Chinese took up the offer only to find out that Russian language is required for most high paying jobs in Kazakhstan. For Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, labor exports to Russia are...
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    China is biggest stumbling block in India’s UNSC permanent membership

    Remove Britain and France. EU, African Union, ASEAN, SAARC and whatever their equivalent is in Latin America become permanent members with 'vetoable veto' - a veto that itself can be vetoed by any of the organization's member states.
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    How Xi Jinping Blew It

    Nah China is right for not prioritising public opinions in “nations such as Canada, Germany, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom”. Public opinions are controlled by the media and it makes no sense to invest much in games that are rigged against you.
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    Chinese Troops Struggle With Low Quality Winter Clothing On Indian Border

    Now Indians are writing for the Taiwan News. Are we witnessing an unholy union between Hindutva and Falun Gong?
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    Taiwan to build eight submarines to defend itself against China

    I'm sure Japanese engineers provided technical assistance. Doesn't mean it's going to nearly as good as Japan's own designs.
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    Automobile sales surge in October

    This thread is about Vietnam. I don't know why people felt the need to bring China into this. Don't compare China to Vietnam. Have some self-respect.
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    Y-20 heavy transport aircraft News & Discussions

    PD-14 corresponds to CJ-1000 in the Chinese aero-engine family, not WS20. PD-14 is not expected to produce any more thrust than WS20. It has a higher bypass ratio than WS-20 so it's going to be more fuel efficient, but I can't recall military application of a turbofan with higher than 7 bypass...
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    China’s Communist Party meets worker anger with plan to raise retirement age for greying population

    The current retirement age has to change. Right now Chinese women retire at age 50, yes FIFTY, while the life expectancy at birth for women is 79.2 so women will finish university and start working at 22, work for 28 years then retire and draw pension for 29+ years. Not going to work.
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