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  1. Neurath

    Another Pakistani Drama depicting events 1971

    It's good. Finally starting to sell our narrative. Something's better than nothing.
  2. Neurath

    "Pakistan's political framework does not represent an Islamic system. Their system is not Islamic"- Taliban Spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid

    Apparently no one here has a problem with a government spokesperson of another country commenting on our internal affairs.
  3. Neurath

    Bahria Town.....Karachi

    Aptly put. People often tend to forget what that land was before BTK came along. And it's not just the Americans. These corrupt industrialists and businessmen were found all over Britian and Europe during the Industrial revolution. The Chinese had a fair share of these men during the 1980s and...
  4. Neurath

    TLP Animals Vs RSS Goons !

    Relative from Lahore Police injured by TLP animals succumbed to wounds today. May these dogs rot in prison.
  5. Neurath

    Erdogan declares 10 ambassadors persona non grata

    The only words of sense. This thread has evolved into your average Discord politics server.
  6. Neurath

    Turkey faces threat of ‘grey-listing’ by global finance watchdog

    Turkey faces threat of ‘grey-listing’ by global finance watchdog According to a report, Turkey may be “greylisted” by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) since it has reportedly failed to combat terrorist financing and money laundering. The Financial Times reported that that global...
  7. Neurath

    Pakistan ranks 130 out of 139 countries in adherence to rule of law

    I wouldn't agree with complete Islamic Law, but I do think that British-era colonial laws should now be rid off. Pakistan should begin experimenting with what is fit for its society, and not follow what a power thousands of kms away used to follow 200 years ago,
  8. Neurath

    Pakistan officially inducts HQ 9 Air Defence system

    Forgot about Nair o Nair as well. Perhaps the most strategic asset. Must leave this forum for some time.
  9. Neurath

    Pakistan officially inducts HQ 9 Air Defence system

    Like someone else previously said, just adding to the spice :)
  10. Neurath

    Pakistan officially inducts HQ 9 Air Defence system

    There's a debate going on the sidelines of the HQ-9 induction regarding air defence in Karachi and Lahore. Team Lahore has gone a bit sentimental talking about the cultural and historical significance of Lahore and it being a population hub, basically all of the things that don't matter in air...
  11. Neurath

    Indus Valley Civ people diet dominated by beef and other meat, finds study

    IVC people weren't Hindus. They had their own distinct religion and some even suggest that they were atheists,
  12. Neurath

    Swap Kashmir for Holy Sikh places in Pakistan

    Swapping Hindu majority regions may cut off access to parts of Indus Delta and coal reserves in Thar. Hindus from the Hindu Majority regions are fairly patriotic. I once visited the Thar Coal Power Project and saw hundreds of Hindus employed in different sectors. Turns out they were happy with...
  13. Neurath

    Apple takes down Quran app in China

    An app has been removed from the app store, the Quran hasn't been banned in China. Relax.
  14. Neurath

    How to Collect More Tax and Reduce Price of Petrol too

    It's not about the details of a hypothetical agreement between Iran and Pakistan but Pakistan's willingness to face the backlash for such an energy deal. Pakistan's main trading partner currently is the U.S, you can't piss them off, and the Arabs are a massive source of remittances, you can't...
  15. Neurath

    Bangladesh minister says Islam is not our state religion, will revert back to 1972 constitution

    You mean to say that the majority of Bengalis disagree with his opinions?
  16. Neurath

    Bangladesh minister says Islam is not our state religion, will revert back to 1972 constitution

    So Bengalis have begun deviating from Islam based on fairytales such as the Bangladesh Genocide?
  17. Neurath

    Bangladesh minister says Islam is not our state religion, will revert back to 1972 constitution

    Bangladesh has the option to opt for an ethnic identity. We in West Pakistan don't. Until a new identity based on the Indus Civilization is established, Pakistan will have to make Islam a part of it's peoples' identity.
  18. Neurath

    Why One of the Oldest Pakistani American Communities is in Wyoming

    Neither. It's definitely not entirely the same thing, I'll retract what I said earlier but at the end of the Pakistan only exists due to Islam which plays a major role in our identity to this day. It cannot be denied.
  19. Neurath

    Why One of the Oldest Pakistani American Communities is in Wyoming

    Pakistan is the only country in the world where religion and nationalism are the same thing.
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