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  1. usman.exe

    Pak. in a losing nuclear race :EDITORIAL: New York Times

    How the hell is it a losing race. What NYT failed to check is that its only acquiring a nuclear weapons capability that is costly, once the infrastructure is in place, the nukes are just rolling out the factory. Actually they cost far less than than the many conventional warfare components we...
  2. usman.exe

    Indian Agni V veered off-course?

    My answer to this is simple. We managed to become a nuclear weapons state, and think of it. Who would have thought Pakistan could have done it. I never thought it possible myself before May 1998. But we did. And if developing nukes and the nuclear complex is possible, making ICBMs is only the...
  3. usman.exe

    US Navy commander : Iran capable of striking a blow to the US Navy, forces

    I really wish Iran becomes nuclear. Iranians, one thing you must understand that if you went nuclear soon, no one would dare to attack you, ever!
  4. usman.exe

    Jewish groups to help Pakistan flood victims

    I hear this all day, this hate indoctrinated in almost every Pakistani. I ask why can't they be friends? Why hate is the first assumption of you people. You know running this country on the basis of religion has already caused us a lot of trouble and misfortune. When will you people wake up and...

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