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  1. azyr

    A-591 Ufuk, Turkish Spy Ship launched on sea

    Im on mobile, so I can't see flags. When I saw the name @Zarvan I thought he was Iranian. My mistake - apologies. @T-123456 and @Baybars Han and @Taskforce
  2. azyr

    Russia's Putin orders snap military drills involving 150,000 personnel

    Because it's illogical. NATO does exercises in battle groups, like the recent navy ones etc. Those make more sense as in war the whole military of NATO won't be acting as one big strike force - instead each battle group will have specific missions. What Russia is doing here is absolute...
  3. azyr

    A-591 Ufuk, Turkish Spy Ship launched on sea

    No, we're good. You guys are way too close with Russia for us to be able to share sensitive information.
  4. azyr

    Huge Projects of Türkiye

    Closing down the Atatürk airport which had minimal expansion capabilities was the right call. Even if we did put a band aid on the situation and added another runway it wouldn't last nearly long enough for us because we also needed to renovate the whole airport from scratch too. It was a mess...
  5. azyr

    Naval and Military developments in Turkey’s neighborhood

    Greece needs these direly, but can they finance them? They should start their own "milgem" project and who knows - maybe in 10 years or so they will have solved the navy part of their army.
  6. azyr

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    There's a post regarding this topic in the middle east, you can go and masturbate over there. This thread is factual @BLACKEAGLE it's not for you to mindlessly blabber shit from the wrong hole.
  7. azyr

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    That site is full of errors though.
  8. azyr

    GNA launches attack on Sirte-Jufra

    Depends on whether NATO and the US greenlight's it. Bingazi isn't a military obstacle, it's a political one.
  9. azyr

    Turkish Air Defence Programs

    İs this comparable to the kürecik radar?
  10. azyr

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    Can these people get a decreased sentence because they surrendered? It would incentivise more and more people to leave the PKK if that's the case.
  11. azyr

    Mass demonstrations in Libya against Turkish interference

    Yes, just as they were busted :
  12. azyr

    How this SA funded fake news group got taken down

    Here's a tweet showing an example of the kind of news they published about Turkey.
  13. azyr

    How this SA funded fake news group got taken down

    Read the whole thread. Summary ; 16 of the fake online personas created to spread propaganda for the GCC and Israel got taken down by Twitter. Interestingly enough they wrote for Al Arabia and multiple Jewish origin papers. A lot of articles trying to take a negative angle on Turkey, Iran and...
  14. azyr

    Russia warns Turkey over Hagia Sophia move

    Clever Ruskiy, they won't let this matter be forgetten and abandoned. This issue is a synthetic one, only raised recently to change the topic in Turkey, which was about the economy. Then it was dropped from all mainstream media as it served it's purpose and now we're talking about social media...
  15. azyr

    Featured Russia admitted that Pantsir-S1 missile systems are useless against Turkish drones

    Of course, in that vein of thought a bird can also take down a jet too. But if we're talking about the consensus of a platform Russia has been dropping the ball left and right. They're trying to trick the same countries yet again by telling them that what they're currently using was out of date...
  16. azyr

    France Suspends its Participation in NATO SeaGuardian after standoff with Turkey

    France is a proud country and has been that throughout her history. Even though she's been ruthless and even despicable at times, I still respect her weight in this world. Having said that though, waning power and strong and weak leaders are just part of the cycle and currently France is trying...
  17. azyr

    U.S. willing to take military action to stop Iran's nuclear program, envoy says

    Just posturing. An attack on Iran would need the best situation for the green. At the moment the most strategic country for the attack is overwhelmingly against the attack (Turkey), and the US can bully Iraq around only so much before there's another civil war and her bases are unsafe. The US...
  18. azyr

    Featured Russia admitted that Pantsir-S1 missile systems are useless against Turkish drones

    Classic Russian bullshit, throw shade at the destroyed models, strap on a useless upgrade in the last minute and tell everyone that "THIS is the real deal - upgrade now and give me the money". At the end of the day Russian point defense systems, manned by everyone living under the sun, has been...
  19. azyr

    Moldova shuts down bootleg helicopter factory

    Lol wtf. We've been doing RnD and tech transfer for over a decade to finally produce some helicopters and even now we still have a long way to go, and these fuckers managed to do it in a warehouse illegally?? /Throws towel.
  20. azyr

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Sisi doesn't matter, either does his red or purple lines that he draws on sand all day long. Israel, who's being interestingly silent on the matter, and the willingness of the US to act is what matters for Turkey in the end. An of course Russia, let's see what this will develop into.
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