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  1. M

    Opinionated - China Chipping Away to Semiconductor Dominance

    I think that China can catch up with the west in the next few years. People tend to forget, 10 years ago most people would've laughed at you if you said a chinese company would dominate 5G.
  2. M

    CV-18 Fujian - Type 003 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    The whole reason there's an EM catapult on the Carrier is because china made progress in electrical power engineering that allows to have an EM catapult without nuclear power. Up until that progress they weren't sure if they would have an EM catapult on this carrier. It was a pretty big news...
  3. M

    Beijing is China’s only shining northern city as centre of economic gravity moves south

    The north is full of smaller cities, if you go look on Google Earth you'll see that the north is flat so cities are well spread out, whereas in the south they have to be concentrated on the few patches of flat terrain so cities are bigger.
  4. M

    Taiwan-based Apple supplier Catcher to sell two divisions to China's Lens for $1.4 billion

    You're getting the scrapes, Vietnam which is a small country is getting more of China's rejected industries than India. It's just kinda sad honestly, but what can you do when Modi is the best thing you've came up to lead your country ? You did this to yourselves
  5. M

    Huawei News and Analyses

    That's what someone who knows nothing about semiconductors would say
  6. M

    Hanoi opens gold plated hotel

  7. M

    German Chancellor Merkel urges European countries to cooperate with China

    The competitor for Germany and EU is the US rather than China, but if they wish to be slaves till the end then so be it
  8. M

    CV-18 Fujian - Type 003 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    You're making a number of implicit assumptions that you're making up just because it suits your narrative, for example you're assuming China gives the same level of importance and ressources to improving its Aircraft Carrier technology than it does to building LCACs. What's important is that...
  9. M

    CV-18 Fujian - Type 003 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

    You have to take into account that the US procurement program is a complete joke and that it's completely corrupted by the defense contractors who juice it like a lemon, plus China has a bigger experience in making huge advancements at once successfully compared to the US. Also, encountering...
  10. M

    China propagandist Nathan Rich's criminal record revealed

    He's pretty cool, he had an interesting life Noo it's not me who's brainwashed !! It's the 1'4 billions Chinese people and everyone disagreeing with me who's a paid agent !! Lmao, you children can't accept reality
  11. M

    [THIS IS BAD] Japan’s Population Falls for Ninth Straight Year

    I'm happy about that just because it means they'll continue to deflate into not being relevant which I like
  12. M


    With enough investment everything is possible. People always doubt China's ability to make breakthrough, until it suddenly happens, then they cry about national security and they try to stop it by all means. There are already companies making inroad into fab equipment, no worries.
  13. M

    Intel Capital has invested in two chinese startups in the semiconductor sector

    I'd say that's good, but the government should keep an eye on those deals to make sure nothing shady is going on.
  14. M

    A response to claim: COVID-19 will spread in Pakistan due to CPEC

    Anyone who fears Covid 19 right now should make sure to cut contacts with the country which by far the most infected, the US.
  15. M

    Tibetan Political Prisoner Dies at Home After Being Refused Medical Help

    Slavery proponents have no sympathy from me sorry
  16. M

    Opinionated - China Chipping Away to Semiconductor Dominance

    SMIC, CXMT etc are the "real part of microelectronics industry".
  17. M

    Every single person to get safe, clean drinking water in Xinjiang by the end of this month

    Very cool, China's current focus on eliminating poverty is probably my favorite part of Xi Jinping's administration because it shows that he has a real vision for China, he's not developing China just to maximize profits or whatever, he really has an idea of a developed and prosperous China on...
  18. M

    This Is How China Transforms Life of Million Poor Chinese People

    Hopefully your mom get one of those calls one day
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