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    India defends ties with North Korea in talks with Tillerson

    You Indian talk every talk about Pakistan as enemies, take a look you post a so far, you find nothing good in Pakistan what a shame. Now coming to the point can you guys give us the names of those who commit terrorism and not tell us to destroy the whole tribe. You want Pakistan to Nahi late...
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    "Hard talk with Pakistan does not work, they just dig in deeper", observe American analysts. NYT

    NEVER be sure that if a country comes to aid you in some circumstancesdoest not have an agenda, only happens In dreams, all countries make friends for ulterior motives and that is that. Wisdom dictates that one be carefulll about its depedance on others To follow their agenda. So go ahead...
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    NATO official: Turkey faces ‘consequences’ if purchase of S-400 completed

    OST An Indian as usually talks bad about any Muslim country. It is embedded in their brain by Indian media always talking bad about specially about Pakistan. Knowing this for many years I have concocted a term for Indians. I call them spam masters.
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    Ayesha Gulalai shows ‘Imran Khan’s messages’ to Hamid Mir

    A look at the background of AMID MEER,HE RECIEVED AWARD FROM BANGLADESHI TALKING BAD about Pakistan Army, also went to India and bad mouthed Pakistan Army. SO BELIEVING HAMID MEER IS LIKE BELIEVING IN INDIAN MEDIA ABOUT PAKISTAN.
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    Tejas, an Indian Air Force light combat aircraft (File)Indian Air Force Jets Slated to Have Beyond-V

    I am talking about the quote he put up not the man called singa.
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    Tejas, an Indian Air Force light combat aircraft (File)Indian Air Force Jets Slated to Have Beyond-V

    Don't teach us lessons about sayings of those who tell us cacamany words to make us think we are fools and need to learn, whereas he will not go to those who control the destinies of Human race and start wars based on lies and innuendoes. They are the one he need to teach, but he wanted to Make...
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