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  1. Manama

    Disney casts Mena Massoud as Aladdin, Naomi Scott as Jasmine, Will Smith as Genie

    She is british, her mother is of indian "Descent" that doesnt make her indian, anyhow disney is already being criticized for casting her
  2. Manama

    Bill for 'Transgenders, gay, lesbian rights' tabled in Senate

    Both intersex and transgenders deserve rights on this planet. Comparing asking for them to be given their due rights to preaching homosexuality is stupid and pathetic. These "legal experts" can just stay quiet and keep their retarded opinions to themselves. Once this discrimination is made clear...
  3. Manama

    Disney struggling to find an actor to play Aladdin in its live-action remake

    Tfw they say indian and gulf arabs look alike lmfao
  4. Manama

    Disney struggling to find an actor to play Aladdin in its live-action remake

    Don't make an Indian play Jasmine for the love of God, they ruined Jasmine enough by turning her Arabian from Iranian and giving her a look that looks African.
  5. Manama

    PEMRA has imposed a fine on children's channel Nickelodeon

    Lmao i don't know a single authentic scholar who thinks that. idk where you get your interpretations from, meh
  6. Manama

    PEMRA has imposed a fine on children's channel Nickelodeon

    None of these ayah are for covering faces. Don't make it something it isn't lol. Desert storm is the worst explanation or excuse anyone can come up with tbh.
  7. Manama

    PEMRA has imposed a fine on children's channel Nickelodeon

    Brah I am Saudi, pls stop with the western propaganda bs. Covering faces wasn't their culture because it was done by the prostitutes and dancers, not by the common womenfolk even though premartial intercourse was common. Niqab is again not part of islam nor was it started by the Surah. Also...
  8. Manama

    PEMRA has imposed a fine on children's channel Nickelodeon

    Covering faces has nothing to do with islam, in old times covering faces in arabia was either for fighters or for prostitutes and belly dances because it gave a sense of erotica as well as make it easier for them to roam around. This goes way back to the era of kings and pharoahs. That ayah of...
  9. Manama

    Your Fav Anime!

    Generic harem that went downhill with the second season
  10. Manama

    What is one thing you want to change about Pakistan ?

    The mentality of its people tbh
  11. Manama

    Overpopulation: a curse over a curse

    Nope, there is a reason pro choice has more support than pro life. Even tho im pro life, going full pro life that just because the egg and sperm have fused now its murder. nah thats dumb and cruel
  12. Manama

    How gcc arabs view us

    I don't even care about Europe, i'm talking about KSA and my own experiences. When someone robs someone else or commits any other crime, we don't sit there and think about what would his life have been or what might have led to that. He is a criminal, we want him arrested
  13. Manama

    Overpopulation: a curse over a curse

    As long as abortion isn't late term, nobody has the right to declare it murder, i'm pro life but life isn't all sunshine. Foster homes are always exploited, it will become a business, an ugly one at that.
  14. Manama

    A Curse

    Lmfao did you wife run away with a hotter man or something?
  15. Manama

    How gcc arabs view us

    They do its just that they take all in the same category saying "third world".
  16. Manama

    A Curse

    What else are we supposed to derive from this thread, except that you are insecure? lol
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