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  1. Beno

    UAE and Egypt negotiating surrender in Libya to Turkey

    Isn't a no-fly zone worse for Turkey since the Saudis and UAE can just bring in more troops by land from Egypt? Right now you're taking out their airbases so their aircrafts are less of an issue and you are bringing in more and more drones which can bomb any troop movement Haftar makes.
  2. Beno

    Turkey plans for record-breaking day in tree planting

    Actually Turkey has done a great job at reforestation. http://news.trust.org/item/20151018075229-vswea/ Here's a quote from the article It seems like planting trees help and that the trees are taken care of after they're planted.
  3. Beno

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    Is there any place you can see combat footage?
  4. Beno

    Greek Affairs & Military Procurements

    Does anybody have an English translation of this?
  5. Beno

    Turkish Economy - News & Updates

    Where can I buy Turkish-made goods online?
  6. Beno

    Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

    It seems like you don't have the technology to build a tank from scratch. You still need an engine for example. In the meantime upgrading older tanks to offer better protection for your troops is a good stopgap.
  7. Beno

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    This image was linked here; Can somebody translate it?
  8. Beno

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    Can somebody translate the one about Bosnia?
  9. Beno

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Does anybody have the twitter image of a Turkish/FSA soldier standing on a PKK flag in Afrin?
  10. Beno

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    I can't see the video, was it deleted?
  11. Beno

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    YPG using weapons given to them by Iran against Turkish forces in Afrin.
  12. Beno

    Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

    I think that's the wrong way of seeing this. By buying an Ukrainian engine instead of a German one Turkey is still importing instead of developing and producing on its own engine.
  13. Beno

    Turkish commander accuses US of sabotage

    I've noticed that too, all their reporting on Turkey is dwelling into conspiracy theories. "The Turkish economy is growing" - BUT IT'S FAKE!!!/UNSUSTAINABLE!! "The Turkish defense industry is developing more and more advanced weapons" - THEY SHOULD JUST IMPORT WEAPONS!! "The Turkish army...
  14. Beno

    T-625 & Turkish Utility Helicopter Programs

    I understand you being skeptical of wherever or not Turkey will be able to complete these defense projects but in all honesty they seem to have a pretty decent track record. I'll list some defense projects from the recent years and show if they have been delayed or completed. Umtas anti-tank...
  15. Beno

    Turkish Economy - News & Updates

    Economic growth in Turkey to exceed 6% in 2017 and is expected to be between 4.5-5% in 2018 and 2019. http://www.oecd.org/economy/turkey-economic-forecast-summary.htm The number of tourists have increased with 28% compared to the previous year. A total of 29 million tourists have visited...
  16. Beno

    Military and Strategic Implications of Fallout with NATO

    Why would Turkey get any technology transfers? The S-400 won't give Turkey any so why would Russia start giving Turkey any now? The only countries that have been willing to give technology to Turkey have been Western countries (Italy gave technology for the T-129, the US gave technology for the...
  17. Beno

    SIG 516 Patrol Rifles in Service with Turkish Special Police Teams

    Yet again Turkey imports weapons instead of using it's own industries. Why develop the MPT-55 if you're never going to use it?
  18. Beno

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    I looked into their site and I didn't find any terrorist support there. In fact I found articles that defended Turkey Here's an article where teyit debunks a conspiracy theory that turkey steals Syrians organs...
  19. Beno

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Where do they get those remote controlled weapon systems that they have on the roof?
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