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    Trump calls for Muslims to be temporarily denied entry to US

    Did the chickenshit leaders of Muslim countries even react to Trump's comments? You know something along the lines of, "If he's elected, our relationship w/the US would become complicated and we would have to re-evaluate our position". Nope of course not, because they're corrupt and weak. They...
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    Trump calls for Muslims to be temporarily denied entry to US

    The US is already pretty much anti-Muslim but not because of what Muslims have done but rather media and carefully crafted political hysteria that feeds on itself. Muslims in the US constitute less than 1% of the population so it makes them a very easy target and vulnerable group ripe for...
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    Trump wants to chip all Muslims with special ID noting their religion

    Those Americans are goaded into believing every Mexican is an illegal and every Muslim is a terrorist thanks to Trumps campaign rhetoric which is parroted by media outlets like Fox News, Rush Limbaugh etc. The idea of a wall being built to isolate the US from Canada and Mexico is so insanely...
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    Trump wants to chip all Muslims with special ID noting their religion

    There's nothing wrong with deporting illegals but what results from the policy that Trump is endorsing is racial profiling of Mexicans and others, even those that are legal. This happens quite a bit near the Arizona/Texas borders and I personally know educated Mexican Americans that were the...
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    Trump wants to chip all Muslims with special ID noting their religion

    Pot calling the kettle black? Or is Modi's India some beacon of tolerance?
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    The 13th russia_turkey war?It is time to take back Constantinopolis?

    Russia has been carrying out attacks largely against FSA and other non-ISIS targets to prop up Assad. The US, being mindful of civilian casualties, has been forced to take a very restrained approach in bombing ISIS targets. Going by the sheer number of planes, the US has committed well over 130+...
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    Vladimir Putin slams Turkey for shooting down Russian warplane near Syrian border

    Russia isn't a superpower and hasn't been for a long long time. They have a lot of nuclear weapons and..well that's really about it. If Russia went full retard and used nuclear weapons, it would also result in retaliation that would end them as well. In a conventional war in Turkey's backyard...
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    Dutch Parliament Member: We Must Close All Mosques & Ban Islam

    Realistically those Muslims in Europe will just keep growing, they aren't going anywhere despite what the right wingers in Europe may desire. The best course of action would be to try to indoctrinate those Muslims into the European way of life and mindset and I think that's really the crux of...
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    Abid Naseer, Pakistani Man, Sentenced in U.S. to 40 Years for al Qaeda Plot

    If there's ample proof that he's guilty, toss him in a dark hole forever.
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    Vladimir Putin slams Turkey for shooting down Russian warplane near Syrian border

    Coming from a pro-communist Chinese poster, I'll take that as a cue that I'm right. ;)
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    The 13th russia_turkey war?It is time to take back Constantinopolis?

    LOL, yeah right. Turkey isn't a pushover and most importantly it's a NATO member that has heavy US backing. That's why Putin is keeping quiet, he knows better than to make the situation worse. Fortunately, his bluster isn't getting the best of him this time. Not to mention that Russia has no...
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    The Time of the Kurds to get independence

    Why are Chinese so against Turkey? Is it because of their support of Uighurs? In that case, China should instead stop suppressing it's Uighur citizens by populating their land with Han Chinese and making them second class citizens. The smarter approach would be to create jobs there and integrate...
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    Vladimir Putin slams Turkey for shooting down Russian warplane near Syrian border

    If you think Turkey shot this plane down without the US's blessing, you are incredibly naive. Turkey doesn't have the freedom to move an inch without first consulting the United States and they had tacit approval to carry out their actions. I think Russia should be more mindful of borders and...
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    The Time of the Kurds to get independence

    From your mouth to God's ears my friend. Unfortunately, Muslims are too busy killing each other.
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    Major Indian cities put on high alert following intelligence inputs about strike by al Qaeda: Report

    Pakistan is doing what is in it's best interest, getting rid of terrorists (foreign and domestic) that threatens it. If some of those terrorists happen to be homegrown, so be it, they will have to die or give up their ways. As a major non-NATO ally, Pakistan is obligated to weed out terrorists...
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    First of all, I don't "claim" to be American, I am one. Do you think that being an American somehow automatically forces me to endorse anything Israel does? We aren't all sheep, sorry to disappoint you and even our current president has called your country out on it's bullshit--much to your...
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    Major Indian cities put on high alert following intelligence inputs about strike by al Qaeda: Report

    So in another words you agree with me because yes, Pakistan did lose Bangladesh due to a civil war. Similarly India will fall apart if a civil war breaks out because all your major cities will be burned to the ground, foreign companies will pull out all their investments and it will be bye bye...
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    Poll: What to do about the civilian oil tankers drivers who buy oil from ISIS?

    I vote for option 4: Send in a UN peace keeping force, defeat ISIS on the ground and take over the oil facilities. That will strangle ISIS financially and people will leave them in droves. Then send spec ops after their leadership, capture them and torture them for all the info they got and then...
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    Major Indian cities put on high alert following intelligence inputs about strike by al Qaeda: Report

    I personally think Modi and his BJP/Shiv Sena Hindus should go all out and declare India a Hindu nation and outlaw other religions or designate them as a third class. I mean that's really what these Hindus want and it will finally be the catalyst that breaks India apart. This is really a long...
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