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    Talks minus Kashmir with India not acceptable to Pakistan: Sartaj Aziz

    you are free to die but kashmir is and will remain integral part of India.
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    India-China rivalry

    then call both are enemy of each other. whatever suits you.
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    Hardest place to visit- Sentinel Island (India)

    you are always welcome my fellow Indian socialist.:D very much interested in your socialism
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    Hardest place to visit- Sentinel Island (India)

    they are Indians same as you,me,@jamahir and @mujhaidind :D
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    Attacker stabs two soldiers outside Jewish community center in Nice, France

    Buddha lived and taught in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent sometime between the 600 and 400 BCE and IVC period was 3300–1300 BCE. so how Buddhist relics can be found in IVC? IVC existed before Buddhism was born. there are many IVC sites found in modern day India. It is our common...
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    Uighurs flee China for Turkey in search of peace

    i dont live in delusions. so can you enlighten me why they are propagating lies??
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    Uighurs flee China for Turkey in search of peace

    by your logic western media always propagate lies about china???
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    Attacker stabs two soldiers outside Jewish community center in Nice, France

    dont bring India in to this. you have nothing to do with us or our history.
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    Slaughtered for their entertainment: Crowds gather to watch the barbaric murder of Jordanian pilot o

    what happened to these people? how they became so evil??? all nations should unite to destroy this evil mentality.
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    French authorities take muslim children away from parents over “jihad suspicions”

    totally agree. France must do whatever is necessary to deal with extremism.
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    Talks minus Kashmir with India not acceptable to Pakistan: Sartaj Aziz

    their fate is already decided mate. Kashmir is integral part of India. nothing can change that. and forget about plebiscite its never gonna happen. so its best for Kashmir people to live with India. or they can migrate to Pakistan we have no problem with that.
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    $1 billion civil, military aid for Pakistan

    congratulations to Pakistan for getting more aid :yahoo:
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    Jordan Pilot Burned Alive By ISIS

    these b@sterds are not humans. no need to treat them like humans.Jordan should just burn them alive.
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    Jordan Pilot Burned Alive By ISIS

    RIP Jordan must keep its word and kill all ISIS prisoners.
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    Zaid Hamid Banned To Interact With Armed Forces

    he is such great man Pakistan can ever have and he is getting banned. very bad.
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    Woman converted to |slam stabbed her Muslm boyfriend todeath after row about wearin tights n shorts

    poor woman got so oppressed that she committed crime. i am sure her boyfriend did not left her any other way out.:(
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    67th Independence Day of Sri Lanka

    Happy Independence Day
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