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  1. 2

    Reliance on China to Hurt Pakistan in Future

    i was so sad when i heared some pakistan friend said"China is not good with Muslims" , i dont know why some paksitan friends also so believe to what some western media's report like BBC,CNN. they just want to make mischief on the issue of chinese national relation. some western country try to...
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    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    the western media never change their bias to china, like "The leopard cannot change his spots" or "A fox may turn gray,but never kind"
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    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    the bad is that , very little indian can speak chinese, and very little chinese can speak english, china have more than 3.4 hundreds million Netizens and the Broadband user have reach 1 hundreds million . but no indian visit chinese internect and disscuss with chinese Netizens!
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    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    hi dear fateh71. i need to show my best respect for you ,'cause you are the very few rational and without bias indian in this forum ! i think in the western democracy country's eye. china=communism=evilness . any news from china are control by goverment, any news from china are deserved...
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    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    hi BSF! keep on your trick and performance! i think you are the only one who i think the most cheeky indian in this forum! it's waste my slobber to argure with you!
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    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    i forgive you for your ignorance and bias to china! do you really know china?? how many news you get from china? fromBBC.CNN, do you know how many indian reporter in china? only 1 since 2008, anyway ,i hope indian can send more their reporter to china to provide a real china to indian...
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    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    i just want to ask indian friends in this forum! do you all believe western media like BBC,CNN ? but ,there are so many difference report between indian local media and western media , sometimes the western media get a completely different contrary,bias,twisted report compare to indian media...
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    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    man! please dont be so satiric, i can understand your doubt about the fact that chinese goverment give more right to the Uigur than the han chinese. because chinese is a multiracial nation (56 nation) but han nation chinese is the main part of the population , so ,in order to maintain the stable...
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    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    i have to emphasize that, those mob are just a very small part of Uigur. many of country have the separatist force , Britain, Russia, and indian have! some small part of the Uigur want to build a so called muslem country! but those Uigur are not representative the whole muslem Uigur in china!!
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    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    hi jako , some muslem original from Urumchi(Sinkiang) want to split china ,to build a muslem country in Urumchi(Sinkiang) . those wire-puller collude foreign players to machinate the riot in Urumchi(Sinkiang)!!
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    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    sorry , i know it's no good to said any Abusive language here, but what your words are the defiance and lampoon!!
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